
Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

author:Bloody Town Youth AI

Good rain knows the season, when spring happens!

The valley rain, one of the traditional 24 solar terms on the mainland, has just passed, and it is a good time for spring plowing and spring planting in the northern region. Because the precipitation will increase before and after the valley rain, and at this time, the seedlings in the farmland and the new crops are the time when the rain is most needed.

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

However, Lao Zhang, a farmer farmer in Jianhua Town, Kailu County, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, encountered a very bad thing, because the land he contracted not only could not be sown, but was also unreasonably obstructed by cadres at the village and town levels!

The more than 5,000 mu of land contracted by them in Shuangsheng Village, Jianhua Town, was about to take advantage of the rainy season to plant crops when they were planting, but they were blocked by the governments at the village and town levels! The sowing could not be carried out normally for a long time!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Farmers are anxious: "Grain sowing must follow the season, and time waits for no one! Moreover, if we cannot sow seeds within a reasonable time, then this year's best sowing time will be missed, which will affect this year's grain harvest!"

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

If you want to farm the land, you must pay the money first! The contractors are confused and kept in the dark!

Things have to start from 20 years ago: in 2004, Lao Zhang contracted 5,600 acres of farmland in Shuangsheng Village, Jianhua Town, at that time, the cultivated land was only 110 acres, and the rest was all salt marsh land! The contract amount was 65,000 yuan, and the contract period was 30 years!

Lao Zhang signed a contract with the village committee.

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

In the past 20 years of planting, the land has been continuously improved and transformed, and more than 5,000 acres of marshland, with the efforts of Lao Zhang and growers, have been improved into cultivated land that can grow crops normally!

More than 5,000 acres of cultivated land that can be planted with crops under normal growth have aroused the covetousness of the village and town governments!

Just when Lao Zhang was planning to plant this year's crops on the contracted farmland, the Shuangsheng Village Committee suddenly issued a notice to Lao Zhang, which read:

"After the study of the villagers' congress, the newly added 4,650 mu of cultivated land needs to be charged 200 yuan per mu of land! If the payment is not made within the time limit, the original contract will be invalidated! The land will be recovered by the village committee!"

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Lao Zhang was also dumbfounded when he received the notice, obviously the land contract was for 30 years! And he paid off the 30-year contract fee at one time that year!

Lao Zhang found the theory of the secretary of the village committee, and the village secretary said: "This is the request of the town, and we are listening to the command of the town. And the land belongs to the village, and we have the right to terminate the contract!"

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Lao Zhang approached the town government again, but the town government said: "Twenty years ago, Lao Zhang contracted a swamp land, and the benefits of the land at that time did not have much economic value. But after twenty years of transformation, the land has become normal arable land. Therefore, it is considered to ask the contractor to pay the normal contract fee, otherwise the villagers will suffer. This is also in line with the "change of circumstances" clause in the Civil Code!"

Lao Zhang felt that this kind of demand from the village and town governments was unreasonable, so he turned to the media for help.

When the media went to the town government to inquire about the specific situation, the town cadres changed their tune and said:

"The farmland in Shuangsheng Village is collective land, which is disposed of by the village itself, and how they deal with it is their own business in the village, and if there is a conflict, they can go to the police and the court, and it has nothing to do with the town government!"

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Grain cannot be sown, and land contracts will be invalid if they are not paid! Farmers want to cry without tears!

Although the growers were helpless, they still decided to plant this year's grain first, but just as they were about to sow seeds, the village director of Shuangsheng Village led people to block the machine and obstruct the normal operation of the agricultural machinery!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

In the face of the questioning of these peasant contractors, why do they have to pay the money? What is the basis for paying the money? The village director could not come up with a reason! In the end, he just said forcefully: "If you pay the money, you can plant the land, and if you ask me to collect money, I will collect money!"

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

The emotions on both sides are very excited, and the situation is also intense, and the contradictions are on the verge of breaking out!

As soon as the deputy secretary arrived, he gave the land contractors a dismissal: "The land does not belong to you, you cannot cultivate it privately, and your current behavior is to rob the collective land." ”

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

What a big hat is buckled on the head of the grower!

And the deputy secretary said arrogantly to the camera: "I am the deputy secretary of the party committee of Jianhua Town, my surname is Ji, and my name is Ji Yunhao!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Not long after, the police from the local police station also came to the scene! But not only did the police not uphold justice, but directly dragged the growers into the police car and took them away! The action was very vulgar and barbaric!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

The villagers went to the office of the deputy secretary of the local town party committee, but the deputy secretary of the town party committee said directly to the villagers: "Don't look for me, I don't know the law!"

This remark is directly shocking!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

30 years of contract contract, 20 years of hard work!

Twenty years ago, why did the land contract that was paid with one hand and signed with the other hand become a robbery of collective land 20 years later? The land contract signed has no effect at all!

Moreover, in the past 20 years, the farmers of these contracted lands have continued to contribute their own money and efforts to improve these salt marshes, and they have become normal cultivated land! However, now the governments at the village and town levels have forcibly charged these contracted households an additional land contract fee of 200 yuan per mu!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

The increased contracting fee alone will cost more than 1 million yuan!

According to the provisions of the "Land Contract Law", the contracted land shall not be recovered during the contract period!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Moreover, the change of the land is the result of the contractor's own improvement, not a natural change, nor is it a change of circumstances!

But now these contractors have been arrested by the local police, grain cannot be sown, and agricultural machinery has been seized by the town government! The land that has been improved for half a lifetime is also facing the risk of being taken back by the village, and now these farmers have no way to complain!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

Could it be that this is the legendary "wasteland is uncultivated, and there are people fighting for it"?

It is hoped that the local government can allow these farmers to resume normal agricultural sowing, and also hope that these farmers who have contracted land can be treated fairly and justly!

Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

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Inner Mongolian peasants were arrested for farming without paying money: The village chief collected money, and the town cadres did not understand the law by detaining their cars

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