

author:Entertainment and music things

Recently, with the release of Kunlun Wanwei's "Tiangong SkyMusic" AI music model, the "folk music industry" has ushered in an unprecedented upsurge of innovation.

From ancient poems to hot memes, whether it is a classic or a popular element, it can be transformed into wonderful music works through the AI technology of "Tiangong SkyMusic".


However, it is impossible for netizens' desire to create to stop there!

How to make your AI music creation reach the next leve? Why not try to use AI to create Sichuan dialect songs!

In recent years, Sichuan dialect songs have been loved for their unique fun! Especially in the rap circle, the pronunciation characteristics of Sichuan dialect make the lyrics more tense and rhythmic, and have won the love of the majority of listeners.

Let's explore how to bring this idea to life.


First, we need to translate the Mandarin lyrics into Sichuan. It may seem simple, but it takes some skill and sense.

It is important to know that Sichuan dialect has a unique pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical structure, so it is important to accurately grasp these characteristics during the translation process to ensure that the lyrics retain the original meaning and are full of Sichuan charm.

For example, "your" can be translated as "you drop", "feel" can be changed to "jiode", and "what" can be translated as "what". Through this conversion, the lyrics can be more in line with the spoken habits of Sichuanese.

Let's take a look at "All Love" after the "Sichuan Translation":


Isn't this smell coming up all of a sudden?


Next, it is also crucial to choose a reference track with a Sichuan flavor.

I chose "Tango by the Sea" sung by Wang Hedi as a source of inspiration. Some of the lyrics of this song are sung by Wang Hedi in Sichuan, which makes the light melody of the song complement the unique charm of the Sichuan dialect, and it sounds particularly emotional.

That's it, it can provide valuable material and inspiration for AI music creation!

Let's hand over the lyrics "All Love" (Sichuan Dialect Version) to "Tiangong SkyMusic", and let it try to be as creative as possible with reference to "Tango by the Sea"!

Find the music section in the Tiangong app, click "Start Writing a Song" to enter the lyrics prepared in advance, and then select "Tango by the Sea" as the style reference track. After more than ten seconds, "Tiangong SkyMusic" realized my idea and gave me three different Sichuan versions of "All Love"!



The AI-generated music Sichuan version of "All Love" is freshly released, and one of my favorite songs, please enjoy it together!

The pronunciation characteristics, intonation and rhythm of Sichuan dialect are excellently displayed in this musical work, which makes people feel the strong Sichuan flavor as soon as they listen to it.

You can also try to open the Tiangong App and create your own Sichuan dialect songs!

By the way, the dialect ability of "Tiangong SkyMusic" is far more than that!

With the same production skills, you can also unlock Cantonese, Hokkien, Shanghainese, and even Henan dialects, and so on. Unleash your creativity and unlock more possibilities of AI dialect songwriting with SkyMusic!

We are very much looking forward to the continuous optimization and update of "Tiangong SkyMusic", continue to bring users a better music creation experience, make music creation easier, more efficient and fun, and cultivate more innovative and talented "folk music artists"!