
Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

author:The sky is high and the earth is wide, and I want to see it

In this spring season, enjoy the beautiful scenery of heavy snow!

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

Yesterday it rained for a solid day, and my daughter was stuffy at home for a day, looking at the wind and sun outside, thinking about taking her out for a walk today.

After eating, I packed up my daughter's water bottle with warm water, tied up her scooter, and then we set off on an electric car, but unfortunately, I was afraid of what to do, and sure enough, there was no power, I couldn't go far, I could only walk around, there happened to be a courier to pick up, so we went slowly to the direction of the express station.

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

Today, there are a lot of cars on the road, all the way to the bridge when a large piece of "snowflakes" comes from afar, the conditioned reflex is to hurry up, do not want to be stained by this thing, because I am afraid of inhaling into the nose, but also afraid of getting too sensitive to the skin (because the catkins will itch when they get on the body before). But on the way back, there was a scene that made me want to stop and have a good look, the white layer on the surface of the flowing river, and the tall trees by the river were all white, like a snow-making machine, and there were "snowflakes" falling endlessly.

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

What exactly is this "snowflake"? Why doesn't it feel itchy when it gets on it?

The hairs on poplar trees are often referred to as poplar catkins. We need to know that poplars are divided into females and males, and female poplars will produce green fruits after pollination, and when the fruits are ripe, they will crack, and the white tidbits inside will flutter in the wind. This white tidbit contains very small seeds of poplar trees, which may grow when they land in the right environment.

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

Contrary to the female poplar tree, which gives people a headache, the male tree does not bear fruit after flowering, and the flowers are brownish-red, hanging on the tree like "red caterpillars", and these "red caterpillars" are said to be edible and are a rare delicacy. You can make delicious snacks such as steamed poplar flowers, minced poplar flowers, poplar flower buns, etc.

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

The ancients called catkins poplars because in ancient Chinese, the word "willow" specifically referred to willow trees, not poplars and willows in modern Chinese. Therefore, the "poplar flower" in ancient poetry refers to catkins. This name may be confusing due to the fact that catkins are morphologically similar to poplar seeds and bloom at about the same time. But in reality, poplars are not real flowers, but poplar seeds or their white fluff, while catkins are willow seeds or their accompanying white fluff. As for how to distinguish between poplar catkins and catkins, look at the figure ⬇️ below

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.
Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.
Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.
Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

Song Wang Anshi "Qing Ping Le"

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

Spring: refers to poplar flowers.

Two-thirds of the poplar flowers fell among the roadside dusters.

A stream of water: one-third of the poplar flowers float to the surface of the water.

Spring is divided into three parts: two parts of dust, one part of water.

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