
Explosion! A 66-year-old man seriously injured a 10-year-old boy! An insider's exposure sparked heated discussions at the scene!

author:Sad heart
Liaocheng, a once quiet and beautiful city, has recently had a heart-wrenching incident!

Can you imagine an innocent 10-year-old boy playing in a sunny square when he was mercilessly beaten and seriously injured by a 66-year-old man! Yes, you heard it right, this is not the plot of the movie, but it really happened on the streets of Liaocheng!


Overview of things

The square was bustling with children's laughter. That 10-year-old boy, like the baby in every one of our families, was happy and carefree. However, at that moment, an unfamiliar figure suddenly broke in, breaking the silence. It was a 66-year-old man, he looked amiable, who would have thought that he would do such a cruel thing?

Witnesses told us that the man walked up to the boy without warning, picked him up and threw him hard to the ground. The boy's cry instantly rang out and resounded throughout the square. The people around were stunned by this scene and gathered around. The man turned and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Explosion! A 66-year-old man seriously injured a 10-year-old boy! An insider's exposure sparked heated discussions at the scene!

How can such atrocities be tolerated? As a resident of Liaocheng, I feel extremely angry and distressed. Our children are the future of the city, and it is their laughter and dreams that make the city full of life and vitality. Now, their security is so seriously threatened.

When the Liaocheng Town Government learned of the incident, it immediately took action. They said they would fully cooperate with the public security organs in investigating the matter and ensuring that the case is handled fairly. They also called on the general public to be vigilant and work together to protect our homeland.

Explosion! A 66-year-old man seriously injured a 10-year-old boy! An insider's exposure sparked heated discussions at the scene!

I believe that this incident is not just a simple case of violence, it is also a warning that we should always pay attention to the safety of society. We cannot afford to let innocent children be harmed by a moment of negligence.

According to the data, in recent years, similar incidents of children being harmed are not uncommon. Behind these events, there are often deeper social problems. Some people may choose to attack innocent children because of life pressure, psychological imbalance, etc. Others, who may have been influenced by a bad culture, have a distorted perception of violence.

Explosion! A 66-year-old man seriously injured a 10-year-old boy! An insider's exposure sparked heated discussions at the scene!

Each and every one of us should be actively involved in this process. Whether it's calling the police when we see a suspicious person, or standing up to stop a child when we find out that they are being bullied, we are all contributing to the safety of the city.

I believe that as long as we unite and work together, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges. We want to let those who try to harm our children know that their behavior will never be tolerated! We want to use our actions to tell them that Liaocheng is a place full of love and warmth, and a place where children can grow up with peace of mind.

Explosion! A 66-year-old man seriously injured a 10-year-old boy! An insider's exposure sparked heated discussions at the scene!

The author's concept

In this season of spring flowers, let us send our best wishes to the children of Liaocheng. May they grow up happily under the sun, and may their childhood be full of laughter and happiness. And we will always be by their side and hold up a safe sky for them.

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet, for reference only!