
Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!



Historically, there has been a period of seclusion in our country, but that time has left the continent behind the rest of the world in many aspects.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

So after our door was opened, we are actively connecting with the world, in order to catch up with the gap, we have spent a lot of effort, but in today's world, there are still four countries that are implementing a policy of closing the country.

So, which are these countries that practice seclusion and seclusion, and why do these countries implement the policy of seclusion?

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!


When it comes to this country, most people have no impression of it, because the country's presence in the whole world is really not very strong.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

It has a relatively small land area of only 38,000 square kilometers, and its population has reached about 750,000, and many people in this place believe in Buddhism.

Because the country's strength is too limited, in order to prevent its country from getting involved in world disputes, Bhutan has always pursued a policy of seclusion.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

In this case, it is a little difficult for external forces to penetrate, but there is another main reason, that is, their country is constrained by India.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Because Bhutan borders India, India's strength is much stronger than Bhutan's, so India's suppression of Bhutan can be described as dead, and India does not want Bhutan to open up.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

The impact of the closure is still quite large, Bhutan does not even have a railway in the country, and even the coverage rate of the Internet is less than 5%, and the main source of income for the people is agriculture and tourism.

However, the scenery of this country is quite good, and its forest coverage rate can reach almost 60% of the entire country's land area.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Don't look at Bhutan's backwardness, but Bhutan's people's living index is very high, because Bhutan's social welfare treatment is quite good, medical care is universal for all, and education is also available.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Bhutan has a very high rate of basic education coverage throughout the country, so it is precisely for these reasons that the happiness index of the Bhutanese people is high.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

North Korea

North Korea and South Korea are both on the Korean Peninsula, and the two countries still have the same roots, but the development of these two countries is completely different, and South Korea's development is in line with the world, and there are even several major chaebols in the country, and these major chaebols monopolize the South Korean economy.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

On the North Korean side, the state controls most of the wealth, and the DPRK is the country that invests first in the military, which is the so-called "Songun politics".

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Therefore, to a certain extent, the DPRK's military strength is relatively strong, but in this case, it has also caused the people's livelihood to be relatively poor.

If we look at the pictures of the DPRK now, we will find that the life of the DPRK people is like that of our country in the 70s and 80s, and the wages of the DPRK people are also very low.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

However, despite this, the happiness index of the North Korean people is also very high, and the happiness index of the DPRK is also among the best in the world.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

This is all due to the welfare system in North Korea, which, like Bhutan, has free medical care and free compulsory education.

Not only that, but the government also provides free housing, so it seems that the North Korean people are indeed relatively happy, and the reason why North Korea is closed to the rest of the country is inseparable from their Songun policy and the US blockade.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Because most of the money is put on the military, other aspects will be weak, and at this time, some countries will take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the weakness.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

In order to prevent such a situation from happening, North Korea began to close its own borders, so that it would be more difficult for external forces to infiltrate.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!


Myanmar is a country with very superior natural conditions, but the country's development is very slow, and there is a reason why they are like this.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

When Myanmar was colonized, the colonizers deliberately provoked ethnic contradictions in Myanmar, and later after Myanmar succeeded in becoming independent by its own efforts, the ethnic contradictions in Myanmar were still not resolved.

So they decided to close the door of their own country to deal with these things, but what Myanmar did not expect was that after closing the door of their own country, the matter was not resolved.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Myanmar's military power began to grow, and the forces between local and local forces were also relatively separated, which also caused chaos in Myanmar, and in the chaotic situation, Myanmar's economy was actually relatively difficult to develop.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

So in Myanmar, 20 percent of the population is very poor, and the access to electricity is only 50 percent, and the Internet penetration rate is even lower, only 40 percent.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Because many people are in poverty, the local prices in Myanmar are also very low, but despite this, the development of Myanmar is still the most backward in the entire Southeast Asia.

There are a lot of poor people in Myanmar, but this does not mean that there are no rich people in Myanmar, and the life of the rich in Myanmar is still drunk, and compared with the rich people in some developed countries, it is not bad at all.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!


The country's presence doesn't seem to be very high, but his identity is not simple, he used to be one of the member states of the Soviet Union.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

At that time, Turkmenistan was still developing very well, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, all this changed, and at that time, there were some countries in the Soviet Union that wanted to be independent.

There are also countries that do not want independence, and Turkmenistan is one of the countries that does not want independence, because they themselves know that if they are independent, it will be very dangerous in the treacherous international community.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

But the collapse of the Soviet Union was so overwhelming that Turkmenistan was forced to declare independence, but not long after its independence, the country discovered a lot of more valuable resources.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

It would indeed be a good thing for people to be happy if these resources were discovered in any major country, but Turkmenistan was unusually panicked when they were discovered.

He still understands the principle that "the husband is not guilty, but he is guilty", so Turkmenistan closed off his country, so that he would not have to offend any country.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Because there is so much oil, gasoline is very cheap in Turkmenistan, and not only that, but it is also the only country in Asia that is permanently neutral, which was recognized by the United Nations in 1995.

Some of the 4 countries in the world are impoverished, and the reasons behind them are contemplative!

Unlike what people think of in seclusion, the cost of living in Turkmenistan is very low, and there are many daily expenses that they don't need to worry about, and the government will bear these expenses.

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