
The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"The pain today is really unusual, I have to go to the hospital. 59-year-old Uncle Liu slowly walked to a nearby community hospital while holding his waist on his left side and crutches on the other.

Uncle Liu is a retired postman, and his life after retirement is ordinary and stable, and the greatest pleasure of every day is to walk in the community and chat with neighbors.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

When he arrived at the hospital, Dr. Zhang listened to Uncle Liu's description of his symptoms, and Dr. Zhang decided to do a thorough examination first. Color ultrasound, urine test, blood routine, none of them are missing, and Dr. Zhang hopes to find the root cause of the problem through a comprehensive examination.

After the results came out, Dr. Zhang's expression became extremely serious, this is not an ordinary kidney stone, but a rare abdominal aortic aneurysm. "Mr. Liu, your situation is more serious than we initially suspected. ”

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

Dr. Zhang explained softly, "Although your symptoms are like kidney stones, they are actually caused by an abdominal aortic aneurysm. This is an abnormal dilation of the aortic wall that can be life-threatening if left untreated. ”

When Uncle Liu heard this, he couldn't help but get nervous, but Dr. Zhang quickly reassured him, explaining that although the disease was serious, if it was detected early, there was still great hope for a cure through surgery. Dr. Zhang went on to elaborate on the characteristics of the disease, including its development mechanism, possible dangers, treatments, and prognosis.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

While discussing treatment options, Dr. Zhang also mentioned several other similar cases. For example, there was a middle-aged woman who also came to the hospital for examination because of abdominal discomfort, and initially thought it was a gastrointestinal problem, but finally found that it was the same abdominal aortic aneurysm.

She has recovered well after undergoing surgery and her quality of life has not been greatly affected. Through these examples, Dr. Zhang hopes to alleviate Uncle Liu's panic and enable him to be more positive about treatment.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

Dr. Zhang also reminded Uncle Liu that although the disease is not easy to detect in the early stages, once diagnosed, the timeliness of treatment is very important. He stressed the importance of regular check-ups, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, as regular full-body check-ups can detect many potential health problems early.

After discussing all the medical information, Dr. Zhang explained the procedure in detail, including preoperative preparation, surgical methods, post-operative precautions, and possible complications.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

He made sure that every question was answered clearly, so that he was fully prepared for the upcoming operation. Eventually, Uncle Liu decided to undergo surgery. The surgery was performed by Dr. Zhang himself, and everything went smoothly.

After the operation, Uncle Liu gradually recovered under the care of the hospital. Through this experience, he gained a deeper understanding of his own health and a deep admiration for the doctor's professional skills and responsibility.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

During Uncle Liu's recovery, Dr. Zhang also arranged several rehabilitation consultations to discuss how to avoid the recurrence of such health problems through adjustments in daily life.

He stressed the importance of a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and avoiding overexertion. Dr Teo also made a point of noting that while surgery has resolved the immediate crisis, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to preventing future health problems.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

Uncle Liu's life is gradually back on track. He is also happy to share his experience in the hope of helping more people realize the importance of health, especially for his peers, who are aware of and respond to potential health threats in a timely manner.

Through Uncle Liu's case, Dr. Zhang conducted a series of health education activities in the community, especially emphasizing the importance of monitoring and early diagnosis of chronic diseases among middle-aged and elderly people. Using Uncle Liu's case as a teaching material, he explained to the community that even seemingly ordinary symptoms can hide serious health problems.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

With regular check-ups and sensitive responses to our body's signals, we can better manage our health and avoid the serious consequences of neglect.

After the story of Dr. Zhang and Uncle Liu spread in the community, it inspired many residents to take health seriously. They are beginning to realize that only by confronting and dealing with health issues positively can they enjoy a more fulfilling and meaningful later life.

The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat

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The 59-year-old man had pain in his left lower back, thinking it was a kidney stone, and after the doctor's examination, he was shocked into a cold sweat