
The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

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The yen's diving race, which seems to be just a numbers game of money, has actually stirred up ripples in the pool of the global economy.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

Recently, with the continued depreciation of the yen against the US dollar;

An inadvertent economic phenomenon is quietly changing the shopping map of Asia and the world, and Chinese tourists are increasingly "sweeping" Japan.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

This not only has Japan's retail sector been geared up, but China has also become a potential big winner in the wake of this currency crisis.

In this shopping frenzy triggered by currency depreciation, let's take a look at how the numbers tell the story.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

The yen has fallen about 15 percent against the dollar in the past six months, meaning that the same amount of renminbi can be exchanged for more yen, increasing the purchasing power of Chinese consumers.

According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, the number of visitors from China to Japan has increased by 20% in the last three months compared to the same period last year, and behind these figures is a series of economic and cultural intertwining.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

Japan, once known for its high spending, has become a paradise for overseas shoppers, fueled by a dwindling currency.

From electronics to cosmetics, clothing to pharmaceuticals, Japan's high quality and meticulous manufacturing have always been the hallmark of its goods.

Now, due to the fluctuation of the exchange rate, these expensive goods have become a very cost-effective option.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

Shopping hotspots such as Tokyo's Akihabara Electronics Market and Osaka's Shinsaibashi are already experiencing the boom in Chinese tourists.

But this shopping rush is not just a one-sided "sweeping" behavior, it has also contributed to the vitality of Japan's local economy to a large extent.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

While the depreciation of the yen has brought about an increase in the cost of imports, which has affected the domestic price level, more broadly, it has also contributed to a boom in the tourism and retail sectors, creating a large number of jobs.

For example, a visit to some of Tokyo's major business districts reveals an increasing number of Chinese "welcome" signs on their doors, and even hiring Chinese-speaking staff to attract Chinese customers.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

Let's take a look at the impact of this "shopping spree" on China.

First of all, this has undoubtedly strengthened the international shopping motivation of Chinese consumers, making more Chinese tourists willing to spend abroad, and driving the development of aviation, tourism, insurance and other related industries at home and abroad.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

Secondly, as more and more Chinese consumers realize that they can enjoy more price advantages and product diversity by shopping overseas;

This has also prompted domestic retailers and brands to adjust their strategies to compete in domestic and foreign markets in a more competitive way.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis

In this currency-driven consumption feast, Chinese consumers' "going overseas" shopping has not only changed their consumption habits, but also invisibly promoted the adjustment of the domestic and foreign market structure.

The Chinese are frantically sweeping Japan and will become the biggest winner after the crisis
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Writing hard

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