
The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

author:Read the micro-notes


The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

As the former president of the United States, Trump has not been idle since leaving office.

In the current competitive U.S. presidential election, Trump is once again involved, and the momentum is fierce and he has the posture to win this president.

But at this critical juncture, Trump, a powerful presidential candidate, is embroiled in a sex scandal and is about to go to trial.

So what happened to Trump? Can he still be president of the United States?

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Sex scandals come to light

As the previous president of the United States, Trump enacted a series of policies to protect the domestic industry of the United States when he took office.

Trump's governing strategy is very different from that of Biden, who has focused more on the US economy.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

So, when he was in power, the U.S. economy wasn't as bad as it is now.

It is precisely because of Biden that Trump has won the support of many American voters in this election and is considered a strong candidate for the next US president.

Just when Trump felt that the big picture was settled and that he had a chance to win, things took a huge turn and Trump himself was in trouble.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Some media broke out that Trump, as a presidential candidate, paid a large sum of money to a man named Stormy Daniels without anyone knowing.

As soon as this news came to light, it quickly caused heated discussions in the United States.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Because Stormy Daniels is a very special person, she is a well-known adult film actress.

She has made many famous adult films, and in addition to her notable status as an adult film actress, Stormy Daniels is also a Republican.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

According to media accounts, Stormy Daniels and Trump had a sexual relationship, which also implies that Trump cheated in marriage.

If Trump were just an ordinary businessman, the public would probably only see it as an anecdote.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

After all, it is not uncommon for businessmen to cheat in the United States, and many business people have been exposed to extramarital affairs.

However, Trump's status is special in that he is a candidate for the presidency of the United States, and everyone has different requirements for politicians and business people.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

If Trump is exposed to a cheating adult actress scandal during the election, it will cost him a large number of votes, and even after he is elected president, this matter will become a big deal for him.

According to Stormy Daniels' own rhetoric, Trump, after being elected president, feared that Stormy Daniels would threaten his position.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

So he sent a lawyer to find Stormy Daniels, intending to pay Stormy Daniels a large sum of money in exchange for Stormy Daniels to shut up.

After a series of negotiations, Daniels ended up with a hush money of up to $130,000.

That's a lot of money.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

In order to prevent this from happening, Stormy Daniels also signed an agreement with Trump's lawyers, although Trump himself did not intervene in the process.

But in 2018, Stormy Daniels still took Trump to court, and the relationship between the two was exposed.

If you think Trump is just stealing it once by chance, then you are very wrong, because this is not the first time that Trump has been involved in a peachy scandal.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Sexual assault scandal

In addition to his entanglement with Stormy Daniels, Trump has also been exposed to sexual assault.

The victim's name is Elizabeth Jane Carroll, and Carroll used to be a fashion columnist who can be said to be a small achievement in the fashion industry.

She took Trump to court in one fell swoop, accusing Trump of sexually assaulting her in the 90s.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

In fact, in 2019, Carol ruthlessly uncovered her scars and described what happened in her autobiography.

After the release of the book, it also caused a heated public debate.

As one of the parties to the sexual assault incident, Trump immediately denied Carroll's accusations and publicly stated that it was a story that Carroll deliberately made up in order to sell his own books.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Trump's rebuttal caused Carroll to receive a lot of criticism, and in the midst of continuous controversy, Carroll finally decided to let the law prove her innocence, and she wanted to go to court with Trump.

Although Carroll's evidence was insufficient at the time, a jury in the U.S. court upheld Carroll's appeal and ruled that Trump needed to pay up to $5 million in damages.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Trump was outraged by the jury's decision, and he resolutely refused to admit the fact that he had sexually assaulted, and even directly absent from the sentencing scene.

And in addition to Carroll, many women have come forward to be interviewed by the media, accusing Trump of sexual assault.

Even before the sexual assault came to light, Trump's private life had been controversial.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

So far, Trump has had a total of three marriages, but during his marital relationship, he was repeatedly exposed to cheating in marriage and having sex with different women.

In addition to Trump's many peachy controversies, he was also exposed to many violations during his tenure as president of the United States.

For example, Trump once had the power in his own hands, let people help him, and investigated his opponents in the political arena, Biden and his son.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

This incident was discovered by the US intelligence services, and because of this incident, Trump was violently impeached by the US Congress, but Trump finally managed to get out of this matter.

As a successful businessman, Trump also had a lot of criticism when he was in business

Trump has a large number of enterprises and a huge business territory under his name, but when the relevant departments of the United States investigated Trump, they found the inside story.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

According to authorities' allegations, Mr. Trump's family deliberately exaggerated the size of their business in order to obtain loans from banks.

And in order to ensure his results, Trump will also find someone to take the test for him, which violates the fairness of the test.

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

Write at the end

Today's Trump can be said to have fallen to the point where everyone shouts and beats him, and if Trump cannot prove his innocence, he is likely to face jail time.

This is a critical moment in the US election, and Trump's every move is closely watched by all forces.

In addition to his own interests, he is also related to the interests of the political party behind him.

As for whether Trump, who is mired in scandal, can win the final election and re-enter the presidency of the United States, perhaps only events can bring us the final answer.


The original article was published on 2023-03-31 on "Foreign media: Trump may appear in court on April 4".

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

The original article was published in New Hunan-Current Situation2023-04-01 "Who is the star involved? What happened to Trump?

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

The original article was published in New Hunan-Current Bureau2023-04-23 "Former U.S. President Trump denies all charges in the "hush money" case

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

The original article was published on Red Star News on 2023-04-6 on "Trump's "hush money" civil lawsuit won: the star lost the lawsuit and was sentenced to pay $120,000 to Trump's legal team".

The Trump sex scandal case is opened, the heroine is a famous actress, can he still be the president of the United States?

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