
More than 4,300 "strong village companies" activate "a pool of spring water"

author:China Television simulcast

A total of more than 4,300 "strong village companies" have been cultivated, bringing 1.16 billion yuan of operating income to rural industries a year, promoting the cultivation of 100 billion-level ecological characteristic industries, so that more "hot" products on the tip of the tongue can help rural revitalization, and promoting rural governance, so that more harmonious and beautiful villages will emerge in the land of Bayu...... In the past few years, Chongqing has been consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization, with the goal of enhancing the endogenous power of rural development, promoting reform, promoting integration, and good governance, and is activating the "spring water" of rural revitalization.

"Strong Village Company" takes root in the countryside and adds impetus to revitalization

As a key town for rural revitalization at the municipal level in Chongqing, the rural industrial operation of Qiaotou Town, Shizhu County, Wuling Mountain District, is undergoing new changes: it is no longer a village "fighting alone", but a collective economic organization of 7 villages in the town, and a town-level "strong village company" - Shizhu County Millennium Qiaotou Green Development Company, which provides pre-production, production, and According to the development plan of agricultural tourism, the company collects and stores more than 200 idle farmhouses in the town, and cooperates with various market entities to develop new business formats such as catering, homestays, and intangible cultural heritage workshops......

  The development of new subjects brings new vitality to the industry. In April, during the busy agricultural season, the agricultural socialization service team organized by Millennium Qiaotou Company was active in the fields to fertilize and ......weed fruit forests such as crisp red plum and cuiguan pear, "not only providing services for agricultural production, but also actively exploring new markets." Zeng Ruihua, the person in charge of the Millennium Bridgehead Company, said that last year, relying on the e-commerce platform, the company boosted the sales of Qiaotou Town's "native products" to more than 10 million yuan.

  "Please take a look with my lens, these fruit trees are all planted green, and the quality after fruiting is good......" In Wawu Village, Qiaotou Town, the village cadres are already familiar with the e-commerce live broadcast. Zeng Ruihua said that the company cooperated with the e-commerce team to train village cadres and wealthy leaders, so that they could master new marketing methods faster.

  Relying on the "strong village company" and integrating rural resources is one of the links of Chongqing's rural development vitality to reform. In recent years, Chongqing has launched the implementation of comprehensive reforms to strengthen villages and enrich the people, integrated the development of "strong village companies", the implementation of agricultural "standard land" reforms, and the introduction of "rural CEOs" to improve the level of industrial operation.

  The key to rural revitalization lies in people. In Chengkou County, Chongqing, after He Shuqin left a professional agriculture-related financial institution, he was hired as the general manager of the Dabashan Rural Collective Economic Organization Management Company in Chengkou County, specializing in investment in rural industry revitalization projects. As a "rural CEO", He Shuqin has traveled all over the townships and towns in Chengkou in the past three years, and the operation of key poverty alleviation industries in the county is basically clear. He combined his professional knowledge to improve the feasibility assessment and demonstration mechanism of rural investment, and the relevant projects can only go through the investment decision-making process and effectively reduce investment risks through expert review.

  From supporting large farmers to transform production facilities to boosting the development of the homestay industry, Dabashan Rural Collective Economic Organization Management Company has invested more than 30 million yuan to help the development of more than 20 projects, and the company has also distributed nearly 900,000 yuan in dividends to the shareholders of the village collective economic organization.

Extend the agricultural industry chain and integrate benefits

As a municipality directly under the central government located in the west, Chongqing has a large rural area, a large mountainous area and a large reservoir area, and the conditions for the mutual promotion of industry and agriculture and the integration of urban and rural areas to promote rural revitalization are unique.

  In Dengjia Village, Jiangbei Street, Fuling District, farmer Chen Dong plants more than 10 acres of green cabbage every year. "The mustard processing enterprises in the district have a big 'appetite', and they don't have to worry about selling these green cabbage heads. Chen Dong said.

  "In front of the factory is the agricultural production area, and there is a processing area in the factory. "In Fuling District, many mustard processing enterprises not only inherit the intangible cultural heritage production process of mustard, but also develop new low-salt food accompaniment products through nitrogen filling and preservation technology, so as to expand the development space of Fuling mustard. The integration of primary and secondary industries has made Fuling mustard a "national meal", with more than 160,000 planting farmers, nearly 1.8 million tons of green cabbage production scale, and a comprehensive output value of more than 14 billion yuan in the industrial chain.

  Liu Guizhong, director of the Chongqing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Committee and director of the Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau, said that Chongqing has seized the resource conditions of "agricultural head and tail", cultivated leading and backbone "chain master" enterprises in food and agricultural product processing, promoted the cultivation of 100 billion-level ecological characteristic industries, and created more "explosive" products on the tip of the tongue, so as to drive agriculture to become stronger and farmers to increase their income.

  Chongqing is also building more institutional "infrastructure" to promote the integration of urban and rural elements, so that capital and technology can go to the countryside more smoothly and more rural resources can be revitalized.

  In the Chongqing Rural Land Exchange, all types of rural property rights, such as land management rights, homestead use rights, and rural operational construction land entering the market, can be auctioned and traded in the sunshine. Not long ago, relying on this platform, a rural collective management construction land in Banan District was finally sold at a price of 1.33 million yuan through multiple rounds of bidding, and the project owner will use this land to develop and operate a rural homestay.

  "Establish a unified rural property rights circulation and trading market in the city, open up the channels for the flow and optimal allocation of urban and rural resource elements, and strive to exceed 10 billion yuan in rural property rights circulation and trading volume in Chongqing by 2027, so that rural sleeping resources will become valuable assets and active production factors. Ran Qipei, director of the Policy and Reform Department of the Chongqing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Committee, introduced.

"A la carte on demand" to build a harmonious and beautiful countryside together

Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization are inseparable from effective rural governance. In recent years, Chongqing has explored good experiences in rural governance such as the list system and the point system, and has developed benefits for effective governance.

  The Jinlong Community in Tongnan District implemented the renovation of the beautiful courtyard, and let the masses "order food on demand" with a list. "Some villagers asked for a new vegetable garden to make it easier for their families to eat vegetables, while others wanted to keep the grapes and wisteria flowers that had been planted...... In the process of micro-renovation of the courtyard, the micro-needs of the masses were met. Local community cadres introduced: "Through the renovation of beautiful courtyards, everyone really saw that the farmhouses are more beautiful and the quality of living is higher, and more than 10 farmers have taken the initiative to take out the farmhouses and cooperate with collective economic organizations to develop new formats such as rural bookstores and coffee bars, so that the livable rural environment can realize economic value." ”

  In addition to "ordering food on demand" to create livable villages, mechanisms for mobilizing villagers to actively participate in the construction of Bayu and the United States, such as the evaluation of rural "beautiful courtyards" and the points of rural living environment, have also been matured.

  In Liuying Village, Tuqiao Town, Tongliang District, the villagers will hang the sign of "The Most Beautiful Courtyard" in a conspicuous place in front of the house. The "most beautiful courtyard" is the result of the villagers' hard work, point by point, and evaluation.

  In Liuying Village, a village leader and two villager representatives are the graders, and the courtyard and interior are clean and the interior is scored 1 point, and no white garbage is awarded 1 point...... A lot of points can not only win honors, but also redeem prizes. "In the past, cleaning the courtyard and beautifying the environment depended on the mobilization of village cadres. The cadres of Liuying Village said that now they are engaged in hygiene, get points, and redeem prizes, and gradually let the villagers develop good habits of cleanliness and hygiene, and loving and protecting beauty has become a consciousness.

  "In Chongqing, to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization, it is necessary to rely on reform, integration, and governance, and do a good job in enhancing the endogenous development momentum of the countryside, so as to draw a new picture of rural revitalization with ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity. Liu Guizhong told reporters.

Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph