
I was in the army for seven years before I was promoted, and my fiancée couldn't wait, and I received her letter of withdrawal on the day my appointment was announced

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

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In the spring of 1982, I finally received the long-awaited document on the barracks playground. Seven years of hard training and countless sleepless nights have brought this portray to a successful conclusion.

I was in the army for seven years before I was promoted, and my fiancée couldn't wait, and I received her letter of withdrawal on the day my appointment was announced

The picture comes from the Internet

I was standing there, filled with indescribable pride and joy, ready to celebrate with my comrades, when I received a letter at this critical moment.

It was Wang Li's handwriting, neat and firm. The moment I opened the envelope, my heart almost stopped beating.

In the letter, she told me that she could not wait any longer and had decided to marry someone else and pursue the stable life she wanted. This sudden blow made me like five thunderbolts, and all my joy instantly came to naught.

At that moment, it was as if I had lost all the light in the world, leaving only endless confusion and pain, and I didn't even know how to move on.

When I returned to my hometown, I was particularly conspicuous in a military uniform. Relatives and neighbors came to congratulate me on my promotion, their faces were full of pride and joy, but my heart was shrouded in a thick mist, and I couldn't feel any warmth.

I smiled politely and responded to their blessings, but my heart was empty. Wang Li's letter, those few lines of resolute words, kept echoing in my mind, like a knife that pierced my heart.

In the days that followed, I tried to make up for my emotions by being busy. He helped his father renovate the family's old house, accompanied his mother to the market to buy daily necessities, and even taught the children basketball at the village primary school.

In the dead of night, loneliness and helplessness flood in and almost suffocate me. Just when I felt that I couldn't hold it anymore, Zhang Min came to visit. His appearance is like a ray of sunshine in winter, warm and reassuring.

I was in the army for seven years before I was promoted, and my fiancée couldn't wait, and I received her letter of withdrawal on the day my appointment was announced

The picture comes from the Internet

Zhang Min is my old comrade-in-arms in the army, he retired early due to injury a few years ago, and now has a new life in the city. We met on the old bridge at the head of the village, and he saw through my apparent strength at a glance.

"Shengtao, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Min asked with concern.

I was silent for a while, and finally I couldn't help but pour out my pain to him. Zhang Min didn't interrupt me, just listened quietly, occasionally nodding his head in understanding. By the time I had finished, the night was dark, and only the river under the bridge shimmered silver in the moonlight.

"Shengtao, there will always be ups and downs in life," Zhang Min said, his voice gentle, "The pain and confusion you feel now are all trials that life gives you." You have to learn to find the strength to grow. ”

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. Zhang Min patted me on the shoulder and continued: "I remember when we were in the army, you never flinched in the face of difficulties and challenges. Now, although the enemy is no longer the opposing army, but your own demons, you also need to face them bravely. ”

His words were like a key that opened the lock in my heart. Yes, I can't let this be a shackle that binds me. I need to find the person who persevered in the face of adversity, and rediscover the direction and strength of my life.

A few days later, Zhang Min suggested that we go hiking in the nearby mountains together. On the way up the mountain, we passed through dense forests and climbed over rugged rocks.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the village at your feet, the depression in my heart seems to dissipate with the wind. At that moment, I suddenly understood what Zhang Min meant - every climb, no matter how difficult, brings a new perspective and a new beginning.

I was in the army for seven years before I was promoted, and my fiancée couldn't wait, and I received her letter of withdrawal on the day my appointment was announced

We sat at the top of the hill and looked out over the skyline. Zhang Min turned to me and said, "Shengtao, it's time to do something about your future." Don't let the shadows of the past overshadow the light ahead. ”

I was deeply touched by his words. Yes, I can't live in the shadow of the past forever, I need to set new goals for my future. This spiritual journey is not only a simple hike, but also a profound self-discovery.

That night, Zhang Min and I sat on a bench under the old locust tree at the head of the village, the starry sky was shining brightly, and a bright moon was hanging high. We talked a lot, from the bits and pieces of our military career to our future plans. It was on a night like this that I made an important decision.

"I want to go on an international peacekeeping mission. I spoke suddenly, in a firm and powerful voice.

Zhang Min looked at me with an approving glint in his eyes. "It's a good idea, Shengtao. There, you can help more people in your own way, and at the same time, it will broaden your horizons. ”

I nodded, with a sense of clarity and determination that I had never felt before. "I needed this transformation, to go to a new place, to start a new life, to find my own worth and meaning. ”

We continued to talk and discuss the challenges and difficulties that may lie ahead. But unlike the fear and confusion I felt before, this time I felt the excitement and anticipation behind the challenge.

I know it's not going to be an easy path, but I also know that it's these difficulties that will make me grow into a better version of myself. The next day, I submitted an application to the military to participate in an international peacekeeping mission.

I was in the army for seven years before I was promoted, and my fiancée couldn't wait, and I received her letter of withdrawal on the day my appointment was announced

The picture comes from the Internet

The process went surprisingly well, my qualifications and experience were recognized, and it wasn't long before I received an order to send to Africa. I will be part of a peacekeeping team that will travel to conflict-ridden areas to help restore peace.

On the night I packed my bags, I walked alone to the creek in the village. Looking at the quiet flow of the river, I reflected on my life in the past few years.

Every time I think about it, it is a farewell to my past and a preparation for the future. I admit that I still have some nostalgia for Wang Li, but more of a hope for the future and a desire for a new life.

As the moon's rays shone on the river, my mood gradually brightened. I know that this time I chose to leave not only to fulfill my duties as a soldier, but also to pursue inner peace and the reconstruction of my life.

Early one morning, I stood on the platform of the train station with a simple bag. My parents and Zhang Min both came to see me off, although they were reluctant in their eyes, but more of them were support and blessings for me.

We hugged tightly, and then I turned and stepped onto the train to my new station. As the train slowly drove out of the station, I looked out the window at my hometown, which was gradually moving away, and an inexplicable power surged in my heart.

Inside the carriage, I closed my eyes and felt the tremor as I moved forward. A new journey has begun, and I, with infinite hope and determination for the future, are embarking on this path into the unknown.

I was in the army for seven years before I was promoted, and my fiancée couldn't wait, and I received her letter of withdrawal on the day my appointment was announced