
There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

author:Pick-up grids
There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool
There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

The quiet courtyard is deep, and the nostalgia is quiet,

traditional way of living,

How much natural wit is contained,

The lotus wind chases the flames, and the shade washes the ground,

Always refreshing,

Songworm song, square pond immersion moon,

Tranquility and cleansing everywhere......

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Ancient sayings,

The bamboo breeze is priceless,

It's better to move the bed to the moonlight,

Enough to understand this situation,

I have a courtyard, no need to bustle,

Don't be afraid of the flames, the heart is the happiest.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

As the saying goes, wild herbs are fragrant,

Return to nature and be safe.

Flame Flame Summer Day,

The most important thing you want to do is not

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city,

Back to nature?

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Hiding in the courtyard,

Drink tea and enjoy Pu with three or five friends,

It's a good thing to talk about.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Zhang Jiucheng in the Song Dynasty wrote a poem:

The stone basin raises cold and green, and June is like three winters.


Jinjie Ling lonely bamboo, Qiu Gen Pan old dragon.

Proud frost nourishes righteousness, weeping and dewing spring.

There are rivers and lakes interesting, and there is no trace of dust in the eyes.

In the end, the opposite is opposite, pouring my chest.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Although the calamus is a pot of grass,

But it contains the bitterness of the cold,

An Tanbo, Wu Qingquan,

The precious spirit of the white stone,

It's pleasing to the eye.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Tea is also something that Chinese drink every day.

Lin Yutang said,

As long as there is a teapot,

Chinese are happy everywhere.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Bai Juyi mountain spring sencha has a heart


Look at the frying dust.

There is no reason to hold a bowl,

Send it to tea lovers.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Tea quenches people's thirst at the same time,

It also makes people happy.

The yard is even more Chinese

Traditional ways of living are essential.

There is a yard where you can grow flowers and plants,

You can rest in the afternoon, raise fish and feed birds.

Casual and cozy.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

People need the necessary leisure,

Take a break from everyday life.

Suddenly idle at work,

how to organize your leisure,

It's so important.

Or rather, people are precisely because

It is in the leisure time that the superior is distinguished.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Zheng Banqiao once said:

My life's wish,

If you want to build a courtyard with a wall of earth,

Bamboo trees and flowers are planted in the door,

The sun has not yet risen in the morning,

Looking at the East China Sea,

The twilight sun is full of trees,

In the middle of the courtyard, there are smoke level bridges.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

There is a yard,

Drinking tea and appreciating pus, holding a cup of tea,

Raising birds and fish, feasting and drinking,

Keeping nature in your spare time,

Chat with friends.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

When you are tired, the plantain listens to the rain,

Tease the koi,

Enjoy the rare leisure and elegance,

Leave it to the state of mind

A place of pleasure.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

Tang Dunhuang tunes

People laughed at me for being stupid.

Be self-conscious and worry-free.

Grain and wood, clothes and grass.

There is no thief to steal.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool

In addition to busy work,

To do something useless,

But there is a taste of the thing,

And in the midst of this uselessness,

Experienced one

Joy driven purely by interest.

There is a courtyard, which is quiet and cool