
The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched



2024-04-23 20:44发布于上海智选车官方账号

The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched


The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched


The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched

新款问界M5的四驱运动版车型定名为RS版,采用了20英寸熏黑轮毂,刹车卡钳也采用了红色涂装。值得一提的是,RS版车型的轮胎型号为倍耐力P ZERO高性能轮胎,价格不低,低配车型则采用了19英寸的低滚阻节能轮胎。

The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched


The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched

内饰方面,新款问界M5的布局与老款车型没有区别。但整车座椅材质进行了升级,与问界M9的座椅材质相同,坐垫总厚度达到了100mm,整体承托性以及舒适性相比老款车型会有所改观。此外,中控台上方的HUAWEI SOUND音箱样式升级成了星环散射体,内饰的氛围感渲染更到位。

The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched

新款问界M5的内饰提供了雀羽红、琥珀棕、韶华杏三种颜色可选,大面积的NAPPA皮质覆盖营造出不错的高级感。同时车内后排支持大屏选装,车机系统支持HUAWEI Maglink魔吸车载接口、鸿蒙随享等功能,可以模拟出电竞房、电影院的真实效果,这对于年轻用户来说是个不小的诱惑。

The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched


The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched


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  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched
  • The guide price starts at 249,800 yuan, the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the new Wenjie M5 is officially launched

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