
Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!

author:Wei Sihong

Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!


来源 | 泗洪气象微信公众号

编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!

Live up to the beautiful spring

Weekly weather outlook

There were thundershowers this Tuesday

Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!


Last week's weather recap

There were scattered showers last Monday, light to moderate rain in the county on Friday, locally heavy rain, light rain on Saturday, and cloud changes in the rest of the period. The weekly cumulative rainfall was 22.3 mm. Weekly highs of 25.1°C (16 April) and lows of 8.3°C (18 April).

Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!



Weather forecast for the week

* Live up to the beautiful spring

There will be thundershowers on Tuesday and the rest of the day will be mainly sunny or cloudy. This week, the temperature change is relatively stable, with a maximum temperature of 25~27 °C and a minimum temperature of 12~15 °C. Specific forecast:

Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!


Weather impact advisory

1. Prevent the adverse effects of thunderstorms on public travel, outdoor operations, personal safety, etc. 2. Pay close attention to the development trend of wheat scab and other pests and diseases, seize the good weather and carry out the unified prevention and control work in a timely manner.

I even have to order a raincoat
Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!
Just informed!Attention that Sihong is going out tomorrow!

The boss said that 88 will send one