
Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station


A car owner's car in Jinhua, Zhejiang

Spontaneous combustion when no one is using it

Heavy losses

And the "fuse" turned out to be a data cable?

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car


The vehicle was charging at the time

In this case

The vehicle does not go into hibernation

And at this time

The USB port in the car is plugged into a mobile phone data cable

The data cable interface is heated due to a fault

Eventually, the vehicle will spontaneously combust

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

△ Surveillance video shows that the passenger seat of the vehicle suddenly burst into flames.

Do you have the same habits?

After charging your phone in the car

Only unplug the phone, not the cable

As everyone knows, the data cable is plugged in for a long time

There is a potential danger of faulty short circuit and fire

The weather is getting hotter, and you should be more careful that your car "gets hot"

In addition to unplugging the data cable after charging

The following "time bombs" should not be placed in the car

What not to put in the car in the heat?

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

What should I do if my vehicle catches fire?

Turn off the power supply after the car is turned off

If you smell burning or find smoke on the front hood while driving, you should immediately pull over and turn off the ignition and cut off the power supply.

The engine is on fire, be careful when opening the front hood

If there is a fire and smoke in the engine compartment of the car, be careful not to open the front hood all at once. This is because a large amount of air can cause a deflagration.

The front hood should be opened with a small slit first, and a fire extinguisher should be used to spray the fire from the gap into the engine compartment.

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

The fire is too strong, please leave immediately

If the fire is too fierce to be controlled, personnel should stay away from the vehicle as soon as possible and then call the fire alarm number 119 for help to ensure personal safety.

How to choose a vehicle fire extinguisher?

  • Be sure to purchase through formal channels and check whether the CCC compulsory certification mark is applied.
  • Vehicle-mounted fire extinguishers can be selected as dry powder type and water-based type. Dry powder fire extinguishers can extinguish more types of fires, and water-based fire extinguishers have better resistance to re-ignition.
  • The on-board fire extinguisher also needs to be checked regularly to ensure that the bottle is not damaged and that the pointer is in the green area.
Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

△ Source: Shandong Fire Department

How to place the car fire extinguisher?

It is recommended to place within easy reach

1. Left front door storage compartment

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

2. Co-pilot glove box

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

3. Fix under the seat

Secure it under the seat with a fire extinguisher. This prevents the fire extinguisher from rolling down to the brakes and accelerator during driving.

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

It needs to be fixed in the trunk

If you put the fire extinguisher in the trunk, please be sure to fix it to avoid rolling around in the trunk and not finding it in the first place when you need to use it.

Pull out this thread! Someone has lost a lot of money, and you probably have it in your car

Do you also have a phone that only unplugs the phone and does not unplug the cable

This dangerous habit?

Hurry up and forward it to remind the people around you

Source: National Emergency Broadcasting, Ministry of Emergency Management, China Fire Protection, Shandong Fire Protection, CCTV News

Editor-in-charge: Zhu Meirong

Editor: Anne Xu