
Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

author:Tanito Japan

Tips: This content contains a large number of mask pictures, puppet mask PTSD patients please be cautious about slipping. Interested friends insist on reading it, I believe you will definitely gain something.

【Broken Thoughts TIME】

Yesterday I finally finished writing the content of the "Sui Envoy" that has been in the pigeon,

The story of the Sui envoy ended with the successful return of ono's second mission to the Sui Dynasty.

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

It is also considered that the first and second articles have been published in its entirety, and this theme can be thrown into the cabinet to eat ashes from now on.

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)



I believe that the small partners who are interested in Japanese culture will certainly not feel strange to this thing,

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

Yes, that's right, this is Prajnaparamita.

A kind of ghost in Japanese legend, it is said that it is an evil spirit formed by the strong jealousy and resentment of women.

The picture above is the image of Prajnaparamita in Noh.

Hannya mask is a performance element in the traditional Japanese art of noh drama, symbolizing a jealous and fierce female youkai.

There are generally three theories about the origin of the Prajnaparamita mask:

1. It is made by the famous craftsman Ban Ruofang, hence the name.

Legend has it that Banwaka-bun was a noh noodle master from the late 15th to the 16th centuries of the Muromachi period.

He is a monk of Nara PrajnaParamita Temple,

According to the Masquerade Spectrum, he was one of the eight ancient masquerade makers, and it is believed that he was the one who originally made the mask.

2. From The Tale of Genji.

Hikari's wife, Aoi (Aoi-hime), is pregnant,

One day, he traveled by ox cart to participate in the Kaga Shigeru Festival, and got into a dispute with the lover of the Hikari clan, Rokujō Gosho (Rokujō Concubine),

After that, the latter's beings came out of the woods to entangle Aoi, and in order to cure the resentful spirits, Aoi recited the Prajnaparamita Sutra and practiced the Imperial Cultivation Method.

However, after giving birth to a son on top of Aoi, he was attacked and killed by the beings of the Six Imperial Breaths.

Rokujō Washoku then separated from Genji and headed for Ise.

Prajnaparamita hence the name for the use of Prajnaparamita to cure jealousy and resentment.

3. To make this kind of mask, it requires the mask maker to have wisdom, open people's eyes, and face real things, and this wisdom is called "Prajnaparamita" in Buddhism.

But either way, it reflects that the "Prajnaparamita" in Noh is related to Buddhist culture

The Prajnaparamita Ghost Girl originated from the Japanese snake belief,

And the so-called Prajnaparamita is actually a stage of the change of the snake woman,

Derived from the generation change, it is called Zhongcheng,

Female spirits will gradually change due to jealousy and hatred, and eventually become snakes, or even real snakes.

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

The earliest japanese record of the legend of the snake girl can be traced back to the "Azuma Mirror",

It speaks of the illness of the girl in hojo Masamura in the first year of Bunying, which was due to the work of the daughter of the Biki Neng,

Legend has it that the daughter of Masamura Hojo gradually changed into a snake shape and gave birth to a pair of horns, which is the earliest record of snake women such as the true snake and the snake girl in Japan.

In The Japanese Noh drama, "Ban ruo" appears in the second part of "Aoi Shang", "Dorinji Temple", "Kurozuka", and "Momiba Hunting".

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)



Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

The so-called "Noh" is a general term for "style sanban", "noh" (classical song and dance drama), and "kyogen" (classical burlesque, a kind of short drama performed during the intermission of "noh", which is different from the current "kyogen", often called "honjo kyogen").

All three performances are traditional dramas performed by noh musicians (noh actors, kyogen actors, and musicians).

However, there are differences according to the opera, theatrical techniques and the actors.

The broad sense of "energy" and "noh" are connected;

In a narrow sense, it refers to "style three times" and "energy".

Since the Middle Ages, it has long been known as "Ape Music", "Shen Le", "Ape (Shen) Music Energy",

However, after changing its name to "Noh" in the Meiji era, Noh became a general term.

Noh, also known as "Noh", has its origins dating back to the Nara period and is a theatrical form with a long history and culture in Japan.

Noh includes "can" and "kyogen",

The two often perform on the same stage at the same time, and develop together, inseparable,

But they are very different in many ways.

The former is a masquerade tragedy with a very religious meaning, and the latter is a very secular comical comedy.

In fact, Noh was a very late name, from the middle of the Heian period (782-1185) to the Edo period (1603-1868),

This kind of art has always been called "ape music" or "ape music energy".

Moreover, with the Northern and Southern Dynasties of Japan as the boundary, the appearance of early ape music and late ape music is very different,

Therefore, today's Japanese academic circles call the former "ancient ape music" and the latter "Noh".

Noh is a mask consisting of a "ballad" equivalent to a song and a performance and dance called a "type" that accompanies it.

Noh originated from ape music during the Heian Dynasty, and in the Kamakura period, it was accompanied by music and song and dance to form the prototype of Noh.

During the Muromachi period, the Kan Ami and Se-Ami fathers and sons pushed Noh to the pinnacle and developed many forms unique to Noh.

Today, Noh is divided into five genres, including Kanseki Stream and Hosei Stream.

Although the genres are different and the art styles are different, what Noh has in common is the dialogue between people and ghosts.

Girls who are trapped by love and depressed, young women who are cursed to become snakes, undead spirits who sacrifice their lives in war, and many ghost gods such as lion gods and chrysanthemum gods are the protagonists of Noh.

Therefore, Noh is also known as the "art of the mysterious".

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

Early Noh music was performed outdoors, and it was not until Meiji 14 that there was an indoor Noh hall.

But musicians are most admired for performing outdoors.

They believe that the moonlight, birdsong, insects and the sound of the wind all add a flexible atmosphere to Noh.

Especially for the "mysterious art", nature is the best stage.

If indoors, the actor can't turn his sleeves to arrange the streamers, and outdoors, the skirt is the wind, and he has a sense of ethereality.

Noh performances are divided into two types: face-to-face (without a mask) and masks.

Usually only the protagonist wears a mask.

Noh noodles are carved from hinoki wood and are not available in the market, and some are even 500 or 600 years old.

The unique thing about Noh is that there are "two diametrically opposed expressions of sadness and smile",

The combination of tragedy and joy expands the performance space of nomarets.

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

Noh musicians are the soul of Noh and enjoy a high status in Japan.

There are five major schools of noh, namely Kanseki, Jinchun, Poson, Vajra, and Kita.

Noh dramas are based on a wide range of sources, including folklore, The Tale of Genji and Chinese historical stories.

The plays that belong to the theme of Chinese history include "Bai Lotte", "Dongfang Shuo", "Yang Guifei", "Xiang Yu" and so on.

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

Unconsciously, i have said a lot, as a foreshadowing of the next issue,

In the next issue, Kotani will introduce the classification of noh noodles in the drama,

Do different energy surfaces have different meanings?

Unorthodox Art Miscellaneous Talk ll Noh Drama and Noh Noodles (Issue 1)

Well, that's it for this issue

For more content, please look forward to the next episode of yo~

I am Kotani, if you like us, please collect and like a wave of attention