
The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

author:Xinzhuang is thoughtful
The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

A few days ago, Xinzhuang Town reported the third and fourth village communities

The "Beautiful Home" renovation project has come to an end

Xinzhuang Town's Baochun No. 3 and No. 4 Village Communities were built in 1994

The construction area is 88,200 square meters

It has a permanent population of about 3,000 people

Among them, the elderly population accounts for more than 30%.

For 30 years, the community has fallen into disrepair due to age

There are problems such as house leakage and prominent safety hazards

In October 2023, Xinzhuang Town will launch the "Beautiful Home" construction project of the third and fourth village communities of Baochun

The project is now 70% complete

It is expected to be completed in July 2024

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

After learning that the "Beautiful Home" construction project is about to land in the third and fourth villages of Baochun, in order to understand the needs of the people to the greatest extent, multiple departments held a consultation meeting, and after 5 months of investigation and visits, it was finally concluded that there are problems such as "water leakage in houses, hidden safety hazards in houses, flooding of residents on the second floor, lack of supporting facilities, insufficient parking spaces, and unreasonable green layout".

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

Before remodeling

At present, the construction project of "Beautiful Homes" in the third and fourth village communities of Baochun, which started in October 2023, has now been completed by 70%. The project not only carried out targeted and comprehensive repairs to the roof and walls, waterproofed and strengthened the roof, repaired and painted the façade of the house, but also solved the problem of partial painting off the roof cornice, effectively eliminating potential safety hazards. The roads in the community have also been renovated, and the underground pipe network has been adjusted and transformed.

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

After the transformation

"In order to meet the needs of nearby residents, the 'Beautiful Home' project is now integrating the housing resources of the community and building a new service center for the elderly, which will be equipped with a dance hall, a children's book house and other places, and a community canteen. The housing management officer introduced.

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

Renderings for the old service center

"After the renovation of the 'beautiful home', the community has become beautiful, and the problem of house leakage that has plagued me for a long time has also been solved," Aunt Zhu, a resident of Baochun Fourth Village, was deeply touched, "Before our roof leaked, we found workers to repair it but did not cure the symptoms, this 'beautiful home' transformation, the roof of each building has been re-waterproofed, renovated, and the roof is no longer leaking, I am very satisfied." ”

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

During the renovation of the "Beautiful Home", in order to ensure that the daily life of the residents is not affected by the construction, the construction team strictly controls the construction time and does not work at noon and night, and needs to occupy a large number of parking spaces during the construction period, and the neighborhood committee, Xinzhuang Town Urban Investment Company and the urban construction center have coordinated nearly 70 parking spaces for the residents of the community.

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

Renderings of the door of the community

It is reported that after the completion of the internal repair of the community, it will also take the "Spring Harvest Hunt" as the overall design pulse to carry out the renovation of the door of the community, the renovation of the wall, the renovation of ancillary facilities and other projects to ensure that the overall environment of the community is optimized, and it is expected that the comprehensive repair project of the "beautiful home" of the third and fourth villages of the Spring Festival will be fully completed in July.

The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

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The "beautiful home" project in this community of Xinzhuang actually includes so many projects

Rectification丨Lin Wu

Editor丨Lin Wu

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