
Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

author:User: Yes

Relax and smile to relieve a thousand sorrows, and never forget the moment of history. "Follow and like", thank you for your support

Dear readers, when you are amused by the funny joke above, you might as well stop for a moment and walk into the history of old photos together

(01) This plot can be made directly into a movie.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(02) When you sleep, there is a breathing sound next to you, is it the patron saint in your dreams?

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(03) If it were me, I guess I would be scared into a sculpture directly.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(04) Hahahahahahahahaha

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(05) It's so terrifying that even ghosts are afraid.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(06) What a coincidence!

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(07) That's it, it's not that we're not thin enough!It's that he's too thin a dog, don't be PUA!

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(08) Haircuts are indeed the daily needs of ordinary people!

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(09) The most important thing is to dress comfortably and appropriately.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(10) At least it hasn't gone downhill, and the upside is very high [covering face]

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(11) I think that those who have money in the family may fall into the middle of the family. Capable genetics are strong, and children benefit

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(12) Indeed, those who are strong in ability are at least born out of their own struggle

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(13) The strongest sense of ritual in this series hahahahahaha

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(14) Little sister is here to wish everyone a happy day and a lot of money every day!

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(15) Maybe your boyfriend is a knife mouth tofu heart, saying it with his mouth, but he still cares about you in his heart.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(16) Are you hungry?

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(17) This is really a fact, foreign companies respect workers more.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(18) A search of the web page is full of templates

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(19) Close to Guangzhou, the economic wind direction is faster than other regions, and there are more opportunities for themselves, so they have a great chance of success at the forefront of the trend of the times.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(20) Is this the sorrow of a middle-aged man?

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(21) This is probably the old father's hope that his daughter will become a phoenix

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(22) Find out what is the difference between these two pictures

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(23) You're so good, children only make choices, and adults have to do it

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(24) Sixteen years old ?!! you helped with the bath?!

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(25) I really think that an authentic Beijinger occupies the vast majority of the advantages.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(26) So it's really difficult, after work, you still have to find a good company, as soon as the boss runs away, the employee becomes an accomplice and goes bankrupt

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(27) What a presumptuous [I want to be quiet]

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(28) The world is so big that there are no wonders, and it can only be said that it is a real flower of play

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(29) I'm going to be a bean, Tsinghua doesn't want to go to any of these, so what do you want to go on [petrochemical] [petrochemical] [petrochemical] [petrochemical]

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

(30) Drinking alcohol hurts the body, and drinking alcohol should be done in moderation

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Feel the joy of life in funny jokes and taste the charm of history in historical photos. Your likes make history more vivid and interesting

Historical Moment (01): An ancient Vietnamese temple at the end of the 19th century. Figure 1, Qifu Tianhou Temple. Figure 2, details. Figure 3, a small temple of the God of Wealth next to the temple. Figure 4, details. Figure 5, Zhengu has a light archway. Figure 6, look at the words on the archway. Fig. 7, Zhenwu Temple, Fig. 8, Zhenwu Temple details. Figure 9, Temple of Confucius. The style of these buildings resembles the temples of rural Lingnan.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (02): Record old photos: Harbin in the 50s

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (03): Sha Tau Kok in October 1949.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (04): Qingdao, 1947. Naval Officer School of the National Army

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (05): Old Photos: Lin Huiyin's Work Photos

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?
Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (07): Beihai Park under the lens of Xi Renlong in the early 1920s.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (08): Beijing in 1998

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (09): Momoe Yamaguchi under the lens of Norinobu Sasayama

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (10): Beijing in 1978

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (11): In 1938, the invading Japanese army occupied Nanjing. The man with the label on his chest in the last picture is a prisoner of war of the national army?

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (12): A palace maid in the late Qing Dynasty took a photo on the side.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (13): Workers' Paintings in the 70s

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (14): This photograph is quite fascinating, with two fireworks women in the picture, one dressed in black like ink, and the other in white and snow, forming a stark contrast. They were graceful and smiling, as if they were immersed in some kind of intimate and pleasant atmosphere.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (15): In May 1928, the Jinan Incident under the lens of the Japanese invasion of China. Figure 9, the propaganda slogan of the national army during the Jinan incident: Hit the Japanese imperialism that invaded China. The inscription is: the 3rd Regiment of the 14th Division of the Ninth Army.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (16): Harbin through the lens of a Japanese photographer in 1986

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moments (17): This is a question for examining eyes, there are so many circles, it is dazzling to see, how many circles have you found?!!!!

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?
Have you ever experienced a strange incident?

Historical Moment (19): During the war of aggression against China launched by Japan, the Chinese in the propaganda posters published by the Japanese were all helpless children "covered" by Japanese soldiers.

Have you ever experienced a strange incident?
Have you ever experienced a strange incident?