
The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension


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I'm Wang Xiaoning, and I come from an ordinary Chinese family. At home there are my dad, mom and my lovely daughter Xiaolan, as well as my husband Xiaojie. We live in a neighborhood that is not too big but also considerably comfortable. The neighbors in the community say that I am a filial daughter-in-law, because I have always respected my in-laws and tried to meet their requirements.

Once upon a time, I thought it was going to go on like this, but one autumn two years ago, everything changed.

That day, I was about to prepare dinner for my daughter Xiaolan when suddenly the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, I saw my in-laws' anxious expressions. I asked in surprise, "Father and Mom, what's wrong with you, is something wrong?" My father-in-law said with a heavy face: "Xiao Ning, our family's old house is going to be expropriated, and the government is going to demolish it." When I heard the news, my heart suddenly sank. I know that although the old house of my in-laws' family is a little dilapidated, this is the belongings they have worked hard to save for decades!

"So what are we going to do?" I couldn't help but ask. The in-laws were silent for a while, and then said publicly: "The government gave us 700,000 yuan in compensation, but this money is still not enough for us. We want to borrow some money to build a simple house first, and then pay you back when the demolition money is in hand. "I felt nervous after hearing this, because I knew that Xiaojie's combined savings and I were less than 700,000 yuan. I wanted to help them as much as I could, but I couldn't put all my family savings out.

The worries of my in-laws also made me feel stressed, they are not young anymore, if they don't have a place to live, what will they do? I looked at the anxious expressions on my in-laws' faces, and my heart felt distressed. I knew I had to find a solution as soon as possible so that they didn't get into trouble. However, I can't easily agree to borrow money, after all, my life with Xiaojie and Xiaolan also has to be considered.

"Mom, Dad, I'll try to help you as much as I can. I comforted them gently. Although the in-laws looked a little disappointed, they still expressed their gratitude. I know that this demolition may be a challenge for our family, but I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to get through it.

After a few days, Xiaojie and I discussed it and decided to take my in-laws to our house for a while. Although the home is not very spacious, it is better than having nowhere to go. I called my in-laws to tell them about our decision, and they were very moved and thanked them again and again.

The next day, the in-laws came, with a couple of suitcases and a heart full of gratitude. Xiaojie and I were busy packing up the guest room and arranging everything for their daily life. My in-laws looked at our busy figures, and their eyes were full of emotion: "Xiao Ning, Xiao Jie, you are so filial, we have a guarantee in this life." "Xiaojie and I listened, and our hearts were warm, although we are not rich, but we can do something for our family, which is also a kind of happiness.

After my in-laws moved in, our lives became very lively. Every night, our family sat around the dinner table, chatting and laughing. The in-laws always tell Xiaolan some interesting stories when she was a child, and Xiaolan listens to them with relish and laughs from time to time. Xiaojie and I also watch TV with our in-laws, or take a walk to the park in the neighborhood to chat. Although life is a bit crowded, we are full of happiness and warmth.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

However, in the first month of my in-laws' move-in, I suddenly noticed that something was wrong with my in-laws' faces. When I asked them what was wrong, my father-in-law replied, "It's nothing, maybe it's the same old mistake again." "I was a little uneasy, but I didn't want to ask too much. After all, they are old and it is normal for them to have physical health problems.

However, the physical condition of the in-laws is getting worse and worse. My father-in-law often felt dizzy and walked unsteadily, while my mother-in-law always coughed incessantly and sometimes suffered from painful insomnia at night. Xiaojie and I were very worried when we saw this, and decided to take them to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. Although the in-laws were a little reluctant, they agreed.

After the results of the examination at the hospital came out, Xiaojie and I were stunned. My father-in-law suffered from high blood pressure and mild cerebral infarction, while my mother-in-law suffered from severe bronchitis. The doctor told us that my in-laws' condition was already serious and needed long-term treatment and care. Hearing this news, Xiaojie and I felt heavy, because we knew that this was a lot of medical expenses.

Back at home, Xiaojie and I sat on the sofa and thought silently. My in-laws' medical expenses are very expensive, and we don't have many savings, so what should we do? Suddenly, I remembered the demolition money that my in-laws had mentioned. Perhaps, now is the time to use this money. However, I also know that the character of my in-laws, they will never agree to use this money to pay for medical bills. But there was no other way.

"Xiaojie, what do you think we should do?" I asked softly. Xiaojie pondered for a moment, and then said, "Maybe we should try again and see if we can convince our in-laws to use the demolition money to pay for the medical bills." I nodded, knowing in my heart that this was our only hope.

So, the next morning, Xiaojie and I decided to talk to my in-laws again. We found the right time to call them to the living room and sit down.

"Mom, Dad, we want to discuss something with you. I got straight to the point. My in-laws looked at us curiously and nodded for us to continue.

I cleared my throat and said, "Mom, Dad, we know that you are not in good health, and the doctor said that you need long-term treatment and care. And this requires a significant amount of medical expenses. We have limited deposits and can't afford such high fees. So we want to use the demolition money to pay for the medical bills, so that you don't have to worry about the medical bills. ”

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

After hearing this, the in-laws showed hesitation and worry on their faces. My father-in-law frowned and said, "Children, this is not good, the demolition money is our pension, and we can't use it for medical expenses." The mother-in-law also shook her head again and again: "Yes, children, this money is what we left to you, you should use it to live your own life, don't worry about us." ”

Seeing this, Xiaojie and I were a little anxious, but it was not good to force it again. After all, the concept of in-laws is very traditional, and they have always believed that children should not spend their own money for their own affairs. However, Xiaojie and I also know that if we don't get treatment as soon as possible, my in-laws' condition may become more and more serious, and even life-threatening.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

I pondered for a while, and suddenly an idea came to mind: "Dad, Mom, in fact, we are doing this for your own good." Your health is more important to us than anything else. If something happens to your body, how can we rest assured?" I said in a sincere tone.

After hearing this, the in-laws were silent for a while, and then the father-in-law sighed long: "Xiao Ning, Xiao Jie, you are so filial, we are so happy to have a child like you." "There were tears in his eyes, and I knew that they knew in their hearts that we were suffering. Eventually, my in-laws agreed to our proposal and agreed to use the money to pay for medical bills.

Xiaojie and I breathed a sigh of relief and were grateful. Although the negotiations were not easy, they were ultimately successful. I know that although there is still a long way to go for my in-laws' illness, with the support of the demolition money, at least we don't have to worry about medical expenses. Xiaojie and I decided to do our best to help my in-laws through this difficult time.

With the support of the demolition money, the in-laws' medical expenses were paid and they began long-term treatment and care. Xiaojie and I often accompany them to the hospital to provide them with psychological support. Although the condition of the in-laws did not improve overnight, their mental state gradually improved a lot.

During this time, I found that my in-laws became more and more dependent on us, they began to get used to living at home and gradually lost the desire to go out. I sometimes worry about their bodies and wish they could get out and walk more and get some fresh air. But the in-laws always smiled and shook their heads, saying that the family was good enough and didn't want to go outside.

Xiaojie and I also began to think about the pension of our in-laws. After all, they are not young, and if we have been relying on us, we may not be able to take care of them all the time. So, we decided to discuss with our in-laws to see if they would like to live with us and retire together.

One night, Xiaojie and I told my in-laws about this idea. When they heard this, their faces were delighted. The father-in-law smiled and said, "Children, what are you discussing with us? Of course we are willing to live with you! You are so good to us, how can we be willing to leave?" The mother-in-law also nodded again and again: "Yes, children, we are willing to live with you, so that it is convenient to take care of each other." ”

After Xiaojie and I listened, our hearts were also full of joy. We were worried that our in-laws might have some concerns, but they gladly accepted. In this way, we can live together as a family, take care of each other, and spend our old age together.

In the days that followed, Xiaojie and I began to prepare the environment for my in-laws to care for the elderly at home. We have rearranged the guest rooms and installed some auxiliary features that are commonly used by the elderly, such as armchairs, guardrails, etc. At the same time, we also began to learn about elderly care in order to better take care of the life of our in-laws.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

My in-laws are also very grateful when they see our intentions. They often say to us, "Children, you are so wonderful, how blessed we are to have children like you." Hearing their words, Xiaojie and I also felt warm in our hearts, and felt that all the efforts were worth it.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

With our joint efforts, my in-laws moved into our home and started a retirement life with us. Although the family has become more lively, we are full of happiness and contentment. I know that there may be various difficulties and challenges in the future, but as long as we work together and support each other, we will be able to overcome any difficulties.

My in-laws moved into our house, and our family's life changed a lot. The originally quiet family became lively, and every day was filled with laughter and joy.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

My in-laws had a good time at home, and every morning I would prepare a good breakfast for them, and then sit at the table together and chat. My in-laws often talk about the past when we were young, and we listen to them with relish. Sometimes, I also ask a nanny to help take care of my in-laws' daily life and make their lives more comfortable.

In our family, the in-laws are also well taken care of. Xiaolan would often sing and dance to them, which made them very happy. Xiaojie and I would watch TV, take a walk, and enjoy the happy time with our families.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

Although the in-laws are over the age of six, their mentality is still young. Sometimes, they come up with ideas such as going on a trip or learning some new skills. Xiaojie and I will support their ideas and try to meet their wishes. After all, they have given so much for their families all their lives, and now is the time for them to enjoy life.

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

One night, our family sat around the living room chatting. The in-laws suddenly said, "Children, we want to visit the place where we got married again and miss the good old days." After Xiaojie and I listened, our hearts moved and we immediately expressed our support. After all, the place where the in-laws get married means a lot to them, and we should naturally do our best to fulfill their wishes.

So, we arranged a trip and took our in-laws to the town where they got married. It's still beautiful, as if time has stood still there. The in-laws walked around the town, recalling the bits and pieces of the year, with happy smiles on their faces.

On the way home, my in-laws suddenly said to me and Xiaojie: "Children, we have decided to give you a part of the demolition money to express our gratitude to you. After all, we wouldn't know what we would have done without your help and support. After Xiaojie and I listened, we hurriedly waved our hands and said, "Dad, Mom, you don't have to be like this, we just did a little filial piety, and your health is the most important thing." The in-laws shook their heads with a smile and said, "Children, don't refuse our wishes, we don't need much money, and it is a little bit of heart to leave to you." ”

The in-laws paid 700,000 yuan for demolition, and the granddaughter refused to borrow money for treatment, and after 2 years, she was rejected to ask for the same pension

When Xiaojie and I saw my in-laws say this, we no longer insisted, and could only take their hearts, and our hearts were warm, knowing that this was the love and care of our in-laws. After returning home, Xiaojie and I saved the money into our children's education fund, hoping to provide her with more security for her future.

It's been a while since my in-laws moved to our house, and our family is getting happier and happier together. Although there will still be various difficulties and challenges in life, as long as we unite and support each other, I believe we will be able to survive any storm.

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