
No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station


Language is the key to human cognition, socialization and learning, and early childhood development is an important stage of language learning. At present, children with language disorders still exist in the child population, and the most common of them is language delay. So, what are the causes of children's language retardation, and how can we solve the dilemma of children not speaking?

The 186th issue of "First Health" invited Bao Chun, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of the First People's Hospital of Xiangyang City, and Wu Lin, a speech therapist, to take us to understand the relevant knowledge of children's language disorders.

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life
No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

Those things about language delays in children

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

Hao Hao, who is more than two years old this year, looks cute and is a handsome little cute baby. Just half a year ago, the family found that Hao Hao rarely looked at people, and he didn't respond when his name was called, and he liked to play by himself. After discovering Haohao's unusual behavior, the family decided to take him to the hospital for a look.

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

Wu Lin, a speech therapist at the First People's Hospital of Xiangyang City, said that the patient came at the age of one year and nine months, and when he did the language development examination and assessment, he was shown to be at a level of less than one year old, but his actual age was one year and nine months, so he was nearly 10 months behind.

It turned out that Hao Hao usually doesn't like to communicate with people because of language development problems. After hearing this, Haohao's mother didn't think about it, and decided to follow the doctor's advice to give the child regular rehabilitation treatment.

Half a year has passed, and now Haohao's eye contact has made significant progress compared with before, and he can also pronounce some words in the case of imitation, such as mother, Guoguo, there is obvious progress compared to before.

1. Is the concept of a child who speaks late is "a noble person who speaks late"?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

If a child cannot take the initiative to express a meaningful word at the age of 1, such as a mother, who cannot reach a vocabulary of about 50 words at the age of two, and cannot speak simple sentences at the age of three, it means that the child has language development delay, which is often related to neurodevelopmental disorders and needs to be paid attention to.

A large body of scientific evidence shows that the language ability of 3-year-olds predicts the reading ability of children after entering primary school, and that children who lag behind in language ability are also quite backward in most reading skills, and these children will perform poorly in schooling, employment, and the ability to contribute to society in the future.

Therefore, the view that the noble man is late is unscientific.

2. What are the manifestations of language delay?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

1. Speak late, for example, you can't call people after the age of one.

2. Slow development, for example, after starting to speak, the language development process is slower than that of normal children.

3. Low skills, such as low language skills although they can speak, and they can only communicate with simple words and cannot speak phrases or sentences.

4. Poor comprehension refers to difficulty in language comprehension or difficulty in following instructions.

3. What diseases may cause language delay in children?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

Language delay is common in the following conditions: hearing impairment, childhood autism, mental retardation, idiopathic language delay, poor language environment, etc.

4. If the child's language development is delayed, can he take medicine and injections?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

To date, there is no oral or injectable drug in the world that can be used for speech delay in children. The scientifically based treatment currently recognized internationally is the provision of professional rehabilitation and parent training for children.

Speech therapists develop the direction and plan of children's rehabilitation treatment according to a comprehensive language assessment, help children develop pre-language skills, play skills, language communication skills, social interaction skills, and assist parents in the process of language therapy with children, and help parents learn to effectively interact and communicate with children in life to promote children's language development.

5. Will the child not be able to speak because the family members speak different languages?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

A large number of studies on children's language development have shown that the milestones of language development in bilingual and monolingual environments are very similar, indicating that multilingual environments do not inherently cause language delay. More often than not, the child's own intellectual development is abnormal.

6. Is it possible to use mobile phones, computers and TV programs to help children's language development?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

Computers, televisions and mobile phones cannot give children the necessary eye contact in normal interactions, nor can they adjust the intonation and vocabulary according to the expressions and gestures of infants and young children, electronic products can only be one-way input language, and a large number of studies have proved that infants and young children need to learn language through interaction with adults in the process of play.

7. How to distinguish autism and developmental delay in children?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

From the eyes: Children with developmental delay have eye contact with others, and children with autism have hollow eyes

From the perspective of receptivity, children with developmental delay can generally accept changes in the environment and objects, but it is difficult for children with autism to adapt and accept once they leave the original environment.

From the point of view of performance: both will have language cognitive lag, but autism may also be accompanied by stereotyped repetitive actions such as turning in circles, looking at hands, and walking on tiptoe.

From a social perspective: Children with language delay are socially aware, and children with autism prefer to play alone.

8. I also heard a saying that if the child speaks clearly, it is good to cut the tongue tie, is this understanding correct?

No. 1 Health丨Don't let "noble people speak late" ruin a child's life

In fact, tongue-tie has little effect on language, and children with tongue-tie generally improve naturally at the age of four to five. Numerous studies have proven that even tongue-tie is too short and can affect only some of your child's pronunciation, such as the tip of the tongue and the tongue sound.

If your child's pronunciation is slurred, there may be dysarthria. It is necessary to go to the hospital for a formal examination to clarify the reason, and do not cut the tongue tie at will.

If you want to know more about health, please lock in "First Health".

Broadcast time:

XYTV-2 Economic Life Channel

The premiere is at 18:45, the replay is at 20:05 and 22:35, and the next day is replayed at 12:40


11:20 a.m. and 17:40 p.m

(Reproduced without permission)

Source: Xiangyang Rong Media Center Economic Life Channel

记者:樊成城 | 通讯员:龚波 刘晓东

编发:刘鹏 | 编辑:刘俊炎

责编:何雯 | 审核:曾春满