
#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

author:Tide Graphics


Tags: #幽默搞笑 #Chinese #全球笑话 #才华横溢

Have you ever wondered what kind of memes can make people around the world laugh and keep their mouths shut? Then the answer is undoubtedly - Chinese memes! These memes full of talent and humor simply make people laugh!

As a headline editor, I'm going to take you through some of the Chinese memes that make the world laugh. Rest assured, laughter is guaranteed to keep you coming back for more


#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

### Terrier 1: The magic talent of the Chinese

The Chinese have always had excellent magic skills, and every time they perform, they can make the audience laugh and stunned! Their fingers seem to hide endless little tricks, which is breathtaking. Just like this Chinese magician, his magic prop turned out to be a steaming bowl of ramen, and he can also change the noodles out of the bowl and back again, which is simply magical!


#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

### Terrier 2: The wisdom and creativity of the Chinese

Chinese people are simply not too talented in terms of creativity! They can always solve the most complex problems in the simplest way. For example, this Chinese engineer, in order to solve the problem of public bicycle parking, he actually designed an "inverted parking" scheme, which only needs to be parked upside down, which not only saves space but also prevents theft, which is really smart!


#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

### Terrier 3: Chinese gastronomic innovation

When talking about the Chinese, how can we not mention their rich and diverse food culture, which is not only mouth-watering, but also often brings unexpected surprises and fun. Just like the daring Chinese chef who combined pizza and fried rice to create the fried rice pizza!


#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

### Terrier 4: The strange invention of the Chinese

Chinese always have unexpected solutions to life's problems, and their bizarre inventions make people laugh. In order to make it easier for him to take a bath, this Chinese uncle actually made a plastic bag full of water and hung it around his neck, so that he could take a bath at any time! This unusual idea is undoubtedly funny and admirable.


#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

### Terrier 5: Chinese humorous jokes

The humor of the Chinese is absolutely so bad that it makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt! Who said that Chinese are only serious? Their humorous jokes can always make people around the world laugh. For example, this Chinese grandfather sells "witty fruits" on the roadside, and the price tag reads: "Buy a witty fruit, get a bowl of muddy soup". Through this witty advertising slogan, it not only attracts people's attention, but also brings endless laughter!


#Terriers still have to look at the Chinese! After reading the mouth that makes people laugh, one is more talented than the other

## Description:

Chinese Whether it's a genius for magic, ingenuity, food innovation, a whimsical invention or a humorous joke, they can make us laugh in the most surprising and funny way. These talented and creative memes not only show the wisdom and humor of the Chinese, but also make people around the world feel happy and joyful.

The Chinese memes are like magic tricks that make the corners of the mouth rise, and they amaze us every time. As soon as the talent and humor of the Chinese are mentioned, laughter will spread around the world. Let's applaud the creativity and humor of the Chinese, enjoy the warmth brought by laughter, and connect the world in happiness!

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