
When floods hit, have you written down the guidelines for disaster mitigation and disease prevention?

author:China Science and Technology Museum

Since April, Guangdong has continued to usher in continuous heavy rainfall, resulting in the second flood of the year in the main stream of the Beijiang River, and the situation is grim. In the face of such a menacing rainstorm, have you mastered the correct "posture" for disaster reduction and disease prevention?

Pay attention to early warnings and take precautions

Rainstorm warning signals are divided into four levels, from weak to strong, blue, yellow, orange and red. During the flood season, members of the public should pay close attention to the weather forecast, especially the rainstorm warning signal, and prepare in advance.

When floods hit, have you written down the guidelines for disaster mitigation and disease prevention?

There are four levels of rainstorm warning signals: blue, yellow, orange and red. (Image source: Internet)

1. Residents living in rivers, foothills and valleys should be alert to disasters such as flash floods and mudslides. During the flood season, move to a safe place as much as possible.

2. Dredging the drainage system of the residence in advance. If there is waterlogging in urban residential areas, contact the property in time to dredge the drainage system. In rural areas, flood dams, cofferdams and other waterproof facilities can be built around villages, courtyards and buildings.

3. Before leaving home, confirm whether the electric gate is closed. Before a rainstorm, it is best to turn off household appliances such as computers and TVs and cut off the power to prevent damage from lightning strikes.

4. Low-lying residents should store sufficient food in their homes and seal them with plastic buckets. In flood-prone areas, prepare some flood escape equipment, such as life jackets, large foam boards, wooden boards and other floating objects, as well as flashlights, whistles and other tools that can send out distress signals, and radios that can receive government disaster relief information.

Dealing with floods and avoiding danger calmly

When floods hit, have you written down the guidelines for disaster mitigation and disease prevention?

Villagers leave the disaster area in homemade rafts. (Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)

1. If the flood hits, the people who have not had time to move should quickly move to the higher places of the house, and it is best to find floating objects, such as swimming rings, mineral water bottles, plastic foam, etc.

2. If you are swept away by the flood, you need to hold your breath and tighten your limbs. Try to swim at a 45-degree angle to the shore with your back to the current; If you can't do that, keep your mood steady, breathe normally, hold on to the floats, drift down the river, and wait for help from rescuers downstream.

3. For people who can't swim in the flood, if they only have small floating objects such as mineral water bottles, place them on the lower jaw to keep the mouth and nose exposed, and the other parts in the water.

4. People with communication conditions can report the flood situation and disaster situation to the local government and flood control department and seek rescue; If there is no communication condition, they can make fireworks or wave brightly colored clothes or shout for help.

5. Prevent being injured by the building debris mixed with the flood. If there is a trauma, keep the wound dry as much as possible, and if there is an antiseptic such as iodophor, thoroughly debride the wound as soon as possible.

In the aftermath of floods, emphasis is placed on disease prevention

The continuous rainfall and hot weather during the flood season are conducive to the reproduction of germs, and it is a period of high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases such as infectious diarrhea and bacillary dysentery. Heavy rainfall can easily cause problems such as sewage backfilling and garbage accumulation, which increases the risk of the spread of insect-borne infectious diseases. After the flood, residents in the affected areas should actively cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in various health and epidemic prevention work to prevent the epidemic of epidemics.

1. Do a good job of household disinfection. Disinfection and sterilization should be carried out inside and outside the flooded houses. Generally, the "84" disinfectant is sprayed with a sprayer after the water is distributed in a ratio of 1:60. Disinfect the dining utensils and boil them in boiling water for 10~30 minutes. Clothes and sheets should be washed after exposure to the sun. Flooded wells must be cleaned, flushed and disinfected.

When floods hit, have you written down the guidelines for disaster mitigation and disease prevention?

(Source: Changsha Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

2. Pay attention to food hygiene. Do not drink raw water, only boiled water or bottled water that meets hygienic standards. Do not eat food that has spoiled or been soaked in sewage, and do not eat drowning or sick livestock and aquatic products. Dishes are disinfected frequently.

3. Do a good job of preventing flies and killing rats. In order to prevent the occurrence of intestinal infectious diseases, we should focus on the work of eliminating flies, and various methods such as drug spraying, poisonous bait trapping, and sticky trapping can be used to eliminate flies. Rodent control should start with the planning and remediation of the environment. Do a good job of environmental hygiene, keep livestock in an orderly manner, pile up sundries in rows and leave the ground as much as possible, and properly store food. Use more instruments to kill rodents, and use poisonous baits carefully to ensure the safety of humans and animals.

4. Seek medical attention in time if you feel unwell. Especially for patients with fever and diarrhea, seek medical help as soon as possible. The second is to follow the doctor's instructions, cooperate with the isolation of infectious diseases, and pay attention to the use of relevant drugs.