
Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

author:Southwestern Railroad

The passenger suddenly fainted when boarding the bus

Critical moments

The station staff rushed to the scene as soon as possible

While calling the 120 emergency number

Utilizing an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Perform emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation

It has won the golden time for passengers to rescue


A passenger at Chengdu East Railway Station

Fainted suddenly before boarding the C6318 train

Fainted on the platform

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

The station staff rushed to the fainting passengers

At this time, the departure is approaching

The station staff is inside the platform

Protect the safety of passengers

The train departed smoothly

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

Station staff provide safety protection for fainting passengers

After receiving the message

Yang Fan, the passenger attendant at the station

Rush to the scene to check it out as soon as possible

He observed that the traveler's chest did not rise or fall

and near-death breathing

It is preliminarily judged that the passenger meets the characteristics of cardiac arrest

Immediate salvage is required

The comprehensive control was then notified to dial 120

and radio searches

At the same time, an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Get to the scene

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

Station staff and

A foreign medical worker in a car

The woman was given artificial respiration in turn

AED defibrillation for emergency resuscitation

6 minutes later

120 paramedics arrived at the scene to continue the rescue

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

Station staff administer first aid to fainting passengers

Rescued by 120 medical personnel

The passenger's condition has improved

The lady can be transferred

Immediately, the station staff

Assist 120 paramedic immediately

Transporting passengers to an ambulance

Go to the hospital for further rescue treatment

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

Station staff assist medical staff in transferring passengers


The station learned from the Chengdu 120 Emergency Center

The sick passenger was rescued in time

He is now out of danger of his life

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!


The staff of Chengdu 120 Emergency Center are also right

Chengdu East Railway Station staff

Proper first aid to take in case of emergency

Affirmation was given

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

Treat patients who have suffered cardiac arrest

The most important thing is the initial "4 minutes"

Known as the "Golden 4 Minutes"

This is the best time to perform CPR

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

Automated external defibrillators are abbreviated as AEDs

It is a portable medical device

The operation is simple and convenient

It is widely used in public places

Especially in the early stages of CPR

Works effectively together

It is to rescue patients who have died suddenly of respiratory and cardiac arrest

The most effective means of rescue

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

It is understood

Chengdu Station will organize employees on a regular basis

Carry out training on safety and emergency care

The station staff who participated in the first aid this time

All of them learned AED-related first aid knowledge through training

And obtained CPR+AED certificate

Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!


The station will continue to carry out relevant training

For the life and health safety of passengers


Passenger cardiac arrest! Golden 4 minutes first aid!

"Golden 4 Minutes" to the rescue

Kudos to them!


On the go

In case of discomfort

Please be the first time

Ask the station staff for help

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