
"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


The vanishing technique of "Remnant Sin".

There's a drama called "Remnant Sins", which is like taking a magician's class and learning a stunt: vanishing. It's not the kind that you can't find all at once, it's the kind where you know where it is, but it's suddenly gone.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

Imagine that you have just been immersed in the waves of the plot, so emotional that you almost threw the snacks in your hand at the TV, and suddenly, the picture goes black and the drama is gone. It's not that the TV is broken, it's not that the network is broken, that's what "Remnant Sin" surprises you.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

The disappearance of "Residual Sin" not only made the audience who followed the drama at a loss, but also distressed those fans who had just rushed to membership. Imagine that you've been waiting for a long time, finally waiting for "Remnant Sin" to return to the screen, excitedly rushing to the membership for a month, only to watch only two episodes, and the series is like a summer in the north, coming and going, walking and coming, and finally disappearing quietly. The ups and downs of this plot development are even more exciting than the script.

The helplessness of drama fans


Those fans who have a soft spot for "Residual Sin" are in a more uncomfortable mood at the moment than eating fake instant noodles. They launched the topic of "#余罪再次下架#" on social platforms, hoping to find comrades-in-arms who are also fallen from the end of the world.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

Some fans are very helpless, "Ah, when it will be on the shelves again, I don't know!" This sentence is undoubtedly saying that the speed of this drama on and off the shelves is simply faster than the speed at which he changed his girlfriend.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

And those fans who have just filled up their membership and are ready to chase the drama are even more confused, they left a message on the Internet, "This is quietly Mimi on and quietly Mimi withdrew, what should I do with the drama fans who have just filled the membership?" This is not only a dissatisfaction with consumption, but also a disappointment with the unfinished plot.

Why is it off the shelves and online again?


The reason why "Residual Sin" can cause such a big response is not only because its plot is fascinating, but also because it is like the eternal question in everyone's mind: "Why is it taken off the shelves?" This question is like a black hole in the universe, attracting people's curiosity to explore.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

It is said that the reason may be related to the content of the play, but what it is is is like the final puzzle in a scavenger hunt, which makes people scratch their heads.

Funny comments from netizens


Of course, in the face of the disappearance of "Residual Sin" again, netizens' reactions were not just sadness and disappointment. In their own unique way, they turned the event into an online.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

Some netizens joked, ""Residual Sin" is on and off the shelves, and I am more diligent than I go to the supermarket to buy things. Some netizens exclaimed, "The speed at which this show is on and off the shelves is almost enough to apply for Guinness World Records!" In this discussion triggered by "Residual Sin", netizens used humor and ridicule to alleviate the loss of the series, and also made the incident less heavy.

Controversial summary


In this drama about the launch and removal of "Residual Sin", we can see not only the audience's love for a drama, but also a reflection on the life cycle of cultural products.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

The fate of "Residual Sin" is like a movie in progress, full of suspense and reversal, which is unpredictable. Regardless, it has become a hot topic on social media, sparking a lot of discussion and attention.

"Residual Sins" is gone, netizens: The online and offline of this drama is faster than my circle of friends

For those viewers who love "Remnant Sin", their emotional investment and concern for the fate of the series reflect the complex attitudes of current society towards cultural products. In this seemingly humorous and witty discussion, we can not only see the wisdom and humor of netizens, but also feel the desire and expectation of cultural content in this era.