
The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

author:Möngke talks about health

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In Uncle Li's garden, he sat in a rocking chair and held a gardening book. His son, Li Qiang, stood in front of him with a worried expression on his face.

"Dad, you really should go to the doctor. Li Qiang said. But Uncle Li just looked up at the sky, as if remembering something.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

Uncle Li is 61 years old and was recently diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Faced with this sudden blow, he chose an unusual path - refusing treatment and just wanting to spend the rest of his life in the vegetable garden of his home in peace. His decision threw the entire family into chaos. Today, Li Qiang once again persuaded him to go to the hospital, hoping that his father would listen to professional advice.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

Eventually, at his son's insistence, he agreed to ask. Together, they went to the hospital in the city center, where there is a lung cancer treatment center that specializes in similar cases. They were received by Dr. Wang Min, an experienced lung cancer specialist.

In the consultation room, Dr. Wang Min patiently explained various treatments for lung cancer to Uncle Li.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

She mentioned that although Uncle Li's disease has entered an advanced stage, through the advancement of modern medicine, such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy, the survival of patients can be significantly extended. She explained in detail how these treatments work, such as how targeted drugs can precisely attack tumor cells without causing too much damage to the surrounding healthy cells.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

After hearing this, Uncle Li seemed a little shaken. He asked many questions about the side effects and cost of treatment, and Dr. Wang Min answered them one by one, providing corresponding data to support the fact that although there are some side effects, for most patients, these are controllable.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

Uncle Li decided to give treatment a chance. He began targeted therapy and went to the hospital regularly for check-ups. In the process, he did not give up his garden. His wife, Aunt Yang, helped him take care of the vegetable garden, and the two enjoyed this peaceful time together.

He felt much better and was able to work more in the garden, which made him very happy. Although Uncle Li knows that the road to cancer treatment is not smooth sailing, he is determined to enjoy every moment he can master.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

In the process, Uncle Li began to have a new understanding of medicine. He originally just wanted to spend the rest of his life at home in peace, but now he realized that modern medicine could bring him hope and comfort even in the last stages of his life.

Uncle Li began to record his healing experience in the hut next to the vegetable garden, and he wrote: "The treatment is like my vegetable garden, it needs to be carefully cared for in order to harvest the fruits. Although I know that every vegetable I grow will not grow forever, I still insist on watering and fertilizing every day because it is my responsibility. ”

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

Through many exchanges with Dr. Wang Min, Uncle Li learned that his treatment plan was based on data from a large number of clinical trials.

Dr. Wang Min showed him some statistical charts and graphs from lung cancer patients in different hospitals across the country, showing the improvement in patient survival after receiving targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

These charts not only show the numbers for survival, but also reveal significant improvements in patients' quality of life during treatment.

Although the data and treatment bring hope, Uncle Li still has a lot of questions in his heart. After one of his regular check-ups, he said to Dr. Wang, "Dr. Wang, I know you mentioned before that every patient responds differently to treatment. ”

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

"I want to know, for a patient my age, what is the quality of life after treatment, and will I be able to continue to work in the garden every day, as I am now?"

Dr. Wang Min smiled, and then replied seriously: "Uncle, according to your condition and treatment response, your current quality of life is already very good. ”

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

"I can tell you that based on our hospital's past medical records, patients like yours who actively cooperate with treatment are able to maintain a better quality of life for a longer period of time. ”

Uncle Li felt relieved after hearing this. Although there are still many uncertainties ahead, he knows that he is not alone. He has the support of his family, the guidance of a professional doctor, and the company of his favorite vegetable garden.

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what

All this made him feel that no matter what the future holds, every day now is worth cherishing.

What do you think about how to choose cancer after being detected? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 61-year-old uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, refused treatment, and went home to continue growing vegetables: life is no matter what