
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it

author:Elegant white cloud fL
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it
What is the human heart? That's the answer, you savor it

As night fell, the bustling city lights flickered, and in the top-floor office of the Shengshi Group headquarters building, President Lu Jingshen was sitting alone at his desk, his brows furrowed and his eyes deep.

The office door was suddenly pushed open, and a burst of chime-like laughter broke the silence. Lu Jingshen's wife, the elegant and intellectual Lin Wan'er, walked in with a cup of hot tea in her hand.

"Depth of Field, what are you busy with again?" Lin Wan'er asked softly, placing the teacup on the desk.

Lu Jingshen raised his head and looked at his wife's gentle eyes, and the irritability in his heart calmed down a little. He smiled slightly, but with a hint of bitterness: "Wan'er, you say, what is the human heart?"

Lin Wan'er was slightly stunned, she didn't expect Lu Jingshen to suddenly ask such a question. She pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke: "The human heart is a complex and subtle collection of emotions. It contains kindness, malice, desire, love and hate...... All kinds of emotions are intertwined and make up the inner world of each of us. ”

Lu Jingshen nodded, but he didn't seem to be completely satisfied with this answer. He continued to ask, "So, is the human heart credible?"

Lin Wan'er sighed softly, she knew that Lu Jingshen had been under pressure recently because of some things in the company and had doubts about human nature. She gently held Lu Jingshen's hand and said, "The human heart is credible, but we also need to discern and grasp it. We cannot deny the humanity of all because of the betrayal or deception of a few people. After all, there are still a lot of kind and sincere people in this world. ”

Lu Jingshen was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about Lin Wan'er's words. Then, he took a deep breath and seemed to have made up his mind: "Wan'er, you know what? An important project of the company was leaked to a competitor by insiders, resulting in heavy losses for us. I'm starting to wonder if everyone around me is betraying me?"

After Lin Wan'er heard this, her heart tightened. She knew that Lu Jingshen had always been a person who trusted others, and this incident hit him hard. She gently patted Lu Jingshen's hand and comforted: "Depth of Field, don't completely deny human nature because of one thing." We need to believe that most people are trustworthy. And, even if someone betrays us, we have to be brave and learn from it. ”

Lu Jingshen nodded, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knew that his wife had always been his strong support, and no matter how difficult it was, she would silently support him.

In the following days, Lu Jingshen began to re-examine the people and things around him. He no longer trusts blindly, but he also no longer doubts easily. He observes with his heart, judges with wisdom, and gradually regains his faith in human nature.

In the process, he also discovered some details that he had previously overlooked. It turned out that the employee who leaked the project information was not motivated by malicious intent, but was threatened and lured by a competitor. After learning the truth, Lu Jingshen did not blame him, but chose to forgive and understand.

At the same time, he also saw more people's loyalty and dedication. He is deeply pleased and proud of the employees who have worked hard for the company and contributed their wisdom to the development of the company.

With the passage of time, Shengshi Group gradually got out of the predicament and its performance began to pick up. Lu Jingshen has also become more mature and wise, he understands the complexity and changeability of the human heart, but he has also learned how to grasp and control it.

On a sunny afternoon, Lu Jingshen and Lin Wan'er walked along the park trails together. They held hands and enjoyed a rare leisure time.

"Depth of Field, do you have any new understanding of the human heart now?" Lin Wan'er asked suddenly.

Lu Jingshen smiled slightly and replied, "Wan'er, I understand now that people's hearts are complex and simple. It is complex because emotions are intertwined and unpredictable, and it is simple because sincerity and kindness are the most basic and precious parts of human nature. We cannot lose trust because of the complexity of the human heart, nor can we deny everyone because of a momentary betrayal. We need to perceive, understand, and cherish those who are truly trustworthy. ”

After Lin Wan'er heard this, a glint of appreciation flashed in her eyes. She knew that Lu Jingshen had stepped out of the previous shadow and regained his confidence in human nature. She held Lu Jingshen's hand tightly, and her heart was full of happiness and satisfaction.

They continued to stroll along the park's paths, the sun shining on them, warm and bright. They know that no matter what challenges and difficulties they will face in the future, as long as they trust and support each other, they will be able to overcome every obstacle and create a better tomorrow.

This story tells us that although the human heart is complex and changeable, as long as we understand and perceive it with our hearts, we can find the sincerity and kindness contained in it. In the face of challenges and difficulties, we must learn to trust others and cherish sincerity, so that we can go further and further on the road of life.