
The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

author:Eyes full of hello to you

Wandering Wife Narumi

Once upon a time, there was a man named Chen Ming who lived in a remote town. Chen Ming is a carpenter, skilled and kind, so he is quite famous in the town. But he is best known for his kindness and compassionateness.

Chen Ming's neighbors are Li Laohan's family. Li Laohan is old, but his wife Zhang is young, beautiful, gentle and virtuous. However, Li Laohan had a short temper and beat and scolded his wife at every turn, which made everyone in the town see it in their eyes and hurt in their hearts.

One night, Chen Ming was busy in his carpentry workshop when he suddenly heard noise and crying coming from next door. He put down his tools and walked softly to the wall, pricking up his ears to listen.

"You slut, you forgot to prepare hot water for me again!" Li Laohan's angry roar came, followed by Zhang's crying and begging for mercy.

Chen Ming couldn't bear it, but he knew that as an outsider, it was difficult for him to meddle in other people's housework. He returned to the workshop, but he no longer had the intention of working, and his heart was full of Zhang's complaining eyes and mournful cries.

Day after day, the situation does not improve. Every time he heard Zhang's cry, Chen Ming's heart felt like he had been pricked by a needle. He knew he had to do something.

One night, Chen Ming mustered up the courage to knock on the door of Mr. Li's house. When Li Laohan opened the door, his face was displeased: "Chen Ming, what are you doing here?"

"Li Laohan, I heard that there is some unhappiness between you and your sister-in-law, I want to see if I can help anything. Chen Ming said cautiously.

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about our family's affairs!" After Li Laohan finished speaking, he slammed the door shut.

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

Chen Ming was not discouraged. He knew that in order to save the Zhang family, he had to outwit him. So, he began to secretly observe Li Laohan's living habits and look for opportunities.

Finally, on a rainy day, the opportunity came. Li Laohan was dragged by a friend to drink, and Zhang was home alone. Chen Ming took the opportunity to find her.

"Sister-in-law, I'm here to help you. Chen Ming said straight to the point.

Zhang looked at him with a surprised expression: "You...... What do you say?"

"I know you're having a hard time, and if you want to leave this home, I can help you. Chen's tone was full of determination.

Zhang was stunned, tears rolling in his eyes. She bowed her head and was silent for a long time before she raised her head and said firmly, "I do." ”

So, Chen Ming began to plan Zhang's escape route, and prepared some coils and clothes. In the dead of night, he helped the Zhang family escape from the house while Li Laohan was asleep.

A few days later, Li Laohan found out that his wife was missing and was furious. He suspected that Chen Ming was doing it, so he found him aggressively and questioned him.

"Chen Ming, did you kidnap my wife?" Li Laohan glared at you and asked viciously.

Your heart tightened, but you still pretended to be calm on the surface: "Old man Li, what are you talking about? How could I do such a thing?"

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

"Don't think I don't know, it must be you!" Li Laohan roared angrily, "My wife won't disappear for no reason!"

"Why do you say it's me?" you ask, "Is there any evidence?"

Li Laohan was choked by your question, he glared and said, "In short, this matter must have something to do with you!" After speaking, he turned around and left angrily.

You breathe a sigh of relief, both happy and sorry in your heart. You are glad that you were not caught by Li Laohan, but it is a pity that Zhang's departure may bring new troubles to her life.

However, things turned out in a way that you didn't expect. Soon after, you received a letter from Zhang. In her letter, she tells you that she has found a new home and is living happily. She appreciates your help in giving her a chance to start over.

You hold the letter, and your heart is full of emotion. You realize that your act of kindness has not only changed Chang's fate, but also made you experience a sense of satisfaction that you have never experienced before.

Since then, you've strengthened your belief that kindness and courage are the power to change the world. You continue to live a peaceful life in the town, bringing warmth and beauty to people with your craft. And your story has also spread in the town and has become a good story.

However, the good times were short-lived. One night, you were working in the carpentry workshop when you suddenly heard a sharp knock on the door outside. When you open the door, it's Zhang, her face full of horror, followed by a few strangers.

"Chen Ming, help me!" As soon as Zhang saw you, he grabbed your arm tightly.

You were shocked, and hurriedly let her and the strangers into the house. After inquiry, you learn that Zhang's new husband's house has been attacked by robbers, and they have escaped for help.

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

You look at the frightened people in front of you, and a strong desire to protect swells in your heart. You decide to help them, and you start planning how to move them elsewhere safely.

Just as you were busy preparing, you suddenly heard the sound of horses' hooves and shouting outside. You are secretly screaming in your heart, it must be a robber chasing you!

You quickly hid Chang and the others in the secret room of the carpentry workshop, and told them not to come out no matter what happened. Then you picked up a stick and stood in the doorway.

After a while, several vicious robbers broke in. When they saw you standing in the doorway, they immediately rushed up brandishing knives and guns.

Although you were scared in your heart, in order to protect the Zhang family and the others, you mustered up the courage to meet it. Wielding a stick, you engage in a fierce battle with the bandits, and you don't flinch from multiple wounds.

Just when you are about to lose your support, you suddenly hear shouts and horses' hooves outside. It turned out that the residents of the town heard the movement and rushed to help!

Seeing this, the robbers fled. You sit down on the ground with a sigh of relief. At this time, Zhang and the others also came out of the secret room, and they were so frightened that they cried when they saw you covered in blood.

"Don't cry, don't cry," you reluctantly smiled and comforted them, "it's okay, it's okay." ”

In the days that followed, you gradually recovered with the help of the townspeople. And Zhang and her family have decided to stay in the town and start a new life, and they are grateful for your life-saving grace.

Since then, you have become a close-knit family and live happily and peacefully in the town. And your story has spread throughout the region and has become a legend. People have praised you as a brave and kind, affectionate and righteous man!

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

One night years later, you sat in front of the carpentry workshop smoking a dry cigarette and reminiscing about the past. Suddenly, a young figure appeared in front of you: "May I ask if this is Uncle Chen Ming's home?"

You look up and see a strange young man, with his bags on his back, looking at you with a tired face but a determined look in his eyes.

"I'm Chen," you asked, puzzled, "who are you, what's the matter with me?"

The young man grabbed your hand excitedly: "Uncle, I have finally found you! I am the son of the Zhang family!"

Your heart was shocked, and you looked at the young man in front of you, as if you saw the gentle Zhang many years ago. You pat him on the shoulder with emotion: "Child, you're finally here......"

It turned out that Zhang gave birth to this young man after leaving the town and has been raising him ever since. Now that the young man has grown up, he has heard your story and decided to come to you to thank you for saving his life.

You look at the young man in front of you with a lot of emotion, and your heart is full of satisfaction and relief. You know that your act of kindness not only changed the fate of the Zhang family, but also gave this young man the opportunity to become a good man with affection and righteousness.

Since then, you and the young man have become old friends. You run a carpentry workshop together, using your craftsmanship and wisdom to bring warmth and beauty to people. And your story has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has become an eternal legend......

The young man's name is Li Tian, and he inherits his mother's gentleness and tenacity. Li Tian is not only smart and clever, but also full of respect for you. He always listens carefully to your past experiences and is interested in your carpentry skills.

"Uncle, can you teach me carpentry?" One day, Li Tian finally mustered up the courage to make a request to you.

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

You look at his serious face and can't help but smile: "Of course you can, kid." As long as you are willing to learn, I will pass on all my skills to you. ”

So, you start your mentoring career. Under your guidance, Li Tian gradually showed his talent in carpentry. You are more satisfied with him, and you teach him more attentively.

As time goes on, your carpentry workshop becomes more and more famous in the town. Your creations are not only exquisitely crafted, but also have profound meanings and are loved by people.

However, the good times were short-lived. One night, you were busy in the carpentry workshop when you suddenly heard a commotion outside. You and Li Tian walked out of the carpentry workshop and saw a group of people dressed in black surrounding the town square, holding torches and menacing.

"Who are these people, and what do they want to do?" asked Li Tian nervously.

You frown: "It seems that they are not good people. We have to be careful. ”

Sure enough, the men in black began to harass the townspeople, looting their belongings, setting fire to their houses, and doing all kinds of evil. You and Li Tian decide to stand up and protect the town.

You picked up your carpentry tools as weapons and bravely rushed at the group of men in black. Although you are not professional fighters, with courage and wisdom, you have managed to repel the men in black.

The townspeople are so grateful to you that they have come to say thank you. You wave your hand and say, "You're welcome, we just did what we were supposed to do." ”

After experiencing this incident, you and Li Tian cherish the friendship between each other even more. You are not only a mentor and apprentice, but also a close comrade-in-arms and partners.

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

However, the good times were short-lived, and one night you were attacked again by the men in black. This time, their goal is clear: one of the most precious pieces in your carpentry workshop – a beautiful wood carved Buddha statue. This Buddha statue is carved by you with countless painstaking efforts, and it is not only a work of art, but also carries your prayers and blessings for a better life.

In the face of danger, you and Li Tian did not flinch, but bravely protected the Buddha statue from being destroyed, but there are many people in black and strong martial arts, you gradually fell into a predicament, at the critical moment, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared, he held a long sword and launched a fierce battle with the man in black, his swordsmanship is superb, each sword accurately repelled the man in black, with his help, you successfully protected the Buddha statue and revealed the true identity of the man in black.

It turns out that these men in black are a vicious gang from a neighboring town who are trying to snatch your Buddha statues and disrupt the peace and tranquility of the town, but luckily the mysterious swordsman appears in time to reveal their plot, which is truly thrilling.

The mysterious swordsman revealed his identity to you after repelling the man in black, it turned out that he was a famous knight named Yunfei on the rivers and lakes, he had been secretly protecting the peace of the town, and this time he came to help after learning of the conspiracy of the man in black.

You and Li Tian are very grateful to Yunfei and invite him to the woodworking workshop to express their gratitude, where you show Yunfei other woodworking products and share your carpentry skills and experience, Yunfei is full of praise for your skills and offers to exchange martial arts with you to improve together.

Over time, you have developed a strong friendship with Yunfei and often discussed martial arts and carpentry skills together, under his guidance, your martial arts have been greatly improved, and your carpentry skills have become more sophisticated, and the residents of the town have become more respectful of you, and they have come to learn carpentry and martial arts.

One day, Yunfei suddenly received a secret letter, which revealed a shocking news: the gang of men in black was preparing to attack the town again and loot more treasures, Yunfei immediately told you the news and decided to work with you to make a plan to deal with this crisis.

With Yunfei's help, you have a well-planned plan and plenty of weapons and equipment, and when the Men in Black attack the town again, you quickly attack and hunt them out, successfully protecting the town's peace.

This victory has strengthened your belief that as long as everyone is united, you can overcome all difficulties and challenges! The residents of the town have also expressed their desire to join your team to protect the peace and harmony of their homeland.

Since then, the carpentry workshop has become more lively, not only attracting more apprentices to come to learn, but also becoming an important place for the residents of the town to exchange martial arts and carpentry skills, and your deeds have also spread throughout the rivers and lakes, becoming a good story in people's mouths.

The man has a good heart, he secretly let go of the neighbor's wife, and unexpectedly accomplished his own good deeds

And you, Li Tian, Yunfei and the three have become a legendary existence, known as the "Three Heroes of Carpentry", your friendship and skills not only inherit the carpentry culture, but also carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and become a model and example in people's hearts.