
如何评价《Black Mirror》(黑镜)第三季第六集《Hated in th

author:Forgetchuan Kitaaki.

If you are given a chance to kill the person you don't like by adding a label, what will you do?

Note: The following contains a lot of spoilers, please consume with caution.


—————————I'm the dividing line——————————

A contracted journalist who deliberately denigrates people with disabilities to hype, a singer who mocks other people's dreams, they are pushed to the forefront of social networks, and almost all of them are abusing them online, cursing them, and wishing they were dead. Then, their dreams came true.

We talk about online violence again and again, but it never stops, it only intensifies. The internet hides each and every one of us, while also exposing the darkest side of our humanity. With the web, you can do things that you aspire to do in reality but are afraid to do, because no one knows who you really are in the web. Everyone can insult and slander others with impunity, use the most vicious words, the most disgusting words, and do not have to bear any fault for it. Now, in Black Mirror: Enemy of the Nation, you can not only enjoy the thrill of insulting others, but you can even vote for the person you hate the most and send him to his death. "To die" is no longer just a cathartic word, it has regained its original meaning. Just add a tag and the photo name of the person you want to die for, and the person with the most votes will die, which is simply not better for a keyboard warrior.

The story begins with the bizarre death of a contracted writer who was criticized by netizens for an article, and a large number of "to die" labels were added to her name. After eating a cake sent by an angry netizen, she died, but not because of the cake. Later, a singer who was also condemned also died mysteriously in the same way, and the police noticed the seriousness of online public opinion and discovered the danger of the "death to" label. They (yes, "they") follow the routine of traditional American criminal investigation dramas step by step to the end, find the next person who may be killed, and discover the murderer behind the scenes who has fled abroad, but it is too late.

The phrase "too late" may be used inaccurately, and you might think that they didn't save the next victim – they didn't, and they killed thousands of people.

Because, not only will the person with the highest number of votes die, but also the person who votes.

I looked at the progress bar contentedly, this is the black mirror I know well.

The idea of the murderer behind the scenes is actually very simple, his crush almost committed suicide because of online violence, so he made such a big news and wanted to give the whole of Britain a national trial. This is not a routine at all, the keyboard warriors have said that Lao Tzu just voted for it is none of my business, and then they hiccuped.

In fact, I omitted the biggest protagonist in this play, the artificial bee ADI. The real culprit behind the scenes is to use these little guys to kill thousands of Britons. The origin of bees is also ironic, the government under the guise of protecting the ecology to spy on the people to create these bees, when they are discovered, they have to whitewash themselves to protect the public, and in the end these bees in turn kill the public, but the government has no ability to resist.

There are also many thought-provoking small details in the play, such as the netizen who gave away the abusive cake is a kindergarten teacher in reality, and the politician who found himself selected as the number one wants to expose other people's black material to lower his ranking, and in order to end all this as soon as possible, Master Wang, who started the massacre of keyboard warriors and made a cameo appearance from "Doctor Strange", etc., each of which is full of British black humor and mercilessly satirizes the cold reality.

The end of the story is a good fit for Black Mirror's central idea that "all technology is for bad things", and it also deeply reprimands those proud keyboard warriors. In line with the idea that the law does not blame the public and no one knows who I am, the Internet trolls who are mixed up will be put together wherever they want to get it. Of course, these are just things from TV dramas, how can real warriors watch this kind of foreign garbage. Those keyboard warriors on the Internet are damned, but it has nothing to do with me.

Put a few stills

I didn't expect to be interrogated by the police aunt for the stupid keyboard teacher

如何评价《Black Mirror》(黑镜)第三季第六集《Hated in th

Killer bees are overwhelming

如何评价《Black Mirror》(黑镜)第三季第六集《Hated in th

(And didn't (ーー;) you really cross over from Doctor Strange?)

Gospel for people with dense phobias

如何评价《Black Mirror》(黑镜)第三季第六集《Hated in th