
For long-lived people, these places are generally more "fine"? Come and see how many of them have hit


During my medical career, I have witnessed the lifestyle habits and physiological characteristics of many long-lived seniors. Every time I ask them for their secrets, the answers are always varied, but if you look closely, you'll see that they share some "fine" characteristics. Today, I would like to share the details of these observations, and perhaps this information can help us better understand how to extend our own healthy lifespan.

For long-lived people, these places are generally more "fine"? Come and see how many of them have hit

One of the most memorable experiences was a consultation with a 98-year-old gentleman. His steps were unsteady, but his mind was still quick. During the exchange, he mentioned some of his daily habits, such as taking daily walks and cooking by himself, and especially emphasized his meticulous food choices and mastery of the pace of life. His blood pressure and blood sugar were well controlled, and the state of the blood vessels examined also showed that they were elastic and small compared to ordinary people. The story of this old gentleman made me deeply realize the importance of "fineness" on the road to longevity.

Delicate and healthy blood vessels

The benefits of small blood vessels

First of all, the small, elastic blood vessels help maintain good blood circulation. This means that the heart doesn't need to be overworked to pump blood to every corner of the body efficiently. Good blood circulation promotes better access to oxygen and nutrients by cells, as well as more effective removal of waste and toxins.

How to maintain the health of your blood vessels

Eat a balanced diet: Increase your intake of high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which can help lower cholesterol and prevent hardening of the arteries. At the same time, reduce your intake of high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, such as fried foods and processed meats, to protect your blood vessels from damage.

For long-lived people, these places are generally more "fine"? Come and see how many of them have hit

Regular exercise: Moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, can enhance cardiopulmonary function and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Smoking is one of the important causes of vascular disease, and the harmful substances in tobacco can damage the walls of blood vessels, making them stiff and narrow. At the same time, drinking alcohol in moderation is also key to maintaining healthy blood vessels.

Regular check-ups: As we age, it becomes especially important to have regular blood pressure and cholesterol checks. This can help detect potential vascular problems early and take preventive measures accordingly.

Through these practical methods, we can effectively protect and improve the health of our blood vessels, laying a strong foundation for achieving a healthy and long life. Remember, tiny blood vessels aren't just a sign of longevity, they're health goals we can achieve through our daily efforts.

The degree of delicacy of the skin

1. The connection between delicate skin and longevity

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and its state has a direct impact on our appearance and physical health. Delicate skin often means good blood circulation and a superior supply of nutrients. These factors not only help the skin resist external aggressors, such as UV rays, pollution, etc., but also effectively delay the aging process.

For long-lived people, these places are generally more "fine"? Come and see how many of them have hit

2. Maintain a daily habit of healthy skin

To keep your skin delicate, it's important to have the following daily habits:

a. Proper sun protection

Prolonged exposure to the sun accelerates skin aging, increasing wrinkles and other skin problems. Using the right sunscreen can effectively prevent UV rays from damaging the skin. It is advisable to choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and use it every day, whether it is sunny or cloudy.

b. Moisturize

The better the skin's moisture is maintained, the more youthful it looks. Using moisturizers can help the skin lock in moisture and reduce the appearance of dryness and wrinkles. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type and use it daily.

c. Eat a healthy diet

The impact of diet on skin health cannot be underestimated. Antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, green leafy vegetables, and nuts can help fight skin aging. At the same time, ensuring adequate hydration is also essential to keep your skin delicate.

With these practical methods, we can not only make our skin look more refined, but also improve our overall quality of life and move towards a long and healthy life. It all starts with the little details of the day, making our skin a clear sign of a healthy and long life.

Meticulous pace of life

1. Prioritize sleep

A good night's sleep is the cornerstone of a meticulous life. Long-lived seniors tend to have regular sleep habits, and 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep per night is essential for them. Setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, can help regulate your body's clock and improve sleep quality.

2. Divide your daily tasks

Break down your daily tasks and avoid sudden and concentrated outbursts of stress from work and family life. For example, shopping, cleaning, and other household chores can be spread across different days of the week to reduce the burden on any given day.

3. Regular physical activity

In the delicate pace of life, the right amount of physical activity plays an important role. Without the need for strenuous exercise, at least half an hour of walking or gentle yoga a day can significantly improve physical health and delay aging.

4. Academic laission

Try to slow down while eating, walking, or even reading. This not only increases the digestion and absorption of food, but also allows the mind to feel more relaxed and happy.

For long-lived people, these places are generally more "fine"? Come and see how many of them have hit

5. Cut off the power regularly

Schedule at least one day a week to stay away from all electronic devices, including smartphones, computers, and televisions. Such a "blackout day" helps to free yourself from the daily flood of information, reduces cognitive load, and allows your brain and body to get enough rest.

6. Retention Socializing

Maintaining regular social activities with family and friends can not only enhance relationships, but also effectively reduce psychological stress. Social activities should be in a light-hearted format, such as a walk together, lunch together, or a simple family gathering.

By implementing these simple but effective methods, we can significantly improve the quality of our lives and make our own life more nuanced and calm. This lifestyle is not just for longevity, but for a healthier and more fulfilling life.