
The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

author:Real Planet

At dawn on April 21, the streets of Los Angeles were still untouched. However, near Owen Avenue, there is a sneaky figure in a hoodie, quietly wandering around Windsor Square.

Suddenly, after approaching the "Getty House", this sneaky figure suddenly accelerated, climbed over the one-person high fence, and quickly approached a window of this luxurious villa under the dark sky in the early morning, and quickly smashed it, and entered it in one fell swoop.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

However, this sneaky figure doesn't seem to realize whose residence the "Getty House" mansion he entered.

Soon after he entered the "Getty House", the nearby police came to the aid of the alarm without hesitation or delay!

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

In just a few minutes, the intruder who forcibly broke into the "Getty House" was arrested by the police before he had time to commit a frenzied crime.

And the "Getty House Break-in Case" was dispatched so quickly because this luxurious mansion is the official residence of the mayor of Los Angeles!

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

After the incident, although the police disclosed that no one was injured in the case, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass was very frightened, because if it was not for the timely arrival of the police, the consequences could be unimaginable.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

Because this is not the first time in California that a powerful person has been invaded. There were even billionaires who were assassinated in the middle of the night.

On October 28, 2022, Pelosi, then Speaker of the U.S. Congress, and her husband Paul were attacked in their private home in San Francisco.


The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

The law and order in Los Angeles, in California and San Francisco, is now called "California's two major crime meccas".

Because the vast majority of perpetrators will be "arrested and released" after being arrested, including the intruders in the "break-in of the mayor's residence" on April 21.

It is precisely because of the California Democratic Party's strong support for "judicial awakeningism" after 2020 that George Gascón, a far-left radical, took office in Los Angeles County and was successfully elected district attorney.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

Gascohen even threatened to ask the judicial system not to "severely punish" gangsters - because gangsters have committed a lot of crimes, but the evidence when the police and prosecutors finally file a lawsuit and charge may only contain a small part of the crimes, so the American judicial system will sentence gangsters according to the maximum limit of the charges against them.

Therefore, after the break-in case of Bath's official residence was exposed, it triggered cynicism in American public opinion.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

"In some places, suspects have a legal right to live and own a home. Squatters' rights. (satirizing the Democratic states and cities, indulging in "unauthorized squatters")

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

"Look at the size of that mansion. The Democrats should let him (the invader) stay. She has enough rooms to accommodate squatters, homeless people, or illegal border crossers. What's wrong with that?"

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

"The mayor of Bath should invite the invaders to move into the residence and live together. She wants the rich to pay for a house for the homeless, so that's a great example for everyone. ”

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

"She should leave the door open for all illegal immigrants to stay. They also need to eat, and she should provide a credit card to help them buy the items they need. Newsom (Governor of California) joins in, come on, it's a party!" (New York Democrats, who previously implemented a credit card program for illegal immigrants that regularly paid out their cards each month)

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

The ridicule of Los Angeles Mayor Bass by American public opinion is actually very reasonable.

Because Los Angeles has now become the city with the most homeless people in the United States - because Los Angeles previously canceled the official statistics of homelessness, as of 2022, the city has gathered 70,000 homeless people. According to media estimates, there may be more than 100,000 homeless people in Los Angeles today.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

A large number of homeless people gather in Los Angeles, naturally because Los Angeles has more favorable welfare policies than other California cities and even other American cities, which has formed a siphon effect that has made countless American homeless people come to live in Los Angeles.

So much so that even Beverly Hills, a neighboring city in Los Angeles and the famous national wealthiest district, has been invaded by homeless people, especially on San Vicente Avenue in Beverly Hills, where countless tents line the streets, like the Third World.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

The reason why the Democrats in Los Angeles are actively introducing homelessness is naturally because this part of the voter has been "kidnapped" by welfare policies and belongs to the iron vote warehouse with high turnout.

And if Republicans or moderate Democrats come to power, welfare policies may be eliminated – and other groups of Democratic voters, who are also predominantly low-income, cannot afford the possible consequences of the removal of radical Democratic parties.

The Los Angeles Mansion was broken into by intruders, the mayor was terrified, and the District Attorney: No severe punishment

So, if the homeless in Los Angeles want to continue to enjoy the benefits, they can only vote for the radical wing of the Democratic Party. And the radical politicians of the Democratic Party will be able to hold the mayor, legislature, district attorney and other positions of power for a long time.

- END -

Long essays are not easy to write

Labor, comment, and praise, this article is original for Real Planet

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