
Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

author:Entertainment unicorns


"Feather ink" is painted in reality

There is no need for a time machine, Zhao Wenqi has already moved the familiar screen image to reality.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

In the streets and alleys of Hangzhou, a newly opened "Yumo Nail Shop" imprints the names of the characters in the play to every corner of real life.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

The interior of the store is simple and stylish, and the walls are covered with stills of Zhao Wenqi in "Love Apartment", as if a tribute to that period of youth.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Stepping into it is like stepping back in time to that laughing apartment, where every corner is a trigger for memories.


Gallery of Memories of Youth

The past is like smoke, but the charm of "Feather Ink" still shines brightly. Many young people who went to college still remember the funny and witty "Qin Yumo".

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Fans have said that Zhao Wenqi seems to be the enemy of time, as if he has not been eroded by the years.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

The nail salon she opened is not just about applying color to her fingertips, but more like adding a touch of color to the drawing board of youth.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

While enjoying the nail service, customers also wrote their own "Love Apartment" stories on the message board, those stories of growth, jokes and friendships.


Da Zhang Wei also came to join in the fun

When Da Zhang Wei posted on the Internet that "Qin Yumo is really beautiful",

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

is not only praising the magic of the makeup team of "Love Apartment", but also inadvertently sparking a discussion about the makeup of modern dramas.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

At Yumo Nail Salon, every nail art is like a small makeup class, and customers are exchanging their knowledge and opinions about makeup while enjoying the service.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Makeup artists are more than just artists, they're fashion educators who use their hands to paint their clients' unique styles on their fingertips.


The link between the characters in the play and reality

"Yumo Nail Art" is not only the establishment of a commercial brand, but also an emotional bridge between Zhao Wenqi and fans.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Fans here not only saw the shadow of the characters in the play, but also saw Zhao Wenqi's personal pursuit and enthusiasm for the cause of beauty.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

She uses practical actions to tell everyone that the characters in the play can step out of the screen and become a part of reality, and this kind of behavior that spans the virtual and the real gives fans unlimited imagination.


The social circle of the nail salon

On social media, "feather ink manicure" quickly became a hot topic.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Netizens posted their own nail art photos in the comments, arguing about which style best represents Qin Yumo's style,

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Some fans have even suggested that nail salons should launch a collection of styles named after the characters of "Love Apartment".

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

This social interaction makes the nail salon more than just a place to provide services, it is a cultural meeting point for memories, fashion and socialization.


The imprint of the era of feather ink

In this era of change, everyone is looking for their own little luck.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Some people find it in the corners of cafes, while others find it in the fingertip art of the "Feather Ink Nail Art" shop.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

Maybe one day, when we get old, someone will mention the nail salon and the memorable character of the show.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year

At that time, we will find that "Feather Ink" is not just a character, it has become a cultural phenomenon, influencing the aesthetics and emotions of generations after generations.

Qin Yumo's nail salon opened Netizen: The appointment will be scheduled until next year