
Warning from the body: When do you need to see a doctor for a minor illness?

author:Song Pharmacist

#小病有必要去医院看吗?#在生活中, we often encounter some minor health problems, such as a common cold, a mild headache or a small scratch. These so-called "minor ailments" often raise a common question: Is it really necessary to go to the hospital for these minor ailments?

Warning from the body: When do you need to see a doctor for a minor illness?

1. What is a "minor ailment"?

"Minor ailments" usually refer to health problems that have mild symptoms, do not interfere with daily life, and are expected to resolve on their own. For example, the common cold, mild diarrhea, small cuts, or minor rashes, etc. According to the National Health Commission, about 70% of common diseases and 50% of chronic diseases can be effectively managed at the community level.

2. Assess symptoms: When should I go to the hospital?

Although many minor ailments can be self-managed, in some cases, prompt medical attention is essential. Here are a few signs to look out for:

  • Symptoms that continue to worsen, such as persistent high fever and severe or persistent pain.
  • New, severe, or unusual symptoms, such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, or sudden vision problems.
  • Self-treatment is ineffective, or symptoms last longer than the expected natural recovery time for common conditions.
Warning from the body: When do you need to see a doctor for a minor illness?

3. Self-management methods

For most minor health problems, here are a few ways to self-manage that may be effective:

  • Get plenty of rest: For colds, minor infections, etc., proper rest is the key to recovering health.
  • Appropriate medications: Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can relieve minor aches and pains and fever.
  • Home remedies: such as minor burns with cold water, small cuts cleaned and disinfected, etc.
Warning from the body: When do you need to see a doctor for a minor illness?

4. Take advantage of online counseling and telehealth

With the development of medical technology, more and more medical services can be completed online. For some symptoms that are unsure whether you need to go to the hospital or not, you can first consult a doctor through an online medical platform.

5. Prevention is better than cure

For many diseases, prevention is more important than cure. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as eating right, exercising regularly, and avoiding bad habits, is key to preventing disease. At the same time, regular check-ups can detect and manage potential health problems early.

Warning from the body: When do you need to see a doctor for a minor illness?


The most important thing about whether you need to go to the hospital for a minor illness is to judge it according to the severity of the symptoms and the individual's specific situation. Rational use of community medical resources and online medical services can avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals, thus making more efficient use of medical resources, while also ensuring that those patients who need urgent treatment can receive timely medical care.