
The price of agricultural products is low, the cost of farming is increasing, and how can we increase the enthusiasm of peasants for farming

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#怎样提高农民种田积极性? #

Only by revitalizing agriculture can farmers become rich, and when farmers become rich, they can build a better beautiful countryside. In order to arouse the enthusiasm of the peasants, it is necessary to carry out rural land reform, large-scale land transfer, the development of modern agriculture, intensive and concentrated development, and increase the intensity of subsidies for grain.

The price of agricultural products is low, the cost of farming is increasing, and how can we increase the enthusiasm of peasants for farming

Small-scale farmers have higher production costs and lower returns, and their willingness to grow grain is weak. At present, the production management in the rural areas of the mainland is still mainly based on the production of single-family households, the level of intensive land use is low, the agricultural infrastructure is poor, the level of agricultural science and technology and mechanization is low, and the efficiency of life is low. In addition, the rising prices of agricultural materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, and mulch films have made farmers less willing to plant.

The decline in the relative efficiency of grain production has affected the enthusiasm of peasant households for grain production. The net income of ordinary peasant households planting rice and wheat is 400 yuan/mu and 180 yuan/mu respectively, and the net income of grain in a year is about 500 yuan according to the calculation of the rice-wheat double cropping system, and the average grain income per person is about 300 yuan according to the standard of 1 mu of land per person, which is in sharp contrast with the income from planting cash crops and going out to work, which has a great impact on the enthusiasm of peasant households to grow grain.

The price of agricultural products is low, the cost of farming is increasing, and how can we increase the enthusiasm of peasants for farming

The amateur subsidy has become a subsidy, and the enthusiasm of grain operators is low. At present, there are many varieties of agricultural subsidies on the mainland, and there are a large number of practices of "taking people as units" and "land units as units," which not only fail to arouse the enthusiasm of real peasants, but on the contrary encourage corruption in the rural areas. So, how to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers?

First, it is necessary to deepen the reform of the rural land system and activate rural resources; over the past 40 years or so, along with the process of urbanization, a large number of peasants have settled in cities. However, rural homesteads and houses are idle, and a large amount of arable land has been abandoned. The village collective economic organizations should concentrate on the circulation of these idle lands and homesteads, of which cultivated land should be used to develop modern agriculture, homestead land should be used to build facility agriculture, and the remaining indicators should be used to develop secondary and tertiary industries related to agriculture, create jobs for peasants, and promote the prosperity of agriculture.

The price of agricultural products is low, the cost of farming is increasing, and how can we increase the enthusiasm of peasants for farming

Second, it is necessary to enhance the content of agricultural science and technology and promote the development of modern agriculture. Traditional semi-mechanized farming has low productivity, and at most four or five acres of land can be planted in a year, and it is better to work as a coolie in a year. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve large-scale production, increase the proportion of machine seeding machines, replace manpower with machinery, and liberate more labor force to rural areas, agriculture, and secondary and tertiary industries.

The third is to promote the increase of farmers' income through multiple channels. One is the income from farmland transfer, which includes the income from farmland transfer and the income from farmland transfer; the second source is the nearby labor force, which can earn about 2,000 yuan a month at the current labor price. If you can drive agricultural machinery, or some farming skills, a month's salary is easy. In addition, the development of the village-level collective economy also requires professionals in various fields such as procurement, sales, and management, and if you have the ability, you can make no less money than in the city. The third aspect is the dividends of the village collective economy, which is to build the idle land of the farmers together with the citizens and develop a new farm, so that the people in the city can retire and live here, and make the village more prosperous.

The price of agricultural products is low, the cost of farming is increasing, and how can we increase the enthusiasm of peasants for farming

Fourth, it is necessary to cultivate high-quality professional farmers. By motivating local residents and large farmers, they increase their enthusiasm for agriculture, thus driving the development of the local economy. It is necessary to strengthen the training of peasant households in operation and management, train professional peasants, advocate excellent varieties and breeding, popularize new cultivation techniques, and enhance the superiority and development space of farming, so that peasant households have hope and hope.

Finally, in the process of implementing the rural revitalization strategy, it is necessary to vigorously develop modern agriculture, cultivate farmers with technology and management, and increase actual subsidies for grain, so as to make "villages rich" and "villages strong". Do you have any suggestions on how to motivate farmers?

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