
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

author:Fresh Japanese

Japanese lady Ideaizo

I have been married to my husband for 14 years,

This is also known as the "ivory wedding".

However, the pronunciation of Japanese 14 is similar to "stone".

Therefore, it is also called "stone marriage".

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

To be honest, when I was in college,

Ideaizo didn't expect it at all

The man standing beside her

will be his own husband.

Because the initial impression of him was so miserable...

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

When I was in college, Ideaizo was an art student.

Mainly oil painting, every day

It's all colorful and dirty.

And her husband was majoring in architecture at the time.

Dress up in style every day.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Because they are fellow villagers,

Occasionally, I get together or something.

Once, when several of their fellow villagers got together to chat,

Husband's ex-girlfriend is carrying a large wine bottle

He walked over menacingly, his little face flushed.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Seeing my ex-girlfriend like this,

He also laughed and joked:

Your face is really white and red.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

And then...

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!


At that time, I thought: I was slapped,

It's really this expression and movement

The TV series doesn't lie to me...

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Who became a dream, a few years later

This product turned out to be her husband...

However, my husband, although a little bit,


And both have the same dream:

Have a soft and cute daughter!

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

But the reality is often cruel,

After 14 years of marriage, they had four children

And all of them are sons...

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Ideaizo in despair

Drew the daily life of his family of six into a comic...

Unexpectedly, it attracted many netizens to watch

After reading it, everyone said that they were going to laugh and cry.

Let's take a look...

When I put on the mask

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

When the husband found out

The third son and the younger son were afraid of clowns

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

After the youngest son cried,

Tears always gather in some wonderful places

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Every time I breastfeed my youngest son

I feel like I'm an arched cabbage

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

After the sons took a bath

Inexplicably, he began to play sumo

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

The third son who is in elementary school

The reason why you want to eat Oupai

Third son: Mom, I want to eat European pie.

Ideaizo: Why do you still eat European pie when you're in the first grade?

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Third son: Because the cattle are extinct, there is no milk to drink.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

ideaizo: Hmm... There's really no other way.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

A birthday present that the eldest son wanted

Ideaizo:, you're about to have a birthday, what do you want?

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

ideaizo: Do you want a phone?

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Eldest son: I don't want a cell phone, I want potassium nitrate, shell powder, charcoal and sulfur.


A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Ideaizo checked it and found out that these were all raw materials for making gunpowder.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

When father and son are happy

Mom's Social Toxic Speech...

Husband: Hold high, hold high, hold high

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Husband: What's the matter, Dad makes you unhappy!

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

ideaizo said: Daddy loves his little son so much!

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

The abs of the third son

The third son has been very concerned about his small belly recently.

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!
A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Third son: Mom, come and touch my muscles!

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Ideaizo: Where is it hard?

Third son: ......

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

Third son (pointing to his elbow): It's hard here...

A young couple dreamed of having a daughter, and as a result, they gave birth to 4 sons in a row!

I have to say that such a family is so happy hahahaha...