
The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

author:Shi Hailiu year

With the continuous improvement and development of the national taxation system, the State Administration of Taxation has increasingly strict requirements for colleges and majors in the recruitment of civil servants. This requires not only candidates to have solid professional knowledge, but also to have high comprehensive quality and practical ability.

Finance and economics majors, such as accounting, financial management, taxation and economics, have always been popular majors recruited by the State Administration of Taxation. These majors cover a variety of fields such as taxation, finance, and economics, providing candidates with a wealth of knowledge and practical experience. In tax work, graduates majoring in finance and economics can quickly adapt to job requirements, be familiar with tax processes and tax regulations, and contribute to the national tax work.

Law majors, such as law, jurisprudence, administration, and political science and administration, are also among the majors favored by the State Administration of Taxation. These majors have cultivated a large number of talents with legal literacy and administrative management ability, who can be proficient in laws and regulations in tax work, administer according to law, and ensure the legitimacy and fairness of tax work.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

Management majors, such as business management, human resource management and public affairs management, are also valued by the State Administration of Taxation. Graduates of these majors have strong abilities in organization and management, communication and coordination, and decision-making analysis, and are able to take on a variety of positions in tax work and promote the modernization and scientificization of tax management.

Information technology majors, such as computer science and technology, information management and information systems, are particularly important in the current digital era. With the continuous advancement of tax informatization, graduates of these majors play an increasingly important role in tax work. They not only have a wealth of computer knowledge and technology, but also can use information technology to improve the efficiency and accuracy of tax work.

To apply for the civil service examination of the State Administration of Taxation, you need to have solid professional knowledge and high comprehensive quality. Candidates of different majors can give full play to their own strengths and advantages in tax work and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the country's taxation cause.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

1. Analysis of the ranking of national financial and economic universities in 2022 and 2023

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ranked first, Central University of Finance and Economics ranked second, University of International Business and Economics ranked third, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics ranked fourth, and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law ranked fifth.

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics and University of International Business and Economics, known as "two finances and one trade", are the top financial colleges and universities in the country, and they are also the most favorite financial universities among candidates.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics ranked sixth, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ranked seventh, Capital University of Economics and Business ranked eighth, Zhejiang Gongshang University ranked ninth, and Beijing Technology and Business University ranked tenth.

In addition, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Nanjing Audit University, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Henan University of Economics and Law, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Beijing Wuzi University and other institutions ranked 11-20 respectively.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

2. 2023 National Ranking of Law Schools

Six universities, including China University of Political Science and Law, Wuhan University, Chinese Renmin University, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, and Peking University, are among the top six law schools in China, that is, the top 3% of law schools in China. Ranked 1st-6th among national universities.

Eight universities, including Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Jilin University, Sichuan University, Xiamen University, and Northwest University of Political Science and Law, rank second in the law school, that is, the top 7% of institutions. Ranked 7th-14th.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

Nanjing Normal University, Shandong University, Nanjing University, Southeast University, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Xiangtan University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Fudan University, Hunan University, Hainan University, Tianjin University and other 10 colleges and universities are in the top 12% of China's first-class pre-school level, ranking 15-25th in the country.

Below, let's take a look at the top 90 universities and their hired numbers in the "2024 Admission Data of the State Taxation Bureau".

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

3. Recruitment of "Double Non-African Universities" (65 colleges and universities in total)

Shandong University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 184 people, ranking first. "Double non-colleges" ranked first in the number of hires in the national brand unit, which many people did not expect. Graduates with the halo of "985 Project University", "211 Project University" and "Double First-Class Construction University", why can't they compete with "Double Non-Universities"?

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 150 people, ranking tied for second place. Yunnan University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 149 people, ranking fourth. Nanjing University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 145 people, ranking fifth. Shanxi University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 144 people, ranking sixth.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 141 people, ranking seventh. Nanjing Audit University hired a total of 119 people, ranking eighth. Hebei University of Economics and Business hired a total of 117 people, ranking ninth. Hebei University hired a total of 114 people, ranking tenth.

Henan University of Economics and Law hired a total of 113 people, ranking 11th. Anhui University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 101 people, ranking 14th. Dongbei University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 100 people, ranking 15th. Tianjin University of Finance and Economics hired a total of 97 people, ranking 16th.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

Southwest University of Political Science and Law and Zhejiang Gongshang University both hired 96 people, ranking joint 18th. Hunan University of Technology and Business hired a total of 95 people, ranking 20th.

Among the top 90 colleges and universities in the "2024 Admission Data of the State Administration of Taxation", there are 65 "double non-resident universities", accounting for about 72.22%.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

Fourth, the recruitment of 985, 211 and "double first-class" construction universities

1. Pure 985 Engineering University (6 colleges and universities in total)

A total of 86 students were hired from Shandong University, ranking 23rd. A total of 62 students were hired, ranking 54th. A total of 57 people were hired at South China University of Technology, ranking joint 67th.

A total of 56 students were hired, also ranked joint 67th. A total of 55 students were hired from Ocean University of China, ranking joint 75th. Hunan University was hired with 53 students, ranking joint 79th.

A total of 6 985 engineering colleges and universities entered the ranking, accounting for about 6.67%.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

2. Pure 211 Engineering University (15 colleges and universities in total)

150 people from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law were hired, ranking tied for second place. Liaoning University, with a total of 110 students admitted, ranked 12th. Soochow University, a total of 96 people were hired, ranked 17th.

A total of 92 students were hired from Yunnan University, ranking 21st. A total of 82 students were hired, ranking 29th. A total of 71 students were hired, ranking 40th. A total of 67 students were hired from Nanchang University, ranking joint 43rd.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

A total of 63 students were hired at Nanjing Normal University, ranking 49th. A total of 43 students were hired from Guizhou University, ranking 51st. A total of 63 people were hired at Wuhan University of Technology, ranking joint 51st. A total of 59 students were hired, ranking 62nd.

A total of 55 students were hired from Fuzhou University, ranking 75th. Hohai University had 53 people hired, ranking joint 79th. A total of 52 people were hired from Sichuan Agricultural University, ranking 81st. A total of 49 people were hired from Central China Normal University, ranking 86th.

A total of 15 pure 211 engineering universities entered the ranking, accounting for about 16.67%.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

3. Recruitment of pure "double first-class construction universities" (4 colleges and universities in total)

A total of 83 people were hired from Henan University, ranking 28th. A total of 72 people were hired from Xiangtan University, ranking 39th. A total of 58 people were hired at Chengdu University of Technology, ranking 63rd. A total of 51 people were hired from Shanxi University, ranking 83rd.

A total of 4 "double first-class universities" entered the ranking, accounting for about 4.44%. A total of 25 985 engineering universities, 211 engineering universities, and "double first-class construction universities" entered the ranking, accounting for about 27.78%.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

5. The State Administration of Taxation will rank among the top in the number of graduates from "double non-resident" colleges and universities in 2024, highlighting the far-reaching impact of majors on employment

In the list of university graduates recently announced by the State Administration of Taxation, it is remarkable that Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing Audit University and other "double non-university universities" have the highest number of graduates. This phenomenon not only reflects the fairness and diversity of talent selection by the State Administration of Taxation, but also highlights the far-reaching impact of majors on the employment of college graduates.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

"Double non-institutions" usually refer to non-985 and non-211 project universities, although these schools do not have an advantage in the overall ranking, but often have excellent teaching and research results in certain professional fields. According to the employment data of the State Administration of Taxation, the solidity of professional knowledge, the strength of practical ability, and the matching degree of major and job demand play a crucial role in the employment and career development of graduates.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

The reason why these financial and auditing colleges can stand out in the recruitment of the State Administration of Taxation is due to the in-depth cultivation of students' professional skills and professionalism. These schools focus on the teaching mode of combining theory and practice, and provide students with rich internship and practical opportunities, so that they have strong practical skills and problem-solving skills in the fields of taxation and auditing.

The number of recruits in 2024 by the State Administration of Taxation is among the best in "double non-university institutions", and 985 and 211 colleges and universities are among the best

In addition, the outstanding performance of these graduates of "double non-college" in the State Administration of Taxation also reflects the change in the concept of talent evaluation by employers. More and more companies are beginning to pay attention to the professional ability and comprehensive quality of candidates, rather than relying solely on academic background or school reputation. This change in the concept of employing people has undoubtedly provided more stages for the graduates of the "double non-colleges" to show themselves and realize their value.

The phenomenon that the State Administration of Taxation has hired the highest number of graduates from "double non-resident colleges" not only proves the importance of majors to the employment of college graduates, but also points out the direction of efforts for the majority of college graduates. On the road of future career development, only by continuously improving professional quality and practical ability can we stand out in the fierce employment competition and achieve a win-win situation of personal value and social value.

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