
How to deal with allergic conjunctivitis?

author:Lingwu Rong Media Center

Spring is a good time to enjoy the flowers, but many people are troubled by a series of symptoms such as itchy eyes, congestion, edema, and photophobia. Recently, the reporter walked into the ophthalmology department of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and found that the number of patients with the above symptoms has gradually increased, and these symptoms belong to a common allergic disease - allergic conjunctivitis.

How to deal with allergic conjunctivitis?

According to doctors, allergic conjunctivitis is a series of inflammatory reactions of the conjunctiva of the eye to allergens. A combination of genetic and environmental factors influence allergic conjunctivitis, in which environmental changes become increasingly important.

He Jingping, an ophthalmologist at the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: "The change of seasons and climate change may also aggravate allergies, such as when spring is warmer and wetter, which is more conducive to the growth of fungi and flowers, and allergens increase accordingly, resulting in a significant increase in the incidence of allergic conjunctivitis, and the decrease in air quality will also increase the incidence of allergic conjunctivitis, which may also aggravate the original allergic symptoms." ”

How to deal with allergic conjunctivitis?

According to reports, according to the pathogenesis, allergic conjunctivitis can be divided into five categories, including seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, perennial allergic conjunctivitis, spring keratoconjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis and atopic conjunctivitis. Among them, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and perennial allergic conjunctivitis are immediate allergic reactions, and uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy eyes and tearing are mainly used as reminder signals of allergies, which pose little threat to vision. So, how should the general public deal with allergic conjunctivitis scientifically?

How to deal with allergic conjunctivitis?

"Timely self-discovery, detachment from allergens, and medication according to the doctor's instructions are the keys to scientific response. If you feel eye discomfort in your life, you should go to a regular medical institution for examination, and the doctor will give diagnosis and medication advice. In order to prevent and alleviate allergic conjunctivitis, contact with allergens should be avoided or reduced as much as possible, and protection should be done according to environmental and seasonal changes. He Jingping said.

Doctors recommend that when there is a lot of pollen, large temperature changes, severe air pollution or extreme weather in spring, you can wear protective glasses and masks when you go out to reduce outdoor activities.