
"iOS17.4.1 vs iOS17.5: The Gospel of Choice Difficulties"

author:Love machine cool fruit powder

AppleiOS17.5 has come out,Although it is currently in the beta stage,But compared with the previous beta version,The current version optimization is also good,iOS 17.4.1 system,Mainly fix bugs and improvements,Improve security issues and no new features,iOS17.5beta version is also to fix bugs,And new features have been added,So the question comes iOS17.4.1 and iOS17.5Which one is easy to use?Which models can upgrade iOS17.5?

"iOS17.4.1 vs iOS17.5: The Gospel of Choice Difficulties"

Battery & Signal: A Little Ace at Endurance

If the requirements for battery life are relatively high, then it is recommended that iPhone12, iPhone13, iPhone14, iPhone15 series be upgraded, at present, the iOS17.5beta version of the power jump problem has been effectively solved, and the battery life will be optimized and improved compared with iOS17.4.1, but it should be noted that if your battery health is below 95% or even lower, the battery aging is serious, then don't upgrade, the battery life will probably not be good.

If it is hot, iOS 17.4.1 has a good temperature control performance in daily scenarios such as watching short videos, news, and chats for a long time, and has performed well for at least 2~3 hours a day in recent days.

"iOS17.4.1 vs iOS17.5: The Gospel of Choice Difficulties"

The signal can be said to be the worst version of iOS17.4.1, and it is no exaggeration to say that I have never encountered a poor signal, such as the signal bar falling to 1 bar, no service pop-up, except when rebooting.

Compared with iOS17.4.1, this iOS17.5 signal has indeed been optimized and improved, we have tested a variety of models, from iPhone11 series to iPhone15 series, iPhone13 series and above models will have better signal performance, whether it is in the subway or office building, daily Internet access and games are very smooth, the signal can always be full in most scenarios, and the signal can also reach 3-4 bars in most scenarios.

New Features & Performance: The Choice of Feature Freaks

"iOS17.4.1 vs iOS17.5: The Gospel of Choice Difficulties"

In contrast, iOS 17.5 introduces several new features and performance improvements. For example, it adds color matching for blog widgets, blog transcription for the iPhone, and passkey icons for web browsers.

The main iOS 17.5 Beta 2 further supports sideloading in the EU, with only a few minor improvements for our country, and for users in the EU, it is now allowed to sideload from the website, only in the EU. Under Screen Time, there's a new privacy option to manage content and privacy restrictions related to apps installed from web pages.

Here are the upgrade recommendations:

  • If your phone is upgraded to iOS 17.4.1, we recommend that you upgrade to iOS 17.5beta
  • If you have already upgraded to iPhone 17.4, it is better not to upgrade.

All things considered, iOS 17.5 may be a better choice if users value new features and performance improvements in the system, such as signal optimization, battery life improvement, and newly introduced features.

Vocabulary analysis

  • Battery life: Refers to the amount of time a phone can last on a single full charge.
  • Signal optimization: Improves your phone's ability to receive and process wireless signals.
  • APP loading speed: The time it takes for an app to be ready for use from launch.
  • Power Saving Effect: The effect of reducing battery consumption through system optimization.
  • WiFi stability: The degree and quality of the wireless network connection.

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