
Secondary structure small pouring pump - 10 meters continuous pumping, pouring acceptance worry-free

author:Luco secondary structure pump
{"info":{"title":{"content":"二次结构小型浇注泵-10米连续泵送,浇筑验收无忧","en":"Secondary structure small pouring pump - 10 meters continuous pumping, pouring acceptance worry-free"},"description":{"content":"二次结构小型浇注泵采用了巧妙的设计,使得其能够在10米的范围内实现连续泵送,大大提高了施工效率。不仅如此,二次结构小型浇...","en":"The ingenious design of the secondary structure small pouring pump enables it to achieve continuous pumping within a range of 10 meters, which greatly improves the construction efficiency. Not only that, the secondary structure is small-scale pouring..."}},"items":[]}