
On the eve of Blinken's visit to China, the United States clamored that it was preparing to raise taxes on China, involving $300 billion in Chinese goods

author:Sun Xuwen

A few days ago, the U.S. House of Representatives finalized a $60 billion aid bill to Ukraine amid a noise, and after solving this thorny problem, the Biden administration quickly turned its attention to China. According to the Observer Network, citing the news released on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 22nd, at the invitation of mainland Foreign Minister Wang Yi, US Secretary of State Blinken will visit China from the 24th to the 26th of this month. It is worth mentioning that long before Blinken's visit to China was confirmed, the Biden administration revealed through various channels the topics that the two countries' high-level leaders might discuss during the meeting. At the same time, U.S. Trade Representative Tai Qi also announced that the Biden administration is reviewing more than $300 billion of tariffs on Chinese goods, and Tai Qi claimed that the consideration of continuing the policy of the Trump era is based on strategic purposes, and tariffs are an effective bargaining chip for the United States to fight with China.

Among them, "prohibiting China's aid to Russia" will be placed in a high position by Blinken to ensure that the tens of billions of aid funds just passed by Congress will not become sunk costs because of this. In addition to Russia and Ukraine, Blinken's other task is to continue to pull the Taiwan issue with the mainland to the limit. According to a number of reports released by the US media recently, Rosenberg, chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan, revealed the trip in an interview with the media.

On the eve of Blinken's visit to China, the United States clamored that it was preparing to raise taxes on China, involving $300 billion in Chinese goods

Rosenberg stressed that Blinken's visit will once again reiterate the US government's attitude on the Taiwan issue and clearly convey to the Chinese side that "the US policy toward Taiwan has not changed and remains consistent." Rosenberg stressed that even if Chinese mainland continues to set "certain preconditions" for cross-strait dialogue, Washington will continue to encourage dialogue between the two sides. It is not difficult to see that the real purpose of Blinken's trip is actually for Russia. However, in order to achieve his goal, Blinken "packaged" the Russia-Ukraine conflict with the Taiwan issue, and as for the bargaining chip that the United States can give, it is nothing more than to control Lai Qingde's inaugural speech in advance to ensure that this "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker" will not lead to further deterioration of cross-strait relations on his first day in office.

However, I am afraid that there is a big question mark over the extent to which this self-righteous "goodwill" of the United States can stabilize the "small cross-strait" relations in the Taiwan Strait and the "large cross-strait" relations in the Pacific Ocean. In the final analysis, the differences between China and the United States on the Taiwan issue have never depended on whether the United States "says it or not," but on whether China "believes it or not." But whether China believes in U.S. commitments depends entirely on whether the U.S. can deliver on them.

On the eve of Blinken's visit to China, the United States clamored that it was preparing to raise taxes on China, involving $300 billion in Chinese goods

It is a pity that since the meeting between the Chinese and US heads of state in San Francisco, the United States has made a series of commitments that have not yet shown any signs of being fulfilled, and this is particularly evident on the Taiwan issue. Against this background, the United States is undoubtedly a pipe dream in its attempt to undermine Sino-Russian relations. Ambassador Xie Feng pointed out that if "no conflict between China and the United States" is taken as the bottom line, then the two countries will not be far from conflict, and no matter how many "guardrails" there are, they will not be able to stop high-speed drag racing.

Whether it is the Russia-Ukraine conflict or the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the United States has always been secretly playing a small calculation of "containing China" and bullying China in the name of "rules-based international order". It is foreseeable that although Blinken's visit to China will not make relations between the two countries worse, it will also not make the two countries better. The United States must realize that when the two sides regard "stopping the decline and stabilizing" as the highest goal of bilateral relations in the short term, it is enough to show that Sino-US relations have deteriorated to a very dangerous situation.

On the eve of Blinken's visit to China, the United States clamored that it was preparing to raise taxes on China, involving $300 billion in Chinese goods

If the United States continues to look at China in the wrong light and misjudge China's goodwill, it will inevitably draw a wrong conclusion and eventually lead Sino-US relations in the wrong direction.

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