
When you fall asleep, you will step on the air and suddenly wake up? It is not a lack of calcium, but there may be 3 reasons

author:Yang Quanyan

Have you ever had a night when you were immersed in a sweet sleep and suddenly felt like you were falling from a height and then jumping out of bed? This sudden muscle twitch, though brief, is enough to wake you up from a deep sleep.

When you fall asleep, you will step on the air and suddenly wake up? It is not a lack of calcium, but there may be 3 reasons

Aunt Li had such an experience. She is a retired teacher in her seventies, in good health, but she often experiences sleep startles at night. At first, she didn't think it was an occasional sleep disturbance. But as time went on, it became more frequent and even began to affect the quality of her sleep. This made Aunt Li start to worry, and she began to think about the possible reasons behind this and seek a solution. Through conversations with doctors and her own research, she gradually learned that sleep startles are not caused by a single factor, but are the result of a combination of factors.

The main trigger for sleep startles

Excessive fatigue: the invisible "disturber" of the night

After a busy day, people usually expect to have a good rest. However, excessive fatigue can be a major trigger for sleep startles. In a state of fatigue, the brain tries to turn off the hypervigilance during the day, but this process does not always go smoothly. When the brain repeatedly jumps sideways between relaxing and staying alert, it can trigger a sudden muscle twitch, which can lead to sleep startles. This is fully reflected in Aunt Li, who is more likely to experience this sudden awakening situation after a busy day.

Evening Stimulation: The Potential Effects of Caffeine and Nicotine

Many people have a habit of drinking tea or coffee before bed, and although these drinks can refresh the mind during the day, the caffeine they contain is a powerful stimulant that significantly delays the time it takes for the brain to fall asleep. Similarly, nicotine is a stimulant that not only interferes with the process of falling asleep but may also increase the risk of sleep startles. After removing these evening stimuli, Auntie Li noticed a significant improvement in her sleep startles.

Exercise timing: Don't be overactive before bedtime

Exercise is good for your health, but it's probably not a good idea to do high-intensity exercise right before bed. High-intensity activity increases adrenaline levels in the body, causing the central nervous system to be in a state of excitement, in which it is difficult to quickly fall into a peaceful sleep. Experts recommend doing relaxing activities such as yoga or easy walking before bed to help the body and brain transition smoothly to sleep.

How to deal effectively with sleep startles: strategies and practical advice

Sleep startles, a phenomenon of sudden awakening during the night, can be confusing and bothersome for many people. Although this is a common and often harmless physiological phenomenon, understanding how to reduce its occurrence can significantly improve sleep quality.

When you fall asleep, you will step on the air and suddenly wake up? It is not a lack of calcium, but there may be 3 reasons

Regular sleep patterns

Establishing a regular sleep schedule is essential for maintaining the brain and body's internal clock. Make sure to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This habit helps stabilize your body clock and reduces the chance of sleep disruptions.

Decompress before bedtime

Stress is a common contributor to sleep startles. Implementing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help the brain and body relax before bed. These strategies are able to reduce psychological tension before sleep and help relieve an overexcited nervous system.

Adjust your bedtime routine

Avoid consuming irritants such as caffeine and nicotine for at least six hours before bedtime. In addition, limit high-sugar foods and heavy meals in the evening, which may interfere with sleep. Avoid electronic devices, such as smartphones and televisions, within an hour of bedtime if possible, as the blue light emitted by them may inhibit the production of melatonin, a key hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

Optimize your sleeping environment

Make sure the bedroom is an environment that promotes sleep. This means using comfortable mattresses and pillows, and maintaining the right temperature, humidity and light. Noise reduction is also necessary, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine.

When to seek medical professional help: Know the warning signs

While occasional sleep startles usually don't require medical intervention, in some cases, they can be a sign of a more serious health problem.

When you fall asleep, you will step on the air and suddenly wake up? It is not a lack of calcium, but there may be 3 reasons

Frequent and severe convulsions

If you experience very frequent sleep startles, almost every night, or strong enough to fall out of bed, this could be a sign to seek professional medical advice. Frequent sleep startles can affect sleep quality, leading to daytime fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

Concomitant sleep disturbances

Sleep startles should be considered for further diagnosis if they are accompanied by other sleep problems such as persistent insomnia, nocturnal apnea, or abnormal behaviors such as sleepwalking. These symptoms may indicate an underlying sleep disorder that requires professional treatment.

Ongoing impact

If sleep startles have a significant negative impact on your quality of life, such as affecting work performance or daytime activities, this is also an important factor in considering seeking professional advice.

When you fall asleep, you will step on the air and suddenly wake up? It is not a lack of calcium, but there may be 3 reasons

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