
Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

author:Take a look at the news

"Is it possible to install bed curtains in student dormitories,

Give students a private space?"

April 23rd


Ranked first on Weibo's hot search

One of them is reported below

There have been more than 8,000 comments on the matter

Some netizens think that "the tube is too wide"

And against

"There is a certain fire safety hazard in hanging bed curtains in the dormitory"

Doubts were raised

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →
Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

Why such a big reaction?

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In what is now a university dormitory

Bed curtains can be said to be a kind of "standard"

Almost everyone has a set

Search for each shopping platform

There are a wide variety of dormitory bed curtain products

Sales are also impressive

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

Some students in the discussion said that many schools have tight living conditions, one room has to live 6 or even 8 people, everyone has different schedules, with curtains, can ensure a certain privacy, maintain sleep quality, some people asked whether the dormitory quilts, curtains and other items are also flammable?

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

However, there are also those who support the school's regulations, because the school dormitory is densely populated, and in the event of a fire, the bed curtain is not conducive to escape, and some people think that young people are too "lonely" nowadays, and once the curtain is hung, the interaction in the dormitory is reduced.

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

Image source

At present, there are quite a few colleges and universities

Students are not allowed to hang bed curtains

According to the news on the website of Xinjiang Medical University on March 27, Xinjiang Medical University replied to the question of whether bed curtains can be installed in the dormitories raised by students: student apartments are densely populated places, and there are certain fire safety hazards in hanging bed curtains in the dormitory, and bed curtains are flammable.

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

Screenshot from the website of Xinjiang Medical University

The reporter noticed that many colleges and universities have banned students from hanging bed curtains.

▶ In January this year, Northwest University for Nationalities issued a management method for student apartments, strictly prohibiting students from hanging door curtains and bed curtains (cloth curtains) in the dormitory.

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

Screenshot from the website of Northwest University for Nationalities

▶ The Department of Foreign Languages of Gansu Normal University for Nationalities held a meeting of dormitory directors for the spring semester of 2024 on March 27, and also requested that behaviors such as pulling bed curtains without permission should be prohibited;

▶ Hebei Zhangjiakou University has also recently carried out the "special rectification of bed curtains in student dormitories";

▶ In November 2023, Jilin Agricultural University has issued the "Work Arrangement for Safety and Fire Prevention in Student Apartments", which strictly prohibits hanging bed curtains and hanging chairs in the dormitory;

▶ In July 2023, China University of Petroleum (East China) also issued the "Notice on Carrying out Special Rectification Work on Safety and Health in Student Dormitories", prohibiting the hanging of bed curtains.

Counselor: "Invisible Wall"

Blocking safety and interpersonal interactions

"Why have dormitory bed curtains become an 'invisible wall' for potential safety hazards and interpersonal interactions?" said a counselor signed article on the website of Nanyang Normal University in Henan Province on March 28, explaining in detail why "hanging bed curtains, a seemingly simple decorative act, is often strictly restricted by the school."

According to the article, the bed curtain, as a cloth or plastic covering, is very easy to ignite and become a medium for the acceleration of the fire. In 2019, a female student at a university forgot to turn off the power after using an illegal electrical appliance "electric splint" in her dormitory, and when her roommates were all going to class, the electric splint continued to heat, causing a fire, which quickly ignited the bed curtain next to her, and then began to burn in a large area, and a fire broke out in the dormitory.

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

In addition, "dormitory administrators may need to frequently lift the curtains when checking hygiene and facilities, which not only increases the workload, but can also cause dissatisfaction among students; "In the event of a student's illness or other emergency, bed curtains can hinder timely detection and rescue, the article says. In June 2020, a school official said that there had been an incident in the dormitory where a student fell ill and died in a bed covered by a bed curtain, and was not discovered by his roommate until two days later.

According to the article, bed curtains usually surround the bed tightly, resulting in poor air circulation and easy breeding of bacteria, mites and other harmful substances, posing a threat to students' respiratory system and skin health. Especially when heating or air conditioning is used in winter or summer, bed curtains can hinder the even distribution of hot and cold air, resulting in uneven temperatures in the dormitory. When the bed curtains are hung, the ventilation and lighting in the dormitory will be affected. Being in such an environment for a long time is not only not conducive to physical health, but may also cause psychological depression.

"The dormitory is not only a place to rest, but also an important place for students to exchange feelings and build friendships. The article said that the existence of bed curtains has invisibly erected "invisible walls" in the dormitory, hindering the communication and communication between students.

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

Some students reported that because their roommates hung their bed curtains, they felt that there was less communication with each other, and the dormitory atmosphere became indifferent. In the long run, this kind of estrangement can lead to interpersonal tensions and even conflicts in the dormitory. Dormitory life is a key scenario for college students to exercise their social skills, and a moderate shared space helps students to open their hearts, respect each other, and understand and tolerate each other. Hanging bed curtains may make students focus too much on individual space and ignore the collective interest, which is not conducive to cultivating students' teamwork spirit and sense of public responsibility.

Colleges and universities have issued:

The bed curtain was drawn, "blocking" the security

"Imagine, if everyone lives behind the bed curtain, I wonder if there will still be a 'brother sleeping on my top bunk'-like feelings?" The College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering of Xinjiang Agricultural University also released an article on March 20 "Closed the bed curtain, "blocked" safety", saying: Hanging bed curtains in the dormitory has serious safety hazards, affecting the cleanliness and lighting of the dormitory, affecting the physical and mental health of students, and is not conducive to the communication between students.

In response to these statements

Some netizens expressed their disagreement

"Interpersonal communication has nothing to do with bed curtains"

Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →
Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →
Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from hanging bed curtains, and netizens are →

At present, Beijing and other places have clearly stipulated in the "Acceptance Standards for Standardized Apartments in Colleges and Universities" that there should be no beds in the dormitories. According to the news on the website of Communication University of China in October 2019, the logistics service hall of Communication University of China revealed in response to students' comments about "why bed curtains are prohibited in the dormitory", and the "Acceptance Standards for Standardized Apartments of Beijing Universities" stipulates that there are no beds in the dormitory.

The reporter noticed that the "Beijing University Standardized Student Apartment Standard (2008 Edition)" mentioned in the "Health and Environment" section that "no bed circumference" is worth 1 point, and the "Beijing University Standardized Student Apartment Acceptance Standard (2016 Edition)" also stipulates in the "Health and Environment" section that "no bed" is worth 0.5 points.

However, the "National Guiding Standards for the Establishment of Standardized Student Apartments in Colleges and Universities (Trial) (2016)" does not mention bed curtains and curtains in the "Hygiene and Environment" section, but only stipulates that the beds are neat and tidy, and the quilts and pillows are placed on one side. Doors, windows, screens, curtains, fans, air conditioners, etc. are clean and intact. The room is well ventilated and odorless.

Media Commentary

On this topic, a comment article published by CCTV mentioned that the most important function of the bed curtain is to create a private space in the environment of collective living. When you stay up in bed at night to study and watch dramas, you won't disturb your roommates. At the same time, for people who are sensitive to light, blackout bed curtains can also provide a comfortable sleeping environment.

For some schools, this kind of patriarchal style of "good for you" style of regulations everywhere seems to be conscientious, but in fact it is suspected of "lazy government". The foundation of university education lies in "adulthood". Independent thinking, acting and taking responsibility are the basic qualities of an adult. Colleges and universities are mainly engaged in education, and counselors are not nannies, once they forget their own positioning, colleges and universities will inevitably "dwarf themselves".

Did you hang a bed curtain when you were in school?

What do you think about this?

(Synthesized from The Paper, CCTV, Xinjiang Medical University website, Northwest University for Nationalities website, netizen comments, etc.)