
After a painless abortion, you need to know these questions...

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

 ●Is a painless abortion really painless?●

We've seen countless women ask this question. After all, the price of painless abortion will be much higher than the price of ordinary abortion, and spending more money is for the purpose of reducing pain.

Painless abortion is an abortion performed by the recipient under general anesthesia, and the patient can fall asleep in about 30 seconds, and then undergo the operation. During this procedure, the patient does not feel the slightest pain, and the whole process will be carried out under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.

After a painless abortion, you need to know these questions...

 ●How long after a painless abortion does it take to menstruate?●

Generally speaking, about 22 days after a painless abortion, the ovaries will gradually regain their ovulation function, and menstruation will occur in about 1 month.

However, some women will experience symptoms such as delayed menstruation and heavy menstrual flow. If menstruation still does not return to normal after 2-3 months, it is necessary to seek medical attention to find out the cause and treat the symptoms.

After a painless abortion, you need to know these questions...

  ●How long after a painless abortion can I take a shower? ●

This is one of the issues that women are concerned about. It is generally recommended not to take a shower immediately after the abortion, and it is recommended to wait for 2-3 days before taking a shower, before which you can use a wet towel to wipe your body.

It is recommended to choose a shower for the way to take a bath, and it is forbidden to take a sitz bath, a bath, a bath, swimming, etc. And when showering, try to only rinse the outer shade, not the inside of the shade.

 ●How long after a painless abortion can I have intercourse?●

After the abortion surgery, you can wait until your body recovers before you can have intercourse. It takes about two weeks for the lochia to drain away, but it will take at least one month for intercourse to resume. This is because the patient needs a recovery process in all aspects of the psychological and physical aspects after the abortion.

Premature intercourse can easily cause bacteria to travel up the shade path, which can cause gynecological diseases such as endometritis. In order to avoid secondary damage to the endometrium and induce infertility. Be sure to wait until your body has recovered before having intercourse.

After a painless abortion, you need to know these questions...

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