
When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

On that sunny morning, the town's market was already bustling with activity. Nineteen-year-old Xiao Li carried a basket and shuttled through the crowd, ready to buy some fresh vegetables and meat. At this time, he noticed an old man standing alone in front of the medicine stall, looking anxious.

Xiao Li approached curiously, and heard that the old man was bargaining with the owner of the medicine stall: "Boss, can this medicine be cheaper? ”

The owner of the medicine stall shook his head: "Grandpa, this is already the cost price, I really can't lower it anymore." ”

The old man sighed, a helpless expression on his face. Xiao Li saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy in his heart, so he stepped forward: "Grandpa, how much money do you lack?"

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

The old man looked up at Xiao Li, and a trace of surprise and hesitation flashed in his eyes: "Oh, young man, there is still 5 yuan missing, but this is ......"

Xiao Li took out 5 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the old man: "Grandpa, you can use it first." The medicine is urgent, and we will talk about the money later. ”

The old man took the money, his eyes reddened slightly: "Thank you, young man, thank you so much." My wife is very sick and she needs this medicine urgently. I...... I don't know how to repay you. ”

Xiao Li waved his hand: "Grandpa, no thanks, helping others is what you should have." Buy medicine and hope your wife recovers soon. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

Watching the old man leave excitedly and gratefully, Xiao Li felt a warm feeling in his heart. He knew that although he had only done a small thing, it could mean hope and support for the old man.

Xiao Li returned to the bustling market and continued his shopping. He was not wealthy, and his family had a lot of difficulties, but at that moment, he felt as if he had done something amazing. Such a small act of kindness made his mood unusually good, as if the whole world was brighter. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Li has also stepped into the ranks of adulthood. However, as time went on, the family's financial situation became more and more strained. What worries Li the most is that her mother's health has taken a turn for the worse, and she has suffered from a disease that requires long-term and expensive treatment.

One night, Xiao Li discussed the family's finances with his father in the small living room of the family. Their conversation was filled with frustration and anxiety.

"Dad, the doctor said that Mom's illness needs long-term treatment, and the monthly medicine bill is a big expense. Xiao Li frowned, and his voice revealed concern.

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

The father sighed, his face full of exhaustion: "I know, I will try my best to find more work." But as you know, it's hard to find a job right now, and the income can't go up. ”

Xiao Li was silent for a while, and then said, "I will also work overtime to earn as much money as possible." We've got to figure it out. ”

During these difficult days, Xiao Li often recalled the scene of meeting the old man at the market. At that time, I was so simple, thinking that all the problems in the world could be solved with a kind heart. He couldn't help but smile bitterly, the reality was far more complicated than he had imagined.

Once, on the way home from overtime, Xiao Li accidentally met an old classmate. The two chatted in front of a street food stall.

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

"Brother Li, I heard that your family has been a little difficult lately?" the old classmate asked with concern.

Xiao Li nodded: "Yes, my mother is sick, and the treatment costs are expensive." Now the whole family is desperately trying to earn money. ”

"Have you ever considered finding some extra help? for example, are there any relief programs in the community or something?" suggested the old classmate.

Xiao Li smiled bitterly: "I've tried, but these are all a drop in the bucket." It's still up to us. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

After chatting for a while, Xiao Li said goodbye to his classmates, and couldn't help but strengthen his determination to work hard to make money. He knew that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, he could not give up, his mother needed him, and he could not let her down.

Every night in the dead of night, Xiao Li would think of the old man's grateful eyes, which was his rare comfort. He firmly believes that good deeds will always be rewarded at some point. Now, he only hopes that day will come sooner rather than later. At the most difficult moment for Xiao Li's family's economy, one afternoon, the old man suddenly appeared at his door with a young girl. The old man looked much older, but his eyes were still full of warmth and determination.

As soon as Xiao Li opened the door, he was surprised to see them, and couldn't help asking, "Grandpa, I haven't seen you for so many years, why did you come suddenly?"

The old man smiled and nodded, while the young girl next to him stood a little shyly. "Xiao Li, this is my granddaughter Xiaofang. I'm here today to repay the money you paid back then. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

Xiao Li felt a little confused for a while, and then remembered the encounter many years ago. "Grandpa, I don't have to pay back that little money, you really helped me a lot at that time. ”

Xiao Fang spoke at this time, and her voice was soft: "Brother Xiao Li, in fact, grandpa has never forgotten your kindness all these years. He's been saving up money just to find a chance to pay it back to you. We know that your family has been in trouble recently, and although this money is not much, we hope to help you. ”

Xiao Li looked at the old man and young girl in front of him, and a warm current appeared in his heart. He couldn't help but say, "Grandpa, Xiaofang, thank you, but I ......"

The old man interrupted him, "Xiao Li, your kindness back then was a great help to me and my wife. It's not just about paying back, it's about paying it back. Please accept it. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

Xiao Li did not refuse in the end and took the money handed by the old man. He bowed deeply to the old man and Xiao Fang, and said gratefully: "Grandpa, Xiao Fang, I must remember your kindness in my heart." If you need help in the future, please come to me. ”

When the old man and Xiao Fang left, Xiao Li's mood couldn't be calm for a long time. He returned to the house and looked at the money in his hand, his eyes slightly moistened. He knew that it was not only because of this sudden help, but also because there was such pure kindness and warmth in this world. He is even more convinced that no matter how difficult life is, there will always be hope and light waiting ahead. Before the old man and Xiao Fang left, the old man turned around, took out a bag from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, there is still some money in here, which Xiao Fang has saved by working part-time in the past few years." We hope to help your mother. ”

Xiao Li took the bag a little embarrassed, and his heart was full of gratitude: "Grandpa, Xiaofang, you have really done too much, I ......"

Xiao Fang interrupted him with a smile: "Brother Xiao Li, your five yuan back then meant a lot to us. During that time, our family was really difficult, and my grandfather's medicine money was not enough. You are the one who gives us hope. It's what we should do to help you now. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

The old man nodded and agreed: "Yes, Xiao Li, your help at that time allowed me to buy medicine in time to treat your grandmother Xiaofang." Although she passed away later, the help you gave during that time made her walk less painful. We've always kept it in mind. ”

Xiao Li listened to the words of the old man and Xiao Fang, and his eyes moistened again. He deeply felt the power of warmth between people, held the old man's hand, and his voice was slightly choked: "Grandpa, Xiaofang, thank you." I don't know how to repay your kindness. ”

"Xiao Li, you don't owe us anything, there is true love in the world. We can help you today because of your selfless help back then. The old man said gently.

Xiao Fang also added: "Yes, Brother Xiao Li, I hope your mother can recover as soon as possible. If there's anything else you need help with, don't hesitate to let us know. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

The two eventually left, leaving Xiao Li alone in front of the door, looking at their distant backs. He knew that it was not just material help, but also great moral support. This kindness from the past has now become a force to warm his life and that of his mother. Time passed like flowing water, and as Xiao Li's mother's condition gradually stabilized, the atmosphere of the whole family gradually brightened. During Xiao Li's mother's recovery, Grandpa and Xiaofang often visited, and their relationship became increasingly close.

One afternoon, at Xiao Li's house, Xiao Li's mother sat in a rocking chair in the sun, and the old man and Xiao Fang were also accompanied.

Xiao Li's mother smiled and said to the old grandfather: "Old Grandpa Li, it is really thanks to your and Xiao Fang's care and help during this period that I can have such a good recovery." ”

The old man responded gently: "This is what we should do." It's also gratifying to see you in good spirits. ”

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

Xiao Fang also interjected: "Auntie, if there is anything you need help with in the future, just say it, we are like a family." ”

Xiao Li looked at this scene, and his heart was full of gratitude: "Grandpa, Xiaofang, you are really like our family." You've given us so much support during this time, I don't know how to thank you. ”

"Xiao Li, good people in this world have good rewards, and we will never forget your good deeds back then. We are also very happy to be able to help you now. The old man said, his eyes revealing deep emotion.

As time passed, the relationship between the old grandfather and Xiao Fang and Xiao Li's family became stronger, and each other's lives were improved and enhanced because of this special connection. They often share the bits and pieces of life together, supporting and encouraging each other.

When I was 19 years old, I went to the market and lent 5 yuan to a grandfather, and when my mother was dying, he brought his granddaughter with him

In this story full of gratitude and help, we can see that kindness and love can always inadvertently warm others, and will eventually give back to ourselves. This emotional bond that transcends time and space is their common treasure.

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