
A man is "pure or impure", there is no need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!

author:Duoduo reads emotions

When it comes to love, everyone wants to meet their destined other half.

Especially for women, they prefer to meet an innocent man who gives her enough security to be alone.

You know, a woman's possessiveness is also very strong, sometimes you desperately hope that the other party is the only one in your heart, so you peek at the other party's mobile phone to restrict his whereabouts, but this will lead to the other party's disgust, thereby accelerating the breakdown of the relationship.

Therefore, as a woman, instead of intrigue in the relationship, it is better to polish your eyes at the beginning and choose a pure man, which is the most important thing.

Therefore, you must know that a man is pure and impure, and he does not need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!

A man is "pure or impure", there is no need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!


Whether he has more or less emotional experience

A person's emotional experience can reflect his emotional attitudes and values.

Although it is said that men with little emotional experience may not be innocent, those men who have rich emotional experience and change partners frequently will definitely not be innocent.

Such a man has less awe when dealing with feelings.

When they fall in love, most of them don't know how to cherish, only value their own needs, and ignore the care of their partners.

Therefore, if a man's love history is particularly messy, then he will most likely not be innocent.

A man is "pure or impure", there is no need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!


Whether his social circle is clean or not

Things are gathered by like, and people are grouped.

Social circle is the most intuitive embodiment of a person's character and conduct.

A man's social circle is like his personal gallery, showing his character and personality. If the people in his social circle are genuinely kind, then it is likely that he also possesses these qualities.

On the other hand, if most of his friends are spontaneous, merciless people, dishonest or have bad habits, then he may also be affected.

Therefore, observing his social circle can help you understand whether he is innocent or not.

A man is "pure or impure", there is no need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!


Whether he takes feelings seriously or not

In general, innocent men are generally respectful and friendly to the opposite sex and do not make casual mockery or jokes. Even when holding hands with women, they can appear hesitant.

When they get along with women, they will pay extra attention to the feelings of the other person and try to avoid hurting the other person.

However, veterans in the love field are completely different, they keep claiming to be innocent, but in fact they are extremely disrespectful to women, and will treat women as playthings and change them at will.

You must know that a truly innocent man is serious about his feelings, and he will naturally fully consider your feelings and treat them well, instead of hiding his heart and hurting you at the same time.

A man is "pure or impure", there is no need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!


Whether his words and deeds are true

A truly innocent man often behaves naturally and truthfully, and will not deliberately disguise himself. They will be more direct in their words and actions, and will not beat around the bush.

For example, when communicating with you, they will be sincere in expressing their thoughts and feelings, rather than saying hypocritical things to please you.

An innocent man will also pay more attention to details when getting along with you, and care about your feelings and needs, rather than just caring about himself.

On the contrary, if a man always says one thing and does another, on the surface he talks sweetly to you, but in fact he is indifferent to you, then it is likely that he is not a pure person.

A man is "pure or impure", there is no need to be tempted, you can see it from these 4 places!


Emotional message

A man is actually like a book, and what kind of colors are in the book need you to explore and understand little by little.

When you grasp the key points from the details of his life, then you can probably know what kind of person he is.

Getting along with a man is a science, and if you learn it well, your feelings will be smooth, and if you don't learn it well, your feelings will be a mess.

Therefore, there is never a mistake in observing, thinking, and analyzing.

I wish you can find your own innocent man and spend a beautiful youth together.

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