
What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

author:Treasure powder is always with you


In the history of China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, there are many heroic stories, some of which are military strategic wisdom, some are the tenacity and fearlessness of the soldiers, and some are the beauty of humanity among the armies. What I want to share with you today is a story that happened on the Watergate Bridge during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

1. Blow up the bridge

At the beginning, I will talk about an "offensive and defensive battle" between the volunteers and the US army on the Watergate Bridge.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Watergate Bridge was a very important communication line, and the US military tried its best to build the Watergate Bridge in order to strengthen its control over the Korean battlefield. In the eyes of the volunteers, the appearance of the Watergate Bridge undoubtedly brought a huge threat to their strategic deployment. In order to prevent the U.S. military from repairing the bridge, the volunteers carried out a powerful sabotage operation and bombed the Watergate Bridge many times, but due to various reasons, the bridge bombing operation of the volunteers did not achieve the expected results, but instead angered the U.S. military and made them more stubborn to repair the Watergate Bridge.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

In the battle to blow up the bridge, the operation of the Volunteer Army to blow up the Watergate Bridge needed to be carried out underwater, which was extremely difficult. But even under such difficult conditions, the volunteer soldiers still accepted the task and charged one after another.

Working on the scaffolding under the Watergate Bridge was none other than Marshal Zhu De's son, Zhu Chengshan. He took the lead in accepting this difficult task, he used explosive ropes to blow up the bridge piers one by one, and successfully blew up the Watergate Bridge, which won a very important victory for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and also won precious time for the volunteers.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

2. Repair the bridge

Of course, even if the Watergate Bridge was blown up, the U.S. military would not rest on its laurels, and they soon began to repair the bridge.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

However, after the Watergate Bridge was blown up, the volunteers were ready to face it, and they set up many obstacles upstream of the Watergate Bridge, which made it extremely difficult for the US military to repair the bridge.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

In order to repair the Watergate Bridge in the shortest possible time, the U.S. military also racked their brains, and they even used a variety of creative solutions, such as replacing screws with ham sausages, replacing rusted screws with instant coffee, replacing plastered noodles with milk, etc., these creative solutions allowed the U.S. military to successfully repair the Watergate Bridge and enhance their control ability on the Korean battlefield.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

3. Think

When we look back at the history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, in addition to those tragic war scenes, there are still many things worth observing and learning from.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

First of all, whether it is the bridge bombing operation of the Volunteer Army or the bridge repair operation of the US Army, they all show a tenacious desire to survive, especially in adversity and extreme environments, the strength and wisdom shown by human beings are indeed admirable.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

Secondly, in this war, both hostile sides have shown a very special human beauty, they respect each other on the battlefield, and even show a kind of respect for each other, this relationship of mutual respect, perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of this relationship that there are many non-combat military operations, and also bring some different elements to the war.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

Finally, it is precisely because of the occurrence of these war stories that we can see the cruelty of war, and also see the strength and wisdom of human beings in adversity, and I believe that in the future peace period, these stories will also bring us very important inspiration, so that we can cherish peace more and love life more.

What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?

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What did the US military do to the volunteer soldiers who had no breath and "only could move their eyes"?