
Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

author:Sharp eyes on the world

On that sunny afternoon, Aunt Li attended a special family gathering. On the dining table, the aroma of home-cooked food is intertwined with laughter, and the atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

Just as everyone was immersed in the joy of getting together, Aunt Li's nephew, a young nutritionist, suddenly threw out a topic that made everyone calm down: "Do you know that not all whole grains are suitable for everyone, especially the elderly. ”

Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

Aunt Li muttered in her heart: "I always thought that coarse grains were healthy food, why should I still score people?"

1. Coarse grains are not suitable for everyone

Corn's Sweet Trap: While corn is a good source of dietary fiber, its sugar content should not be overlooked.

Especially for the elderly, whose blood sugar is not very stable, eating too much may make blood sugar rise and fall, which is very unfriendly to diabetes control.

The double-edged sword of barley rice: Barley rice is good at eliminating edema, but elderly people with renal insufficiency need to be cautious because its high-protein properties may increase the burden on the kidneys.

Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

Hormonal considerations for black beans: Black beans, which are rich in phytoestrogens and protein, are good for improving symptoms in menopausal women, but for older people with hormone-sensitive diseases, they may need to be restricted.

Second, the misunderstanding of coarse grains

Natural label ≠ universal pass

Walking next to the supermarket shelves, do you always see all kinds of foods under the banner of "pure natural" and "no additives"? Yes, natural foods do sound tempting, as if you can stay away from all kinds of modern diseases after eating.

But the truth is, nature doesn't mean it's right for everyone. For example, some people are allergic to nuts, and for them, even natural nuts can trigger severe allergic reactions.

Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

Similarly, whole grains are good, but they may not be as friendly to people with certain health conditions, such as corn and black beans.

One person at a time, a piece of clothing

Each person's physique is unique, just like a fingerprint. You may have heard that Lao Zhang next door has eaten oats and his blood pressure has dropped, but when it is your turn, maybe the effect is not so obvious, and there is even discomfort.

That's where individual differences come in. Differences in age, gender, genetics, lifestyle habits, and even the gut flora can all affect how food responds in the body.

Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

When making a diet plan, you must follow your actual situation, for example, if you have diabetes, you must pay attention to sugar intake, and if you have poor kidney function, you must limit protein.

If you don't listen to the words of experts, you can't do it

Now there are all kinds of healthy diet articles flying all over the Internet, saying that this is good today, and overturning it tomorrow, which makes people scratch their heads. At this time, professional advice is particularly important.

Dietitians and doctors, based on their professional knowledge and clinical experience, are able to give more scientific and personalized dietary advice.

Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

For example, they will tell you which whole grains you can eat more and which ones you should eat less, and how to mix them to meet your nutritional needs without burdening your body.

I have reduced the large amount of corn and black beans that I used to prefer, and added more vegetables and a moderate amount of refined grains that suit my physique.

In the past few months, Aunt Li has not only controlled her weight, but also significantly improved her blood sugar and kidney function indicators, and she looks more energetic.

Doctors have repeatedly warned: There is no benefit in eating more, don't be too willful

As the old saying goes, "Only you know if your shoes will fit or not." "When it comes to diet, the same applies. In this era of information explosion, we must learn to listen to our own body and make wise choices according to our own circumstances in the face of a wide variety of food choices. Healthy eating is not about chasing trends, but about being responsible for yourself.

Note: The health and wellness suggestions in the article are for reference only (part of the picture is from the Internet, and the infringement contact is deleted)