
People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

Author: Insight Leyla

All the incomprehensions and doubts of life can be found in the book.

Mr. Lin Yutang once compared people who don't study to "people trapped in prison".

Such a person is imprisoned by the world before him.

He only talked to a few friends and acquaintances, and only saw what was happening around him.

He is destined to be confined to the one-third of an acre in front of him, and cannot see the vastness of the world.

But as soon as he picked up a book, he immediately entered a very different world.

Because books are like a vast starry sky, endless and inclusive, they can give everyone equal wisdom.

As the People's Daily said: "Reading is the process of making oneself expansive." Where footsteps can't be measured, words can. The life that you can't experience, books will take you to meet. ”

Reading books allows people to experience a life that is different from the real world, and to see scenery that is completely invisible on weekdays.

"People's Daily" recommends 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern.

When you read them one by one, you will be able to get rid of your narrow vision and gain insight into a wider life.


Why read some literature?

Why do we need to read literature?

Scholar Chen Zhongyi said: "People live a lifetime, the grass grows a spring, and people can't bow to their relatives in everything and everywhere." However, the life situations and life experiences that literature can provide are almost infinite. ”

In our short lives, we can experience and know so little.

But as long as you open a literary book, you can travel in other people's minds.

You will peek into the darkness and light of this society, feel the love and hate that you have never felt, and experience life experiences other than real life.

When you open Lu Yao's "Ordinary World", you will see the suffering of the times, personal struggle and redemption;

When you open Mo Yan's "Frog", you will reflect and review your life;

When you open Chen Zhongzhong's "White Deer Plain", you will understand the oppression of suffering on people, so that you will cherish the life in front of you even more......

Some people say that literature is the protective shell of reality, the breakthrough between words, and the invigorating agent of the soul.

Those emotions that you can't put into words are properly expressed in the literary world.

If you are confused about life at this time, you may wish to read the following three books.

They will use the most simple words to help you get rid of the trivial shackles of reality and make your world bright and clear.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why read some history?

I have always felt that reading history is another form of "time travel".

When you hold a history book in your hand, you can appreciate the vastness of the Milky Way in the universe and feel the charm of the long river of time.

You will witness the ups and downs of China for 5,000 years, feel the changes on the other side of the ocean, and understand the pain and tragedy brought about by the war.

The vast scrolls of mankind are found between the lines of history books.

As the saying goes: learn from the past and know the future.

As you travel through history, you can hear the wisdom and experience of different eras.

For example, Zeng Guofan's inspiration, Su Shi's twists and turns, Wu Zetian's ambition, and Qu Yuan's depression......

In the magnificent historical years, whether it is a romantic figure or a peddler's pawn, they all have their own predicaments.

Compared with them, his current troubles are just a drop in the ocean.

If you understand this, you will be able to face the reality of prison with a broader pattern, so as to live a better life.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why read some philosophy?

Socrates said: An unexamined life is not worth living.

In fact, the process of reading philosophy is a process of examination.

Look at yourself, but also look at the world.

I remember that Heraclitus, in order to seek the true meaning of change, once said the famous sentence "It is impossible for a man to step into the same river twice".

Later, philosophers began to discuss, "Does the mind exist?"

After the development of mathematics, philosophers asked, "Are prime numbers real?"

In the process of reading philosophy, you often find an interesting phenomenon:

Many times there is no standard answer to those philosophical questions.

However, in the process of discussing problems, human rationality has rapidly germinated and grown.

As Dai Jianye, a professor at Central China Normal University, said:

"People who read philosophy are able to look at problems with a critical and dialectical eye, and the choices they make are more intellectual. ”

So if you also have all kinds of confusion about the world, take a look at the following philosophy books.

They can help you get out of your narrow vision and gain insight into life with a sharper and wiser eye.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why read some economics?

Harvard professor Gregory Mankiw once described economics as the study of the daily affairs of human life.

So, as ordinary people, why should we study economics?

The reason for this is simple: it helps you better understand and manage your money.

When you are a student, you can spend more time on your living expenses by reading economics;

When you enter the society and read economics, you will know how much you should spend on spending and how much you should save on.

When you start a business, read economics, and you can understand how much price you should set for your products and how much profit you should make.

Even if you don't care about your finances, you can benefit a lot from studying economics.

You'll start to understand:

Why is it so difficult to find apartments in Beijing and Shanghai?

Why do stars get paid so much for starring in movies?

Why are the standard of living particularly low in many African countries?

Why is it easy to find a job in some years and difficult in others?

These questions that haunt us in our daily lives are actually answered in the following economics books.

When you read them, your knowledge will be more open, and your control over your money will be easier.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why study some sociology?

Marx famously said: The task of philosophy is to explain the world, and the task of sociology is to transform the world.

Each of us is a member of society from birth.

Your relationship with others is called social relationship;

Your interactions with others are called social interactions.

The rules and regulations that govern your behavior are called social norms.

Therefore, sociology is actually a discipline that studies and transforms society.

For example, from the Second World War to the present, countries have undergone unprecedented changes.

The development of transportation has broken the constraints of geographical space and time;

The rise of the Internet has brought about tremendous changes in the social division of labor and people's income patterns......

In the process of social change, it often brings countless benefits to human beings, but also brings many negative impacts.

So, if you also have a strong interest in social development, you may want to read the following books.

They will refresh your perception of reality, and will also help you look at the changes in society from a macro perspective, helping you to survive better.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why read a little business?

If economics is about helping you understand money, then business is about helping you create money.

Many people think that business is far away and that it is a wealth game for entrepreneurs.

But the reality is quite the opposite: business exists in the lives of each of us.

Like what:

To buy a house or not to buy a house?

Do you want to open a store?

What direction to choose for a side hustle?

How can you tell the difference between an investment and a trap?


All of these are covered by business.

If you haven't read a business book, you may be overwhelmed by these questions.

Even some of the most common business phenomena may seem like a fog to you.

But if you can calm down and read the following business books, you will be able to see the rules of wealth flow more easily than the average person.

In the process of making money, you will also have an advantage over the average person.

The more knowledge you have, the broader your thinking and the greater your likelihood of success.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why read some art?

In 1974, at the age of 19, Jobs dropped out of Stanford University.

With no classes to go to, he wandered around the campus.

By chance, he heard about a course on calligraphy and became interested in it.

Subsequently, he began to study various fonts and strokes and took them into his mind.

Years later, Jobs and Wads founded Apple together.

He decided to introduce these fonts into the computer, giving the computer an unprecedented beauty and vitality.

This was the precursor to Apple's aesthetic.

So why should we read about art?

Art doesn't directly teach you how to succeed, but it invisibly cultivates your aesthetic and stimulates your creativity.

More importantly, it can make your mind less boring and make your life richer.

When you master the skills of photography, your circle of friends will have more visual enjoyment;

When you fall in love with gardening, your body and mind will find peace in the greenery;

As you begin to explore the mysteries of the artifacts, your soul will become deeper and thicker......

All the art books you have read will subtly cultivate a better taste and higher style of you.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern


Why should you read some about the psychology of marriage and love?

Marriage and love is a complex science.

Some people can go from staying together to being strangers, from being tied to flying separately in the daily life of chickens, flying dogs, and jumping.

But there are also people who can survive the trivialities of firewood, rice, oil and salt, so that the feelings become stronger and longer over the years.

In the final analysis, it depends on whether a person has the correct understanding and opinion of love and marriage.

So, whether you are single, in a relationship, or married, you should read the following 3 marriage and love books.

"Falling in Love with Pas de Deux" will teach you how to deal with conflicts in marriage;

"Evolutionary Psychology" will teach you how to understand the hearts of your lover and build a more intimate relationship;

"Hijacked Private Life" will teach you how to grasp the balance in your relationship and make the relationship more durable.

Read them all thoroughly, and you will be able to live a happier life in the process of marriage and love.

People's Daily recommends: 30 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

Gorky said: "The more I read, the closer I get to the world and the more I understand the meaning of life." ”

If you also have a lot of doubts about life, you might as well take a look at these 30 books recommended by the People's Daily.

Let the book be the antidote to you, the ladder to the heights.

Always believe that reading is the best way to answer questions and broaden your horizons.

Like it, calm down and read the books, absorb the wisdom in the books, every book you have read will make you meet a better you.