
Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

author:The expectation and yearning of life

Within the system, there is a kind of cancer that is quietly spreading, which is more insidious than corruption, but it is also poisoning the whole system. This is formalism. Not only does it drain the energy of employees, but it also erodes the vitality and trust of the organization.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

Within this system, formalism has become a norm. On the surface, every job is strictly required, and every detail needs to be presented in perfect condition. In practice, however, this approach has not led to any substantial progress, but has become a burden.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

Whenever there is an inspection by the superiors, the grassroots employees have to start to get busy. Not only do they have to work overtime to prepare various materials and ledgers, but they also have to make sure that everything looks flawless.

This preparation usually takes a lot of time and effort, but the inspection itself can last only a few minutes, and the superior inspectors often only look at the material and do not have a deep understanding of the material.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

The ledger is a typical representative of this formalism. Employees make a ledger that records their work process and results in detail, hoping to be recognized by their superiors. But these ledgers are often shelved or even destroyed directly after the inspection, and all efforts become meaningless in an instant.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

What's even more exhausting is that in order to cope with this formalistic inspection, employees need to constantly download updated apps, fill out various cumbersome forms, and participate in various meetings.

Their working lives are almost filled with these endless formalistic activities, and their real work efficiency and creativity are greatly reduced.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

And behind the scenes, the situation is more complicated. The unity and harmony on the surface belie the reality of the undercurrent. The small groups and interests within the system are closely intertwined, forming small circles that are difficult to break.

These circles are mutually supportive and difficult for outsiders to enter, which not only affects fair play, but also makes employees without backgrounds feel powerless and frustrated.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

Everyone who works within the system hopes to achieve career advancement through their own efforts, but the formalism and the small group politics behind it make them feel that the future is uncertain.

And for those employees who repeat meaningless work every day, mental stress gradually accumulates, and some even have mental problems.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

Despite the calls for change and the elimination of this formalistic approach, in reality it is very difficult to solve the problem at its roots. Formalism has been deeply rooted in the system and has become a kind of "management fraud" that is difficult to get rid of.

The prevalence of formalism not only inhibits employees' creativity and enthusiasm for work, but also seriously distorts the values and goals of the organization. The organization is no longer a place for efficiency and innovation, but a formal, superficial, and false display platform.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

Formalism has become ingrained and has become a culture within the system that is difficult to get rid of. This kind of culture not only restricts the development of individuals, but also is a huge waste of social resources.

Countless hours and energy are wasted every year on unnecessary preparation and superficial work that could have been used to solve real problems and promote social progress.

Within the system, a phenomenon that is more serious than corruption has spread!

With the continuous development and change of society, people have begun to realize more strongly that if the problem of formalism cannot be fundamentally solved, the progress of the whole society will be limited.

This is not only an issue within the organization, but also an issue that concerns the development of the entire country. But to truly achieve this, it is necessary not only to change policies, but also to change culture and attitudes.