
The 3 early symptoms of bowel cancer are not just "blood in the stool", and people who can detect it in time are lucky


The 3 early symptoms of bowel cancer are not just "blood in the stool", and people who can detect it in time are lucky

At a family gathering, 55-year-old Aunt Li suddenly mentioned that she had been feeling sick to her stomach lately, and she occasionally found blood streaks during bowel movements. The family thought it might just be hemorrhoids and advised her not to worry too much. But Aunt Li decided to follow her instincts and went to the hospital for a detailed examination. The results showed that tumors were found early in her rectum. Fortunately, due to early detection, the treatment was relatively simple, and after a few months, Aunt Li made a full recovery. This true story makes us realize that although the name of bowel cancer sounds scary, if it can be detected in time, there is great hope for a cure.

The 3 early symptoms of bowel cancer are not just "blood in the stool", and people who can detect it in time are lucky

Bowel cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors worldwide, and its early symptoms are often overlooked or misunderstood. Of all colorectal cancer patients, those who are able to detect the condition at an early stage are undoubtedly very lucky. Early diagnosis can not only significantly improve the success rate of treatment, but also greatly reduce the complexity of treatment and the suffering of patients. Therefore, it is extremely important for each of us to understand the early symptoms of bowel cancer, especially those that are not just "blood in the stool". Let's explore these early warning signs so you can take timely action to protect yourself and your family's health.

Blood in the stool: an early warning sign of bowel cancer

Blood in the stool is often an overlooked but extremely important symptom and can be an early sign of bowel cancer development. In medicine, hematochezia is defined as the appearance of bright or dark red blood in the stool. This symptom can be caused by a tumor in the intestine, as the growth of the tumor can damage the intestinal wall and cause bleeding.

Identify blood in the stool

Observe the color: Bright red blood usually indicates a bleeding point close to the anus, while dark red blood may indicate a bleeding point in a distant intestinal location.

Frequency of concern: Occasional hematochezia may be caused by hemorrhoids, but should be alarmed if it occurs frequently, especially if it is painless.

Recommendations for action

Prompt medical attention for a colonoscopy is key. A colonoscopy can not only help identify the source of the bleeding, but also examine the entire colon for abnormal tissue growths.

The 3 early symptoms of bowel cancer are not just "blood in the stool", and people who can detect it in time are lucky

Changes in bowel habits: a warning sign that bowel cancer is on the way

Bowel cancer often develops undetected, but the body sends an early warning by changing bowel habits. Bowel patterns in normal people are relatively stable, but if there are frequent alternations of constipation or diarrhea, it can be an early sign of a gut health problem. It is especially noteworthy when the change cannot be explained by dietary or lifestyle changes.

Diagnostic associations

Changes in bowel habits may indicate that the function of the large intestine is affected. Bowel cancer may cause abnormal bowel motility or intestinal stricture, which can lead to constipation. At the same time, secretory activity of tumors in the intestine may trigger diarrhea. The appearance of such symptoms, especially in the absence of other obvious causes, should be considered a reason for a more in-depth examination.

Precautionary measures

For people over the age of 50, especially those with a family history of bowel cancer, it is recommended to have a colonoscopy at least once a year. This test can help doctors look inside the intestines and detect possible abnormal changes early.

Persistent abdominal pain: a sign of bowel cancer that should not be ignored

When abdominal pain becomes a norm rather than occasional discomfort, it can be a warning sign for bowel cancer to develop. Persistent pain in the abdomen is usually associated with abnormal growth in the inside of the intestine, and this pain may be intermittent or continuous, accompanied by bloating or tenderness.

Diagnostic tips

Persistent abdominal pain requires further diagnosis with imaging tests (such as CT scans) and colonoscopy. These tests can help identify the specific cause of pain, such as a tumor in the intestine or other inflammatory disorders.

Health advice

The 3 early symptoms of bowel cancer are not just "blood in the stool", and people who can detect it in time are lucky

In addition to regular check-ups, maintaining a healthy diet and moderate physical activity are also key to preventing bowel cancer. Foods high in fiber can help maintain gut health, while proper physical activity can help promote bowel movement and reduce the risk of disease.

By paying attention to these early symptoms and taking appropriate diagnostic measures, we can start effective treatment before bowel cancer progresses to a more serious stage. This proactive approach to health management is especially important for middle-aged and older adults, as it helps to improve quality of life and prolong lifespan.