
Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

author:Zhong Ming talked about science

Early in the morning of the 5th, many people living in Hangzhou were shaken awake, and everyone wondered whether there was an earthquake in the local area.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

In fact, earthquakes did occur in China, but the earthquake center was not in Hangzhou, but in the sea area of Yilan County, Taiwan Province, China, with an earthquake magnitude of 5.8 and a depth of 10 kilometers, which is a shallow source earthquake.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

After the earthquake, the earthquake in Zhejiang was very obvious, many people were shaken awake in their sleep, and many local dogs barked one after another.

Some people think that the abnormal behavior of animals may indicate the arrival of an earthquake, but in this earthquake, why did not animals warn of the earthquake in advance?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="5" Can animals warn of earthquakes >? </h1>

In 1975, the residents of the Haicheng area of Liaoning Province in China often found abnormal phenomena of animals, such as: cattle and sheep began to restlessly want to escape, amphibians such as frogs and toads on the street began to appear on a large scale, and dogs often barked. Not long after, there was a real earthquake in the local area, with a magnitude of 7.3.

Fortunately, because experts predicted the earthquake in advance and reported the early warning information in time, the disaster caused by the earthquake was greatly alleviated and nearly 100,000 lives were saved.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

From the case of the Haicheng earthquake, it can be seen that animals seem to be able to predict the occurrence of earthquakes, so why is there no abnormal behavior of animals in the 5.8 earthquake in Taiwan Province?

In fact, animals cannot predict earthquakes, although the Haicheng earthquake was successfully predicted, but the key factor in predicting the Haicheng earthquake was not the escape of the animals, but more frequent small earthquakes in the local area. The data shows that 33 small earthquakes were recorded the day before the earthquake, and more than 200 small earthquakes occurred from midnight to the early morning of the earthquake, which were regarded by experts as precursors to large earthquakes, and the local government had long been prepared for this, so the earthquake was immediately warned.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

The reason why the abnormal behavior of animals cannot predict earthquakes is that there are many reasons for the abnormal behavior of animals, such as: fish collectively jumping out of the water may be low oxygen content in the water, snakes collectively out of the hole may be about to rain heavily, they are more sensitive to air pressure, and before heavy rain the local air pressure will decrease, causing their abnormal behavior, so there is a proverb: swallows fly low snake aisle, heavy rain soon comes.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

Of course, before some earthquakes, animals do show abnormal behavior, such as: rats running around, snakes out of the hole, then this must be because before the big earthquake occurred in the local small earthquake, some of which are insensible earthquakes, that is, the magnitude is very small, humans can hardly feel, but animals are more sensitive, so they will run around and jump.

But the problem is that many big earthquakes may not have small earthquakes before they occur, so animals do not behave abnormally. It is also possible that small earthquakes continue to occur, but no major earthquakes occur, so even if animals run around and jump, it does not mean that earthquakes will definitely occur.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

It can be seen that the abnormal behavior of animals does not indicate whether an earthquake is going to occur or not.

In fact, for modern scientists, predicting earthquakes is still a very difficult thing, and it also requires continuous efforts and research by scientists to be able to predict earthquakes from a scientific point of view and reduce the occurrence of disasters.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="15" Why can't > animals predict earthquakes? </h1>

In fact, animals have not evolved the ability to predict earthquakes, and it will be difficult to evolve the ability to predict earthquakes in the future.

First of all, because the probability of an earthquake is also small, and even some animals will not encounter an earthquake in their lifetime. If they will not encounter an earthquake in their lifetime, then animals will be less affected by this factor when they evolve, or even minimally, then they will not be affected by earthquakes when they evolve.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

Second, earthquakes do not cause much harm to wildlife. The reason why earthquakes are a greater threat to human beings is mainly because we have built many tall buildings, which will resonate when the frequency of seismic waves is consistent, causing the building to collapse and threatening the lives of the residents in the building.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

Wild animals live in the wild, there are no large buildings in the environment, even if an earthquake does not cause serious casualties, and it is precisely because of this that wild animals are very little affected by earthquakes, so it is difficult for them to evolve the ability to warn of earthquakes.

Does the abnormal behavior of the animals mean that an earthquake is about to occur? Can animals warn of earthquakes? Why can't animals predict earthquakes? summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > summary</h1>

Although we have heard many cases of animals successfully warning earthquakes, from the probabilistic point of view, animal early warning earthquakes is not scientific, the reason is that many animals show abnormal behavior every year, but there is no earthquake in the local area, but due to the survivor bias, the story of animal early warning earthquakes is widely circulated, so that people think that animals can successfully predict earthquakes.

In fact, scientists are now studying how to predict earthquakes, and even how to warn of earthquakes earlier, hoping that in the future we will be able to successfully predict every earthquake and minimize the damage caused by earthquakes.