
I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

author:Magician Alex 3F0v

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I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

He Yufei, 34, is a gentle and virtuous woman who has been quietly giving for many years to manage her and her husband Qian Yue's family life. Although Qian Yue is busy with work and often works overtime, the relationship between the two has always been quite good. They understand each other, help each other, and live happily ever after.

However, that all has changed.

On an ordinary night, Qian Yue returned home as usual. But this time, his face was gloomy and he looked a little anxious. He Yufei immediately noticed something unusual, and asked worriedly: "Honey, how is your work today?" I see that you seem to be a little unhappy.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Qian Yue sighed heavily, sat on the sofa, and said irritably: It's none of your business, and I don't know much about it myself. The company has been laying off employees lately, and I've been worried about being the next victim.

Oh dear, don't worry, I'm sure the company won't fire you. After all, you have made a huge contribution to the company over the years. He Yufei hurriedly walked over, sat down beside her husband, and comforted softly.

But, you don't understand, I was terrified every day and worried about losing my job. I am the only one to support the living expenses of both of us, and if I lose this job, our lives will be severely affected. Qian Yue frowned, her tone anxious.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Honey, I know you're worried, but we'll get through it. Even if you lose your job, I will work hard to earn money to support us. As long as I'm here, we'll be fine. He Yufei stretched out her hand, took her husband's hand, and said softly.

But, you don't understand, it's not just about our lives, it's about my self-esteem. As a man, I had to be able to support my family in order to be a good husband. If I can't even do this, what face do I have to face you and our children? Qian Yue's tone became excited, and her eyes were full of frustration.

He Yufei was silent for a moment, and said softly: Honey, don't push yourself so hard. The affection between us is far more important than money. Even if you lose your job, I won't mind continuing to be with you because you're my everything. As long as I'm here enough, I'm happy enough.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

How could you say that? Qian Yue raised her head and looked at He Yufei in surprise, don't you understand that without this job, our lives would be turned upside down. We may lose this warm home and cannot afford even the basic cost of living. Aren't you worried?

He Yufei shook her head lightly and said with a smile: Of course I'm worried, no one wants to lose the life they have worked so hard to build. However, as long as we love and support each other, I believe we will be able to get through this and rebuild our lives to the fullest. As long as you are here, no matter what happens, I will not leave you.

You're so kind. Qian Yue sighed and held his wife's hand tightly, I am so selfish, I only care about my own feelings, but ignore your efforts. From today onwards, I must work hard to make our lives happier and more fulfilling.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

He Yufei smiled softly and kissed her husband's forehead gently, I believe you will be able to. As long as we move forward hand in hand, nothing can stop us.

The two sat in each other's arms, quietly feeling each other's warmth. Even though there are countless unknowns and difficulties ahead, as long as there is the other party by their side, they will be able to overcome everything together.

Time flies, and a few months later, the financial pressure on He Yufei and Qian Yue is also increasing.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Qian Yue endured the pressure of work and was anxious every day, fearing that she would be the next target to be laid off. At the same time, the family's expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and the two have to manage each expenditure carefully.

Sometimes, He Yufei would see that Qian Yue couldn't sleep in trouble, so she would intimately serve him a cup of hot tea and comfort him softly. But every time she sees her husband's sad appearance, her heart will inevitably ache faintly.

One night, Qian Yue returned home tired, with a gloomy face, and walked straight into the bedroom, without the slightest intention of greeting his wife. He Yufei followed in worriedly and asked with concern: "Honey, how is your work today?" I see that you seem to be very tired.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

I almost got laid off today. Qian Yue said in frustration that the company's top management decided to lay off another batch of employees, and I was also considering it. He Yufei exclaimed: What? They actually want to lay you off? But you are one of the best employees in the company, how can they do this?

It may be that the company wants to reduce costs, and layoffs are their only way out. Qian Yue hung her head and said, I have tried my best, but in the end, I still can't change the decision of the top.

He Yufei nervously held her husband's hand, looking at his tired expression, a wave of helplessness and worry suddenly surged in her heart. She worries that if Qian Yue really loses her job, their lives will be in great trouble.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

My dear, you must convince them how valuable you are, how can a company lose a talent like you, and if it is really laid off, we will definitely find a way to get through it. He Yufei said distressedly.

I've done my best, but they seem to have made up their minds to cut staff. Qian Yue sighed, I was worried that if I did lose my job, our lives would fall into darkness. What am I going to do?

Hearing her husband's words, He Yufei's heart sank suddenly. She knew that if Qian Yue lost her job, their lives would be a huge blow. Although she had been encouraging and supporting Qian Yue before, she couldn't help but feel scared at this moment.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

However, He Yufei still tried to squeeze out a smile and comforted softly: "Honey, I know you are worried now, but please believe that we will definitely get through it." No matter what happens, I will always be there for you and support you through this difficult time.

Qian Yue raised her head, stared into her wife's eyes, and said gratefully: Thank you, dear. With you by my side, I have the courage to face everything that follows.

He Yufei held her husband's hand and said firmly: We will definitely overcome difficulties together. No matter what we encounter in front of us, as long as we support each other, we will be able to rebuild a happy life.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Hearing his wife's words, Qian Yue suddenly felt a burst of relief in her heart. He knew that with He Yufei by his side for support and encouragement, he would not feel so lonely and hopeless. Although the future is still unknown, as long as he is accompanied by his wife, he has the courage to face everything in the future.

The two sat in their arms, quietly enjoying this rare and warm moment. In this turbulent time, they cherish each other's company even more. No matter what comes next, they are determined to overcome together and rebuild their own happy life.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly. Qian Yue picked up the phone and heard the voice of his boss on the other end of the phone, telling him that an employee from another department had just left voluntarily and hoped to let Qian Yue take over that position.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Qian Yue looked at his wife in surprise and said excitedly: "My dear, listen, the company actually took the initiative to promote me! It seems that I will not be laid off, and our lives will not be in trouble."

He Yufei was ecstatic, and didn't know what to say for a while. She felt extremely fortunate that this was a turning point for them to get through this difficult time. The two hugged each other tightly, grateful for each other's company and the hope brought by this turnaround.

Perhaps, fate never really forsaken them. As long as they support each other and work together, they will be able to overcome any obstacles and embrace a happy and fulfilling life again.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Since Qian Yue was promoted to another department, He Yufei and his life have gradually returned to their previous stability and happiness.

The company gave Qian Yue a new opportunity to give full play to his professional abilities. And Qian Yue also devoted herself to her new work and worked hard to prove her worth. Every night when he returned home, he always enthusiastically shared his work progress with He Yufei.

He Yufei saw that her husband had regained his motivation and self-confidence, and she felt sincerely happy in her heart. She knew that with each other's support and encouragement, they would be able to get through this difficult time and rebuild their lives.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

One night, He Yufei was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Qian Yue returned home early. He walked into the kitchen quickly and said to He Yufei excitedly: "Honey, I have big news to tell you!"

He Yufei stopped what she was doing and looked at her husband suspiciously: What made you so excited?

Qian Yue said excitedly: The company announced today that it will reward those employees who have performed well in recent months!

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

Hearing the news, He Yufei immediately burst into laughter and said happily: "Great, dear! I knew that you would definitely be able to prove your worth." I'm really happy for you, and it's undoubtedly a wonderful reward for us to get through this difficult time.

Qian Yue hugged his wife excitedly and said gratefully: It is thanks to you that you have always been by my side to support and encourage me, so that I can regain my self-confidence and work hard. This award is not only an affirmation for me, but also a recognition of our joint efforts.

He Yufei gently patted her husband's back and said with a smile: I am really happy to see you regain your confidence and have a new development in your career. This bonus is undoubtedly a great help in our lives, and we can plan our lives well.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back

The two looked at each other and smiled, both sincerely happy for each other's happiness. After a brief period of economic hardship, their lives are once again on a good path.

At this moment, Qian Yue suddenly remembered something, and said with some hesitation: By the way, dear, I have something to tell you.

He Yufei looked at her husband curiously: What's the matter? You look a little, has something happened?

Qian Yue took a deep breath and said seriously: I was thinking, since our lives have returned to stability now, why don't we consider buying a house of our own.

He Yufei was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "So this is it! I completely understand your thoughts." It's time to think about our own housing.

Qian Yue held his wife's hand and said sincerely: We have worked hard together for so many years and have saved some money. It is better to use this bonus as a down payment and buy a house that suits us. In this way, not only can you have your own home, but you will also be able to leave a fortune for your children in the future.

He Yufei thought for a moment and said softly: I completely agree with your idea. We have been married for so many years and it is important to have our own house. Let's plan this together, and I hope we can find a comfortable and peaceful place to live.

Qian Yue nodded happily, and then the two began to chat about what the future house would look like. Although they had some different opinions, they eventually came to a consensus and decided to start looking for the house they wanted.

After experiencing the previous ups and downs, He Yufei and Qian Yue both deeply felt the difficulty of life, but at the same time, they also realized the preciousness of each other. They firmly believe that as long as they move forward together, they can create a better future together.

I had a quarrel with my husband at the age of 34, he said: the house is mine to get out, and half a month later he came and begged me to go back